Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (2024)


A vitamin and nutrient-rich treat for babies.

Reviewed by Huda Shaikh, MSc Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (1) Huda ShaikhMSc Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (2) Specialty: Dietitian/NutritionistExperience: 7 years

Written by Swati Patwal, M.Sc. (Food & Nutrition), MBA Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (3) swati patwalM.Sc. (Food & Nutrition), MBA Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (4) Specialty: Food, Nutrition and HealthExperience: 10 years

Edited by Rohit Garoo, BSc, MBA Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (5) rohit garooBSc, MBA Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (6) Specialty: Baby Health and WellnessExperience: 9 years

Fact-checked by Vidya Tadapatri, MSc (Biotechnology) Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (7) vidya tadapatriMSc (Biotechnology) Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (8) Specialty: Health and WellnessExperience: 5 years

Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (9) Research-backed

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Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (10)

Dates are delicious and are a good source of vitamins and minerals. However, as a new parent, you may be doubtful about the safety and utility of dates for babies. About 30 varieties are available mostly in three forms—fresh, semi-dry, and dry. Ripe dates are packed with simple sugars such as dextrose and fructoseiXTwo different types of sugar similar in structure to glucose. , instant energy boosters. Continue reading this post to know whether you can feed dates to your baby, the nutrients present, their health benefits, and ways to include dates in your baby’s diet.

In This Article

When Can You Introduce Dates To Your Baby?

You can introduce dates when your newborn turns six months or as soon as you start weaning the baby from breastfeeding or formula. Introduce dates in your baby’s diet slowly and preferably in mashed and pureed form. Always follow the wait-for-three-days rule and check if the baby is comfortable with the food. For personal guidance, you may talk to a pediatrician.

Do not choose dehydrated dates since they will be difficult for your baby to chew in the initial stages. Wait until they reach the teething milestone.

Related: 6-Month-Old Baby's Food Chart And Recipes

Nutritional Benefits Of Dates For Babies

Dates are recognized as ‘heart-healthy foods’ by the American Heart Association because of their low cholesterol and saturated fat content. They contain all the essential nutrients that are required for your little one’s healthy growth and development.

100 grams of dates (medjool type) offer the following nutritional value:

  • Vitamin B9 (Folate) – 15µg
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) – 1.6mg
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) – 0.24mg
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) – 0.06mg
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) – 0.05mg
  • Vitamin A – 7µg
  • Vitamin K – 2.7µg
  • Iron – 0.90mg
  • Magnesium – 54mg
  • Phosphorus – 62mg
  • Zinc – 0.44mg

One whole date offers the following nutritional value to your infant:

Calories – 66, fiber – 1.6gm, iron – 0.22mg, calcium – 15mg, potassium – 167mg and trace amounts of niacin, vitamin A, and folate.

Source: United States Department of Agriculture (1)

Sulfites are often used in dates and other dry fruits to prevent mold formation and increase shelf life. If your baby has been diagnosed with asthmaiXA condition in which the airways swell and produce excess mucus, leading to difficulty in breathing. , confirm with your pediatrician about the safety of dates for your child.

Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (12) Quick fact

Dates are about 66% sugars and so should be added in moderation to a baby’s diet (1).

Health Benefits Of Dates For Babies

Dates have high nutritional value and medicinal benefits, too (2)(3). Hence it has been a part of the main diet in many cultures across the world. Some of the benefits are:

1. Fight intestinal disorders

Dates are useful remedies for intestinal problems. They fight with the parasitic organisms and help establish friendly bacterial colonies in the intestine.

2. Protect liver

The liver is prone to bacterial and viral infections in children. Studies reveal that dates have liver-protecting properties and, therefore, including them in your baby’s diet will help.

3. For strong teeth

You can give full ripe dates to your teething babies for stronger dental development. By chewing dates, the teeth and gums receive adequate exercise and can develop stronger and quicker.

4. Provide extra nourishment during fevers

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InfuseiXSoak a substance in water to get the flavor in the liquid. dates in milk and give it to your baby when they are suffering from a fever, cough, and smallpox. This infusion, rich in nutrients, helps in speedy recovery.

5. Cure dysentery

Babies might have dysenteryiXAn intestinal infection that causes watery stools (diarrhea) containing mucus or blood. — a bacterial infection in the large intestine. Dates help in controlling this condition.

