Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - TRIAL PSI) (Always accepting new players) RP (2024)

JOEbobobob said:

WHAT KIND OF TEMPLE DOESN'T LET PEOPLE WORSHIP IN IT THE MOTH PALADIN THINK THIS IS A VERY BAD TEMPLE unlike Pizzasmcpizzas, the greatest provider of pizzas and pizza-based services. Including cakes. The cakes count because the weather was changed from a pizza parlor to a cake place, and that makes it pizza-based. Anyway! Let's see, let's see... what's DefJOE doing this turn... Could improve the storefront... Could try and smack Aspera around... could heal his worryingly-low-health entities... Nah, he's throwing on another crewmate this turn anyway... so Storefront or Aspera? Time to flip a coin! And by a coin, he supposes he means a bottle lid, because Pizzasmcpizzas™ is flat broke in terms of commonly-accepted disk-shaped fungible valuables (physical money).
The lid landed topside up, so Storefront improvements it is!
Y'know, the trouble Pizzasmcpizzas™ tends to have is, as mentioned, they're basically broke. Nobody accepts their vast reserves of EXPOSURE for purchases, so they don't have indoor heating or chairs. This makes it very hard for them to improve the store, and right now is no exception.
However, a true Pizzasmcpizzas™ aficionado will also know that despite being incredibly unprofitable, Pizzasmcpizzas™ has a large number of lucrative military deals of unknown nature. Far too many to be bought out by, say, Fazbear Entertainment. How do these two facts square? simple! Although the military does not have a substantial supply of chairs or furnaces for indoor heating, the military-industrial complex is happy to supply their endless source of enthusiastic, disposable, immortal troops- or whatever it is they use Pizzasmcpizzas™ Sentient Pizzas for, this statement is not to be construed, as an admission of the nature of Pizzasmcpizzas™' side of any military dealings or otherwise-with military equipment, classified documents, medals of honor, and interns! Also Exposure, because Pizzasmcpizzas™ can't get enough of that stuff, but sometimes you need to get something other than Exposure now for more Exposure later! Truly, Pizzasmcpizzas™ has a wise non-business strategy.
...Where was he.
Oh right! So, although Pizzasmcpizzas™ is powerless to perform any kind of ordinary business renovations on account of extremely low cash reserves, they can still improve service where it matters! With their newest shipment of Military Equipment (chiefly Autonomous Drones), Cakes, and maybe the occasional pizza from storage, can be served at record speeds! They can even afford Plates to serve them on, in the form of defective landmines from the munitions department! Not to mention the classified documents! These bad boys are totally illegal for any non-Pizzasmcpizzas™ employee to touch, smell, hear, read or feel, which makes them perfect for menus! Those reading the menus printed on the backs using its attached not-touching-you telegrip (also from the military) can use the documents as shields while they order, forcing their enemies to retreat lest they break The Law by destroying classified documents! The Medals of Honor might seem useless, but are actually valuable for multiple purposes. They serve as excellent coasters, tokens for a prospective in-house arcade if Pizzasmcpizzas™ manages to turn a profit, employee identification badges, ninja stars, and you can put them in the middle of the pizza like the little complimentary tables other pizzerias sometimes use!

With all these improvements to the Pizzasmcpizzas™ in-house serving methods, healing rate is sure to improve- alongside perhaps other benefits! It's hard to predict what will happen, what with how visionary all these improvements were. The state-of-the-art deep learning systems in the autonomous drones alone are sure to improvise new and better tactics in no time!
[Tl;Dr: Upgrade the Pizza Place weather using a shipment of military equipment, including: autonomous combat drones for serving, defective landmines as plates, classified documents as menus/shields (indestructible by law-abiding individuals.), and medals of honor for coasters, ninja stars, and ID badges.
Intended effect is unspecified. Increased healing, summoning allied pizzas, drones blocking enemies... all are viable.]

10/10 Repeat[RandomizeChargeContentByCharacter.bat] +1 from © and Banana_The_Second.
+1 to whoever of the above did not receive a +1 last round.
"PowerCapacitor.Module is at triggerpoint. Activating RandomizeChargeContentByCharacter.bat..."
"CurrentCharacter==DefJOEPizzasmcpizzas. Allocating Power..."

Hey, remember the interns from the military dealings? DefJOE sure does! You'd think those would be the most useful for renovations. Maybe they could even start assembling chairs using AK-47's and riot shields! But nah, DefJOE is only getting one Intern this shipment. They have a shortage due to being busy fighting the army of some nerd with black sword, so it's a bit under expectations... Not nearly enough for the lightning-fast renovations this battlefield needs! That's why there's no intern-based stuff above.
...DefJOE looks around. Where is this intern, anyway? He doesn't see them anywhere... Well, there's a solution to that! He hits the Emergency Meeting button, assembling everyone in the area, intern included! As it turns out, the intern is an Amogus, a crewmate, whatever the species is, and that suits the plan just fine. After a lightning-quick training course, the Intern has been briefed about their job: Hide behind the various Sentient Pizzas and operate the pizzaizer!

And so, the Crewmate Pizzaiojoe is summoned! (a Pizzaiolo is a chef who specialises in Pizzas, especially italian ones; a Pizzaiojoe is a chef who specialises in Pizzas, especially ones who are also DefJOE.)

Desired statline features:
Automatically bodyguarded by all Sentient Pizza entities / attacks which would hit the Pizzaiojoe hit a sentient pizza first if possible.
Sentient Pizza re/summoning ability through doing the task of 'operate Pizzaizer'.
optional: retained ability to do other Tasks, but less well.

[Entities: attempt to Summon a Blood Pizza (has a mix of healing and HP.). Spend Explosion Tags on Grue destruction if current Grue HP>16500 or <13500, until the current living Grue has an HP amount not in this range; unless Jack-Of-Smiles attacked again this round and Kita demonstrated less than the equivalent of 60,000 Action Power, in which case use it on the knife.
Crewmate Pizza cleans up the Storefront to heal the Variable Entity; unless Metalmalgamation is bodyguarding against Jack (which it can survive if 1 Armor Block is higher in bodyguard priority order) in which case Crewmate Pizza bolts more metal from spare landmines onto the Metalmalgamation.
if the Pizzaiojoe can act this round, it summons a Chaff Pizza, with as much Dodge as feasible.]

The general quality of the Pizza Place Cakes increases! They are now guaranteed to heal when eaten!

Crewmate Pizzaiojoe summoned!

Spacelover1 said:

Kita swings the Ultra Sword onto one of the dark creatures, wanting to slice them and leave the rest to the others.

You deal 10,000 damage to one of the grues!

Robot # 207 said:

The Mech drops the shield, its been stabbed pretty thoroughly.
Hmm, Armor Piercing huh? well how about just blocking with pure Mass?
The Mech Builds The Cube, a large Cube made of so many Basic Blocks, blocking the Grues, forcing them to Smash through The Cube to actually hit any of us

[Fort Bastion 4/15] +1 from DragonAegis
+1 to DragonAegis
Kabula Cannon Cooldown: IIIII

You block some of the grues' attacks this turn!

Crimtane Shovel said:

[Charge Gifting plus RP Shenanigans]
A +1 to Firestorm (Torix), inside of a paradox. Good luck using THAT in your code!

[Main Action]
Os. eW deen ot kaeps sdrawkcab ot kcatta EHT EDROL. Gniyonna, tub elbaod.

© stfil a devolg dnah, gninommus lla eht nekorb stib dna seceip fo Eht Enihcam ot ti. Eht parcs latem spraw dna strotsid, gnimrof a gnir. Siht gnir seunitnoc ot trotnoc, litnu ti si egral hguone ot dnuorrus EHT EDROL. Won, ebyam ti seirt gnittuc ti ni flah, ro gnivom tuo fo eht yaw. Htob yrev elbanosaer snoitca ot ekat. Tub, yletanutrofnu, ni gnieb os detcartsid yb eht gnir, yeht liaf ot eciton eht latrop gnieb tes pu dniheb meht. Rehtona riap fo ©'s sdnah sehcaer hguorht, gnibbarg EHT EDROL dna gnillup mih ni, gnippord mih ffo ni a krad moor. Egral, deggaj sedalb mrof morf eht ssenkrad, gnibbats otni mih. Sworra dehtab ni wodahs erif morf neesnu srehcra, dna eht dnuorg flesti sevig yaw, gnippord EHT EDROL neve rehtruf otni eht ssyba...

Elihwnaem, © stes pu eht gnir ot tis thgir evoba a mroftalp fo ylitsah edam sekips, on tbuod osla edam morf tahw modnar stib fo Eht Enihcam ti dluoc barg. Eht gnir smuh htiw ygrene, rehtona latrop snepo,dna ti spord EHT EDROL otno eht sekips ta lanimret yticolev.