6. Relieve constipation

Dates fight constipation that is a common problem in babies. The dietary fiber content helps add bulk to the stools, thus giving stimulation for smooth bowel movements.

7. Improve vision

The high vitamin A content in ripe dates enhances your little one’s vision, thus providing healthy eyesight.

8. Boost immune system

The antioxidants and free radicals present in dates help fight infections, upgrading your baby’s immune system on an everyday basis.

9. Improve hemoglobin levels

The rich iron content in dates increases the hemoglobin count in your baby’s red blood cells, ensuring healthy growth and no anemia.

10. Improve weight

Image: Shutterstock

Dates help in weight gain. You may give dates to your infant to reach the weight milestones for their age.

11. Boosts brain health

Dates contribute to enhanced brain health due to their rich antioxidant content. Antioxidants in dates help prevent inflammation in the entire body, including in the brain. Studies suggest that reducing inflammation may lower the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

How To Add Dates To Your Baby’s Diet?

You may try several creative ways to add dates to your baby’s food. Here are a few ideas to start with:

  • Sprinkle a few chopped dates over the oatmeal (if the baby can chew and swallow properly)
  • Bake them into muffins
  • Plain yogurt mixed with dates puree
  • Add dates to milk for a yummy milkshake

You can use bananas and dates to make baby-friendly muffins. Habiba Anwar, a mother of a ten-month-old, shares an easy-to-prepare muffin recipe she often makes for her daughter. She writes, “Warm up your oven to 180°C. Sift the flour, baking powder, and baking soda in a bowl. In a separate bowl, smoothly blend the mashed banana and butter. Include the egg, and mix in the flour mixture. Lastly, add the milk and dates. Use a spoon to fill a muffin tin lined with paper, then bake for about 20 minutes. Allow the muffins to cool before serving them to your baby (i).”

Dates are sticky and might stick to your little one’s teeth. It leads to bacteria that produce acid and cause tooth decay. Make sure you clean your baby’s teeth or give them water to drink after consuming dates.

Related: 21 Amazingly Healthy And Tasty Fruit Purees Recipes For Babies

Healthy Date Recipes For Babies

You can prepare baby food using dates. Babies can have these recipes after the age of six months when they are ready for other solid foods too. Here are some fantastic recipes to add dates.

1. Fresh dates puree

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Fresh dates have a lot of fiber and make excellent solid food for your baby.

You will need:

  • 1 cup pittediXSomething (Fruits, etc.) that is seedless. fresh dates
  • 1-2 cups of water

How to:

  1. Soak the dates in water for a couple of hours; overnight preferably, to soften the skin of the dates.
  1. Do not discard the water. Transfer the dates along with the water into a blender.
  1. Blend the dates for 2-3 minutes or till you do not see any solid fiber in the blend. Fresh dates have a lot of fiber, so use the maximum blending setting of your blender.
  1. Once blended, use a spoon to check for any hard lumps. If any, blend for some more time, and if there are none, then the puree is ready to serve.

2. Dried dates and banana puree

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This recipe can work as a great dessert for a young baby who cannot yet have added sugar.

You will need:

  • 1/3 cup of chopped dried dates with no added sugar or preservatives
  • 1 chopped banana
  • 2-3 cups of water

How to:

  1. Soak the dried dates in water for a couple of hours or overnight.
  1. Transfer the dates along with the water to the blender. Add the chopped banana to it.
  1. Blend till the puree reaches a thin consistency. Add more water if needed. Once done, the puree is ready to be served.

3. Dates and rice porridge

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It can make a good breakfast item for a baby and even toddlers.

You will need:

  • 2 cups boiled & cooked rice
  • 1/2 cup finely-chopped dried dates
  • 1/2 cup finely-chopped fresh dates
  • 3 cups of water

How to:

  1. Soak the dates for an hour. Put the dates and water into a blender.
  1. Add cooked rice to the blender and pour in the water. Blend them together.
  1. If your baby loves thicker consistency, then add less water; otherwise, add extra water to make the porridge thinner.

Related: 14 Yummy Beet Recipes For Your Baby

Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (13) Quick tip

Snack bars or balls made by combining dates with powdered coconut, almonds, cashews, and walnuts may serve as quick energy and nutrition sources specially for older babies.