...This was really annoying to write.

[Entity Commands]
Nameless, Miner, and Interdimensional Excavations © are to finish up The Machine's current layer.

Mecha is going to start healing the Royal Flame Wroughtnaught.

Eht Layor Emalf Thguanthguorw si ot pleh redrum EHT EDROL. Ton a gib naf fo sih ecnetsixe.
Sealed © remains stalwart, holding back the last Charge of Sabotage Communications.

The Scroll Golem is gonna be the one to take THE LORDE's punch (Unless Bert does instead), dna neht evig EHT EDROL a tucrepap hitw s'ti tsif.

[Charge plus OOC Comments]
*sounds of mass panic* [1/8]

You deal 13,000 damage to THE LORDE!

Torix said:

[Charge Stuff and RP]

+1 recieved! Don't mind the fact that it seems to have clipped through multiple levels of the Uberdungeon to get here.

"You know what? Between Refiner's Fire and several other little bits and bobs, this isn't even the weirdest thing I've used to add onto code. I'm sure it'll work out."

And to top it all off, Firestorm takes his own +1 for the turn and adds it to his own charge. Debugging the code and all it's various pieces, he compiles it all together into... something else entirely. Though the original plan was to keep adding onto Zaeqult... you know, some of his other ideas deserve to see the light of day too, don't they?

<![if !ie]> Deep within the finalized code, something stirs.

The last thing it remembers is... a world. A world where it carved a stronghold of decay in a once-idyllic valley, all to protect itself and create a bastion of life in that valley's Shadowfell counterpart. It remembers the capability of what it could once do, and how it was brought to a halt by a group of kind adventurers - those that gave it a new name, Martyr, after its willingness to do deeds seen as evil for the greater good.

It remembers traveling with those adventurers to a vast jungle, a place of containment at its center where its abilities could now be regulated and maintained. It remembers that those adventurers begun to bring others like it, though they weren't in time to stop the cataclysm that occured a mere 3 years later. It remembers being lost, found by a jungle tribe in a vastly different area, renamed again as Aghrym, worshipped and feared... and that's where its memories stop as its shackles shatter and it is released into yet another new world.

It knows that it shouldn't exist here, outside of its containment, but here it is. The silver spirit that masks itself in brilliant orange - or at least an aspect of it - seems to have called upon it. It did so once before, but no matter. It exists to help its creator, like it always has.


Firestorm summons his world's embodiment of plague and decay, Aghrym. With 6 charge invested into HP, 4 into attack, and 2 into regeneration, the remaining three goes into a more interesting aspect - a recharging DoT plague/poison effect that should reasonably be able to stack on entities.

Focusing on the wall ahead, Firestorm looks over his setup. Though there isn't too much he can do without mods to improve it... with mods, there's a whole slew of things he can do, and he plans on using them to the fullest.

First thing's first: Tinker's Construct. Throwing down a Tool Forge, pattern builder, and all the other required parts, alongside a good chunk of Manyullyn blocks for sake of having material to work with, Firestorm gets to work on making a new mining tool. Building an excavator tool with a mix of platinum and ardite for raw speed, then proceeding to throw a bunch of redstone at it for the additional modifiers, he ends up with a kinda silly-looking tool that is even faster than the Efficiency 5 pick he had before. Despite that, the ability to mine out chunks of the wall roughly 9 times as fast due to carving out a 3x3 area is unprecedented for his standards, and he quickly begins getting to work... before he realizes that he can go even further beyond.

From there, Firestorm goes through and applies a few basics to himself - Haste 5 being one of them, though adding saturation for good measure and just so he doesn't run out of hunger midway through and night vision to see where he's striking at also seemed like they'd help. Expanding those buffs to Miner and Interdimensional Excavations ©, the three of them are set to plow right through this later and begin work on the next easily!

[Entity Orders]
The Avatar of Zaeqult, not really understanding the reference of what a Grue is, just blasts one, being sure to attempt to stay well out of range of their bites and attacks. His ability to actually do so is debatable.

Aghrym takes a look at the surrounding area before asking a question of Firestorm...
"I await your orders, Torix."
"...uh, what?"
"What would you have me accomplish?"
"I mean, if you could attack that Lorde guy, that'd -"

.kcatta cisab a smroferp tsuj eh ,esiwrehtO .ydaer si ti fi edroL eht no tceffe egamad nosiop sih tcilfni ot sdeecorp myrhgA ,snoitcurtsni nevig-flah s'mrotseriF htiw gnideecorP
Under his breath, Firestorm mutters to himself. "My name isn't Torix..."
Arcanic Mod - 0/20
Pipis - [||||||] - 5/6
Anchor Block

Aghrym summoned!

You clear 16% of the Machine's integrity!

DragonAegis said:

[S-Support Slicer 12/15 (+1 from Robot207)] +1 to Robot # 207

Tom Sawyer gets out a bucket full of white sludge (it's made of a bunch of contracts.)
They take it, and load it into a paintball gun, where they shoot out the sadness and the anger that the contracts have caused at Grue.
They discard the now empty sludge-balls.

The Metalgamation attacks Grue.

You kill one of the grues and deal 3,000 damage to another!

tzaoray said:

This Aspera guy seems very competent, very badass, and deeply frightens me on a primal level. I join his side and wait for instructions.

Aspera smirks, and hands you a very tacky looking glove.

I am going to send you to the Lower Chambers. Find the skeleton with mismatched eyes, and throw this at him.
kill him. Do this and you shall be rewarded with a powerful item.

Aspera snaps his fingers, and you're suddenly in a much darker environment! But you see the skeleton he was talking about... You could try to kill him without the glove, but using the glove will probably be a big help.

the secret to life is 42 said:

The Godmodder will tremble before the might of the Chinese armada which i summon forth from this video, hundreds of Aircraft carrier 003 each of which carry tens of T-59s.

He will? In that case, Aspera uses a bit of magic to trap the Chinese armada in Irem, the place that only exists in the future! He will deal with them when he finally arrives there.


Wade heals the Avatar of Zaeqult by 6,000! The PizzasMcPizzas Storefront tries to summon a pizza, but fails! It then expends 17,000 Explosion Tags attempting to destroy Jack's Knife! Spacelover1 Jack's Knife will lose 17 Durability. You may attempt to counter this as a free action! The Crewmate Pizza heals the PizzasMcPizzas Storefront by 5,000! The Medium Tank regenerates! The Buggy attacks a grue, dealing 2,000 damage! The Mini Block Factory summons an Armor Block! The Avatar of Zaeqult attacks a grue, dealing 7,500 damage! The Metalgamation attacks a grue, dealing 5,000 damage!

Jack-of-Smiles attacks the Crewmate Pizza, tearing through all five of its respawns at once!

The grues are all held off by The Cube this turn!

Aspera is currently focused on sending a large armada to Irem... so he will act next turn! In the meantime, it might be a good idea to figure out how Jack-of-Smiles is still tearing through your people...

The suriviving entities dig into cake! The PizzasMcPizzas Storefront heals by 1,000! The Toxic Cake heals to full! The Medium Tank heals to full! The Mini Block Factory heals to full! The Avatar of Zaeqult heals by 4,000 HP! The Metalgamation heals by 2,000 HP! The single damaged grue heals by 5,000 HP!


The pair of Sanses attacks THE LORDE, dealing 25,000 damage! Aghrym attacks THE LORDE, dealing 10,000 damage and inflicting 1,000 Decay!

THE LORDE attacks Bert the Living Shield, dealing 10,000 damage! It then expends 5,000 Revenge, dealing an additional 5,000 damage! THE LORDE sabotages the Core, but nothing happens! THE LORDE takes 1,000 damage from Decay! THE LORDE sabotages the weather... but there's already no weather, so there's no effect!

The Royal Flame Wroughtnaught attacks THE LORDE, dealing 10,000 damage! The Scroll Golem attacks THE LORDE, dealing 2,500 damage! Sealed © continues sealing Sabotage Communications! The other ©s finish off the current wall of the Machine! The wall crumbles, revealing... wow, that's a solid, thick wall of steel. Why is this here? It's about twice as thick as the rest of the Machine has been. But if there's any place the Sacred Black Weapons would be, it's through this.

THE LORDE's AI changes! It seems to be getting desperate!


AG: Destroy Aspera!
AG: Befriend the people you encounter in the Uberdungeon!
AG: Find the Sacred Black Weapons before the Upper Circle does!

N: Seek out your personal objectives.
N: Befriend the people you encounter in the Uberdungeon, if you're so inclined.