Precautions To Be Taken While Giving Dates To Babies

Hannah Whittaker, a pediatric and pregnancy dietitian from Liverpool, England, says, “If giving dry dates, I would advise choosing the ones that are naturally dried without any sugar or syrup. Moreover, since dates may be a choking hazard, they should be chopped small before giving to the baby. I advise giving dates only to babies over 18 months of age and keeping the portion size to one or two.”

Babies have a fragile digestive system. Here are some simple precautions you may follow:

  • Always give dates cut into the size of a raisin to avoid any choking risk or in mashed or puree form for safe consumption and better digestion.
  • If your baby has started walking, make sure they do not run while chewing dates, to avoid choking.
  • Give fully ripe dates with sweet pulp. Unripe dates contain tannins, which may cause stomach-related allergies.
  • Steamed dates are a better choice than raw or boiled ones.
  • Raw dates can be given after your baby grows older and starts eating foods from various food groups.

Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (14) Point to consider

Individuals with pollen allergies may show cross-reactivity to dates (5). Consult your baby’s doctor in such cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many dates can babies safely eat per day?

Though there is no official recommendation for the number of dates suitable for babies, they may be given one date to start with, increasing it to two to three dates at a time.

2. Are there any specific types of dates that are better for babies than others?

There are no specific types of dates especially suited for the consumption of babies. However, avoiding the ones containing added sugars or sugar syrups is advisable.

3. What are the different types of dates and their benefits?

Medjool dates are larger and sweeter, Deglet Noor dates are considered better for cooking, and Ajwa dates are rich in dietary fibers, lipids, minerals, flavonoids, and proteins. Honey dates act as natural sweeteners, and Sayer dates have high sugar content (4). Other varieties include Sawafi, Zahidi, Khudri, Sukkary, Halawi, Dayri, Rabbi, Barhi, Mazafati, and Piarom dates.

4. How can I make a date syrup?

Creating a nourishing date syrup for your baby is quite simple. Begin by chopping 500 grams of dates into small pieces, ensuring you remove the pits. Place the chopped dates into a pan and cover them with water. Heat the mixture until it thickens into a syrup-like texture. Once done, switch off the stove and let it cool down. Pour the syrup into a container with a secure lid. This homemade date syrup is an all-natural sweetener for your little one’s meals.

Dates are a healthy addition to your baby’s diet. Their high-fiber content and good nutrient composition help in a baby’s proper growth and development. But if your baby is still getting acquainted with solid foods, introduce dates into their diet through purees and porridges. Also, wait for three days after the first consumption to see if your baby is sensitive to dates. Introduce dates for babies and only progress based on your baby’s comfort level. If you have any queries, consult your pediatrician and clarify them.

Infographic: Healthy Date Recipes For Babies

It is evident from the above information that dates are highly nutritious fruits containing vitamins and minerals. Thus these can make a healthy addition to your baby’s diet. But because babies can be fussy eaters, we provided a few easy and tasty recipes to help them relish the fruit and reap its benefits.

Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (15)


Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

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Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (16)

Key Pointers

  • Dates can be introduced to a baby’s diet when they start eating solids, in mashed or pureed form.
  • Use the three-day rule to slowly introduce dates and check for sensitivities or allergies.
  • Dates have high nutritional value and medicinal properties, providing many health benefits for babies.
  • Serve fully ripe dates in moderation, steamed and cut into raisin-sized pieces, to aid digestion and prevent choking.
  • Dates can be added to a baby’s diet in oatmeal, porridge, muffins, yogurt, or milk.
Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (17)

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team


Experience the delightful natural sweetness of date powder in your baby’s porridges and desserts. This nourishing and iron-rich baby food is an ideal choice for promoting your little one’s well-being.

Personal Experience: Source

MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.

i. Banana and date mini muffins;


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.

1. Dates, Medjool;USDA
2. Praveen K Vayalil; Date Fruits ( Phoenix dactylifera Linn): An Emerging Medicinal Food; Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (2012)
3. The Sweet Health Benefits of Dates;Cleveland Clinic
4. Sumaira Khalid; A review on chemistry and pharmacology of Ajwa date fruit and pit; Trends in Food Science and Technology
5. A A A Kwaasi et al; Cross-reactivities between date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) polypeptides and foods implicated in the oral allergy syndrome; NCBI

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Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try (2024)


Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try? ›

Typically babies start eating solid foods at 6 months, which is when you can include dates in their 6-month baby food chart. To begin with, you can offer them 1-2 pureed dates, which have been soaked in water and de-seeded.