PG: Protect Aspera!
PG: Befriend or defeat the people you encounter in the Uberdungeon!

ALL: If you go into the Lower Chambers, don't let the creator of the Machine find you!


Pizza Parlor: The Upper Chambers have been transformed into an expansive pizza kitchen, which is producing cakes for some reason. Until this weather is changed, all entities in the Upper Chambers will heal 1,000-5,000 HP every turn.
Sabotaged Lights: All attacks in the Lower Chambers, except ones by THE LORDE, have a 25% chance to miss.

Upper Chambers:


[GM]: 19/50 HP, Godmodder


Wade [AG]: HP: 15,000/15,000, Healing: 6,000
Variable Entity [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 44,500/75,000, EXPLOSION TAGS: 0, Current Form: PizzasMcPizzas Storefront

Cake Guy's Cake: Spawn a Cake entity worth 0.5 Charge.
MOTH PALADIN NOVICE: Generate 8,000 EXPLOSION TAGS. 1,000 Attack. 1,000 Healing.
PizzasMcPizzas Storefront: 30% chance to spawn a Pizza entity worth 1.5 Charge.
John Phoenix's Eyebrows: Sue an entity, inflicting a debuff that reduces one of their stats by 1 Charge and grants that amount of stats to this entity. Can be dispelled with actions. If the entity dies, the boost goes away, but becomes a permanent part of the abilities for this form. 5,000/5,000 Temporary HP.

Toxic Cake [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 1,000/1,000, Deathrattle: Deals 2,000 damage to its killer
Crewmate Pizzaiojoe [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 50,000/50,000, does tasks related to making pizzas
Crewmate Pizza [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Respawns: 0 (+1 per turn), does tasks if it did not die last turn
Chaff Pizza [JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE - AG]: HP: 1/1, Dodge: 90%
Medium Tank [Core Block - AG]: HP: 20,000/20,000, Attack: 5,000, Regeneration: 2,500, Armor: 2,500
Buggy [Core Block - AG]: HP: 2,000/2,000, Dodge: 90%, Regeneration: 500, Attack: 2,000
Mini Block Factory [Core Block - AG]: HP: 5,000/5,000, summons one Armor Block per turn
Armor Block [Core Block - AG](x3): 1,000/1,000(x3)
Avatar of Zaeqult [Firestorm256 - AG]: HP: 19,500/40,000, Armor: 1,000, Attack: 7,500
Metalgamation [Tom Sawyer - AG]: HP: 16,000/20,000, Armor: 6,000, Attack: 5,000, Reaction Fire: 2,000

Grue [H](x4): HP: 20,000/20,000(x3), 7,500/20,000(x1), Attack: 5,000, ignores armor

Lower Chambers:

The Machine [N]: Blocking progress! 2/? walls broken! Integrity in this area: 200%


Ink Sans [AG-BOSS]: HP: 50,000/50,000, Attack: 20,000, Regeneration: 5,000, Dodge: 50%, Bridge Universes: IIII, Dodge Exhaustion

Bridge Universes: Summon an Alternate Universe Sans with 10,000 HP, 75% Dodge, 5,000 Attack, and Dodge Exhaustion.
Dodge Exhaustion: When an entity with Dodge Exhaustion dodges an attack, it loses 25% Dodge chance. When it is hit successfully, its dodge resets to 75%.

Sans [AG]: HP: 10,000/10,000, Attack: 5,000, Dodge: 75%, Dodge Exhaustion
Bert the Living Shield [Pol and Kirby - AG]: HP: 15,000/50,000
Aghrym [Firestorm256 - AG]: HP: 30,000/30,000, Attack: 10,000, Regeneration: 5,000, applies 1,000 Decay to hit enemies (deals damage each turn until the entity dies)

THE LORDE [PG-BOSS]: HP: 23,000/500,000[Decay: 1,000], Attack: 25,000 AoE, Draconic, Daedric Armor, Sheila, Partially Undead, Dragon Charm, Ravenous, Solid Snake Infusion, Supernatural, Spatial Immunity, Anti-Housing Adaptations, Mech Expertise, Scientifically Provable Beauty, Unflappable, What Even Does Healing Damage Mean?, Conceptual Adaptational Immunity
Sunbeams: III
Sabotage Communications: III

NO U: Can attack players. If they fail to counter, their augmentations (including Destiny) are disabled for the next round. If © fails to counter an attack from THE LORDE, his Destiny is permanently disabled as THE LORDE takes his nameplate.
Current AI: Helkite Overlord

Royal Flame Wroughtnaught [©]: HP: 37,000/50,000, Armor: 4,000, Thorns: 5,000, Attack: 10,000
Scroll Golem [©]: HP: 15,000/15,000, Attack: 2,500
Nameless ©: HP: 15/15, Action Power: 10,000
Miner ©: HP: 15/15, Action Power: 7,500, Actions are twice as effective against Integrity
Mecha ©: HP: 20/20, Action Power: 2,500, gains 1,500 Action Power when at or below 50% HP
Sealed ©: HP: 10/10, Seal Away: Can delay a charged skill's cooldown each turn, stronger skills require more creative descriptions to seal
Interdimensional Excavations ©: HP: 20/20, Action Power: 3,000, Actions are twice as effective against Integrity


LapisLazuli': Vortex [AG]
Firewing: Just Flask [AG]
Champion Greninjoid: Reese [AG]
Esther: Narrator [AG]
Layn: Layn [AG]
O.R.I.G.I.N.: Decil [AG]
Sylveone46: Cutlass McClaymore [AG]
6FootDeep: Swarm of Zachs [AG]
Zparks: Sblib [N]
Whimsythescholar: The Lady In Violet [N]
Master of Infinity: The Master of the Infinitum [AG]
ChrysalisM: Adaptoid #001 [AG]
little1133: Birdie [AG]
Kitnight: ?
W32Coravint: W32Coravint [AG]
Noctis-X: Noctis [AG]
Dragonwolf73: Niyr [PG]
Endboi [AG]
rush99999: The English Muffin [N]
King_Fuffy: Olivia Opal [AG]
Genhack: Grimcloak [AG]

Upper Chambers:
Robot #207: Core Block [AG]
Spacelover1: Kita [AG]
DragonAegis: Tom Sawyer [AG]
the secret of life is 42 [AG]

Lower Chambers:
Crimtane Shovel: ©
Banana-Fish: Pol and Kirby [AG]
Torix: Firestorm256 [AG]
tzaoray [PG] (Currently holding a tacky glove)

Razor_Typhoon: Pylog [N]
Krill13: [Name Here] [N] (Currently carrying a capital "I")
Dinfinity: Wafer [N]

Destiny: Mastery of Tactics
High-Conductivity Skin

+ Your action power is doubled!
--- You must give out two charges each turn, and they must both go to [AG] players!​

Destiny: Spawn Point
Ocular Implants

+ Your actions have a 50% chance to be 3x as effective!
- All of your actions have their power reduced to 0.5x before all other multipliers!
+ Entities with dodging capabilities cannot dodge your actions!
± This augmentation does not affect attacks against Godmodders.​

Monkey Wizard's Staff: +2,000 Action Power.
Chuck Norris's Ten-Gallon Hat: +1,000 Action Power.
Octopus King's Crown: You are very confident.

Destiny: Bookkeeper
Oryx's Greatsword: x2 Base Action Power.

Crimtane Shovel:
Destiny: ©
Understanding the Nameplate: Depth

+ Copies you summon have more interesting and varied abilities!​

Understanding the Nameplate: Advanced Capabilities

+ For your action, instead of summoning a new ©, you can transform an existing © into a more powerful form!
- The abilities of the more powerful form are likely to be at least a little different.​

Destiny: Fog Missing Piece

Robot #207:
Destiny: Core Control

Destiny: How Did We Get Here?