When can I introduce dates to my baby? ›

Typically babies start eating solid foods at 6 months, which is when you can include dates in their 6-month baby food chart. To begin with, you can offer them 1-2 pureed dates, which have been soaked in water and de-seeded.

How to prepare dates for babies? ›

6 months old +: Remove any remaining pits from whole, dried dates and rehydrate the fruit in hot water for 10 to 15 minutes. Once the fruit is fully softened, finely chop, mash, or puree. Serve the dates on their own or mixed into other foods, such as oatmeal or yogurt.

When should you start eating dates? ›

Smead says that if you're looking to eat dates as a way of making labor easier, 37 weeks (or toward the end of pregnancy), is a good time to make dates a part of your daily diet.

Can babies eat medjool dates? ›

Once they get used to chewing after six months you can begin to introduce chopped dates, but wait until at least one year old before offering whole dates. Dates are loved because they're high in nutrients and considered to be a superfood, but they'e also very high in sugar, which babies don't need.

Can dates cause constipation in babies? ›

Kids need somewhere between 14 and 31 grams of fiber in their diet per day, depending on a few factors (7). Adding plain dates, or recipes that use dates, to your snack list can help your kids reach that fiber goal and help with any constipation issues you might be facing (8).

What is so special about Medjool dates? ›

Medjool dates can help you increase the potassium in your diet, supporting these nervous system functions. The B vitamins in Medjool dates, such as pantothenic acid, folate, and niacin, help manage the metabolic processes that convert food to energy. Research shows this can help fight tiredness and fatigue.

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Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

The high fibre content in dates also helps with digestion and can prevent constipation in babies. Also, dates contain vitamin B6, which helps boost babies' brain development and cognitive function.

Are Medjool dates good for toddlers? ›

The Benefits of Dates for Kids

Popular varieties of dates include Medjool and Deglet Nour. Dates contain multiple vitamins and minerals, including potassium and calcium, and other helpful things like fiber. Potassium and calcium are minerals that support bone health. Fiber supports stomach and bowel health.

Why do you soak dates before eating? ›

This process helps soften the fruit and can make them easier to digest. Soaked dates can be a healthy addition to your diet. They are rich in fibre, vitamins (such as vitamin B6), minerals (such as potassium and magnesium), and antioxidants.

When dates should not be eaten? ›

Remember that your body is very capable of digesting food 24 hours a day. Dates are high in a sugar alcohol known as sorbitol, which can increase bowel movements and should be avoided if you're experiencing diarrhea. Those with IBS or sensitivities may also wish to avoid dates due to their high fructose content.

Do dates help with constipation? ›

Dates provide a laxative effect that can help deal with constipation and other digestive issues. Constipation is a common health issue. This can occur due to various reasons, such as not drinking enough water, not eating enough fruits and vegetables or not being physically active.

When should babies stop eating purees? ›

The stage at which he becomes ready for chunkier textures depends on many factors, from his physical development to his sensitivity to texture. But as a guide, it's wise to try to gradually alter the consistency of his foods from seven months onwards, and aim to have stopped pureeing completely by 12 months.

Can I let my 4 month old try food? ›

Doctors recommend waiting until a baby is about 6 months old to start solid foods. Starting before 4 months is not recommended. At about 6 months, babies need the added nutrition — such as iron and zinc — that solid foods provide. It's also the right time to introduce your infant to new tastes and textures.

Can I let my baby taste food at 4 months? ›

By about 4 months old, your baby should be comfortable breastfeeding, drinking his or her bottle and slowly adjusting to a sleep schedule. As your baby grows and changes though, it's time to introduce new foods around the 4- to 6-month mark.

Can I give bananas to a 6 month old baby? ›

You can give babies mashed banana as soon as they start eating solid foods, usually around 6 months. Bananas are a popular first food for a reason – their natural sweetness makes them a favorite for babies while their versatility offers a perfect grab-and-go snack option.

Do dates help in weight gain in babies? ›

Pumpkins, dates, mangoes, coconut milk, corn, tofu, fish are other high-calorie foods you can give your baby for healthy weight gain.

Are dates a good laxative? ›

Dates provide a laxative effect that can help deal with constipation and other digestive issues. Constipation is a common health issue. This can occur due to various reasons, such as not drinking enough water, not eating enough fruits and vegetables or not being physically active.

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