Destiny: Astromancer

Spoils of War:
Misery: Polar Star. Owner: Tom Sawyer [AG]. A strange gun, with two scratches embedded into it. It looks like it gets stronger if used carefully. Once every 3 turns, it can be used to deal 1,000, 2,500, or 5,000 damage, depending on its current level. The level goes up when PG entities die or the Godmodder takes damage, and it goes down when AG entities die. Level: 1, Cooldown: III
The Teletubbies: Tubby Custard Machine. Owner: Pol and Kirby [AG]. A whimsical machine with two large spires for storing Tubby Custard. Once every 4 turns, it can be used to heal 5,000 HP to any entity. This healing can bring entities over their max HP, if they're not already above their max HP. Additionally, the Tubby Custard Key may be used one time to revive any entity that died the preceding turn, with full HP. THE TUBBY CUSTARD KEY MAY ONLY BE USED ONCE THROUGH THE ENTIRE GAME. Cooldown: IIII. Tubby Custard Key: Available
Fortegreen Crewmate: Emergency Meeting Button. Owner: JOE Phoenix Cake OF THE MOTHPIRE [AG]. A red button that can be used to assemble everyone in the area. Once every 5 turns, it can be used to summon a Crewmate, who the owner will be able to direct to various tasks. Its effectiveness will vary. Cooldown: IIIII
Kabula: Kabula Cannon. Owner: Robot #207 [AG]. A large, somewhat unwieldy cannon that fires three shots at once. Once every 5 turns, it can be used to deal 10,000 damage to three different entities. For the purposes of this Spoil, Crowd entities are counted as a single entity. Cooldown: IIIII
Cyber End*r Dr*gon: Cyber Dr*gon Egg. Owner: Niyr [PG]. Somehow, turning the End*r Dr*gon into a technological terror passed the property on to this egg. The egg appears to have no function, but there is a green button on the back. The longer you look at it, the brighter it gets. You get the feeling you can only press this button once... Green Button: Unavailable
King Dedede (first fight): Abandoned Bandanna. Owner: Olivia Opal [AG]. The lost bandanna of Bandanna Dee, presumably discarded when Bandanna Dee was used to summon Kabula. The Abandoned Bandanna may be given to an entity, granting it an additional 5,000 Attack until it dies, at which point the Abandoned Bandanna will become available again. Status: Available
Shaggy: The Sandwich Of Oblivion. Owner: [Name Here] [N]. A sandwich of unfathomable power, made of the finest ingredients one can find in the thousand universes. This sandwich may be fed to an NPC a total of three times across the entire game, with an indeterminate and plot-linked cooldown. Eating the sandwich will cause a major plot disturbance or critical interference. This will not always work out in the favor of the owner. Status: Unavailable, uses left: 1
The Spamtanic: Pipis. Owner: Firestorm [AG]. A pipis, inert. Once every 4 turns, you can activate the pipis by selecting a target. It will appear on the battlefield with 20,000 HP, and you may use actions to protect it from attacks. The turn after it is summoned, it will detonate, dealing 50,000 damage to its target. If the target dies, the pipis will instead change its target and detonate on the next turn after that. Cooldown: IIIIII
Overcharged Mob Spawner: Debug Stick. Owner: Pylog [N]. A stick that seems to break the nearby environment. And yet, it seems to have a much worse effect on living things. Once per five turns. you can destroy an entity you own to deal its max HP as damage to another entity. Cooldown: IIIII
Helkite Overlord: Shotgun. Owner: ©. A shotgun made of distressingly black metal and distressingly white wood. It seems to have been passed down through many owners. The initials "DK," "GB∞," and "JQA" are carved into the stock. There is only one bullet inside. When fired, this shotgun will instantly kill any one target of your choice. With the exception of Godmodders and other Adventurers, this can target anything on the battlefield and it will not fail. It may only be used once. You could use it more if you found more ammo. You will not find more ammo. Status: Available
Jack-of-Smiles: Jack's Knife. Owner: Kita. A knife that makes you much stronger just by holding it. Your action power is increased drastically while you hold this knife! It's vulnerable to being broken, though, so be sure to keep it safe! Durability: 50/50 (-17 incoming)

Permanent Upgrades:
Chapter 1: The Great K.A.T.E.
A strange red bucket that contains a weather machine. What does K.A.T.E. stand for? Your guess is as good as mine! The Great K.A.T.E. provides many forms of weather information, explaining environmental effects and attack boosts given by the current area. Weather can be changed by a sufficiently creative action and/or the influences of various entities.
Chapter 2: Crossroads of Destiny. A portion of Shaggy's power, specifically dealing in one's "destiny." At an indeterminate time, the Crossroads of Destiny will appear to a player character, giving them a large number of choices for a permanent augmentation that can shake up how they play the game. (Indeterminate time means I'll offer you a crossroads whenever I think I have enough cool ideas for your character.)
Chapter 3: The Dubious Friendship of a Mirror-Entity. Spending time on the other side of the mirror seems to have made you stronger. The mirror-entity's influence? It seems likely, but you're not sure why. If an attack against a Godmodder is sufficiently creative, it has a chance to deal an additional point of damage.

Destroy The Godmodder: War of a Thousand Universes (CHAPTER 5 - TRIAL PSI) (Always accepting new players) RP (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.