The Palladium-Item and Richmond, Sunday, Mar. 22, 1959 Page 23 EMPLOYMENT AUTOMOTIVE ANNOUNCEMENTS EMPLOYMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS Dennis School Honor Roll Finds Three Girls At Top Non-Commercial Rates (For Individual who are not tn business) and Information on CLASSIFIED Advertising Michelle Cheek, Susan Moss, David Rodeffer, and Loretta Bowman. 5.1 Juanita Mast, Pamela Beck-man, Garnet Coffey, Nancy Ad-kins, Richard McPherson, Catherine Shull, Jane Ann Bell, Jim Bever, Kent Layden, Cheryl Petty, Jean Ann Smail, and Elberetta Williams. 5.0 Karen Holvik. 4.9 Fred Thomas, Ricky Boston, Doris Edwards, Pamela Simpson, Bill Kenney, Wanda Randall, Help Wanted Female 32 A LADY OF UNUSUAL.
POISE, and personality If Invited to become associated with a respected firm, this year enjoying its SOth anniversary of service to a discriminating clientele. In lieu of previous experience In interior decorating, which Is preferred, or in the merchandising of home furnishings and accessories, one whose general background would indicate imagination and good taste in design, color, function and their co-ordination, would be welcomed if other personal factors indicated probable success and permanence. Reply Box B-918, Palladium-Item, Richmond, Ind. CARHOPS FOR 8 P. M.
3006 EAST MAIN STREET. COOK, experience necessary, references required. State Line Truck Stop, 5001 NaU. Rd. East.
1 to a. mu for interview. LADY FOR INSURANCE TELEPHONE SURVEY Work at home. Should have private phone. Prefer experience.
Salary WRITE PALLADIUM-ITEM BOX C-505 LADIES 30 to 65 for telephone work in evenings. Pleasant work, permanent position. Apply in person. Arthur Mur ray studio. 4 N.
6tb St. after 1:30 p. m. MIDDLE-AGED LADY for carving meat on steam table. Work nights.
Apply in person after a. m. Monday. Miller Dairy, W. First and Main.
NEEDED, secretary, pleasant working conditions, shorthand essential. Write Box B-916, Palladium-Item. RUN A SPARE-TIME Greeting Card and Gift Shop at home. Show friends sam ples of our wonderful new 1959 all-occa- I 'd greeting cards and gifts. Take their orders and earn up to 100 per cent profit.
No experience necessary. Costs nothing to try. Write today for samples on ap proval. Regal Greetings. DepL 65.
Fern- dale, Michigan. SECRETARY NEEDED for our sates engi neer. Must be experienced stenographer and capable of composing own letters. This Is an interesting and diversified lob with advancement opportunities. Satur day appointment can be arranged by calling 2-6101 or apply: PANELYTE DIVISION ST.
M. Help Wanted Male S3 AAA 1 FIRM. GOLD SEAL MANUFAC TURING COMPANY HAS OPENING for salesman with car to call on factories, building owners, institutions and farmers selling top-quality lubricants. Year round job. Can make up to $200 per week or better from start A liberal drawing account and training if you qualify.
For information contact Herb Sheffer at Lei and Hotel, Richmond, Indiana, from 7 to p. m. on Monday, March 23. ELDERLY GENTLEMAN wanted to stay in home with middle-aged man. Phone 5-9095.
303 North 9th St EXPERIENCED GROCERY warehouseman, age 25 to 40. night shift only. Steady employment for qualified applicant. None others need apply. Phone 2-4277.
Mon. through 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.
FEED REPRESENTATIVE One of the largest and fastest growing companies of Its kind with yearly sales over 50 million dollars has protected territory in Wayne county to offer ambitious man under 50 who wants to make mora money. Farm background helpfut Car necessary but no extensive traveling. Unlimited earnings, profit-sharing, paid vacations, pension plan, group Insurance and hospitalization. If you believe you can qualify write Box A-591. Palladium-Item.
MARRIED, experienced farm hand. House furnished. Give references. A. F.
Un-derhill, one mile east of Greensfork on Route 38. MEN WANTED Men who want to wont This is hard work and long hours, you are started on a drawing account ot Sou per weea plus commission. If you don't intend to better your self do not apply. One ot the largest heatine companiei of Its kind. Apply it 235 SOUTH STH.
SALESMAN Bankers Life and Casualty Co. has opening for 2 men experienced in selling to work out of Richmond office. We will train you in our method of selling and will give guarantee during training period. 1 will interview Monday. March 23rd from 9:30 a.
m. to 5 p. m. at 5 North 12th St. Richmond.
Ind. Ask For C. R. JACQUES SELLING Watkins Products is a good profitable business. If you are needing a Job, full or part time, apply- 700 South 7th.
8 to 10 a. to 6 p. m. Ph. 2-3179.
SALESMAN 24 to 30 years, excellent opportunity to advance. Insurance plan. No experience necessary. No phone calls. Guarantee Auto, 536 Main St TRAINEES Age 18 to 30.
Some bookkeeping training In high school. Excellent opportunity to get into executive-level work. YOUNG MAN Mechanically inclined. Must know auto parts. Steady job, some overtime.
RUSH. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Sizeable firm looking for graduate of business college or college, with accounting training, to learn all phases ot the firm's management Excellent opportunity. PLANT SUPT. Must know sheet metal work. Press brake, tool and die work.
Small plant experience preferred. Degree not required. Must be able to handle union people. Experience in production and work standards. ACCOUNTING Must be college graduate.
Will train in all phases of accounting through to completion. SALESMAN Mechanically Inclined. Prefer man with experience calling on industries in capacity of salesman. J. E.
MOORE, PHONE 2-5357 Van Laningham Employment Service Licensed Agency, 212 Medical Arts Bldg, HABIT-FORMING PROFITS come from using The Palladium-item Classified Ads. They sell, rent, and find jobs with amazing speed. Dial 2-4221. Help Wanted Male 33 WANTED A good salesman for home Improve-ments, middle age. with desire to make a good living through commission paid as high as you make.
WRITE BOX 915, PALLADIUM-ITEM WANTED Experienced pharmaceutical salesman, established territory, guarare teed salary, plus commission. Earning potential $10,000 to $15,000 annually. Exclusive specialties, plus general com petitive line. Write or call; PAUL MANEY LABORATORIES, INC. 402 1st Street, 8.
E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa WANTED IMMEDIATELY, young aincle man for general greenhouse work. Steady year-round employment. Only dependable need apply. WRITE BOX B-920 PALLADIUM-ITEM WE WILL give 4 months training to mar ried man.
age 24-40, high school graduate. Lifetime career in life insurance sales, collection and claim work. 52 pay checks every year. Salary plus commission. Ph.
2-2867 Richmond. Y0CNG MAN between the ages of 22 and 30, interested in a job with a future in the retail business. 40-hour week, group insurance, paid vacation, retirement plan, a good starting salary plus com- mission and paid MAN WITH EXPERIENCE in tire sale preferred. CONTACT MR. SNYDER at Montgomery- nard, tn person, Richmond.
Ind. Help And Female SALES WORK with wonderful advance ment possibilities. No experience necessary. Must have car. Commission income with $300 per month minimum guaranteed to start Leads furnished.
See Mr. McKillip from 10:30 to 12 tomorrow. Kirby 516 Main. WANTED 3 women. 2 men.
21 to 30. to train as instructors, supervisors and interviews. We will pay $96 for 36 hours per week. Apply in person. Arthur Murray Studio.
4 N. 6th St Positions Wanted, Female 36 CURTAINS WASHED and stretched. Can handle extra long and wide panels. Free delivery. Phone 5-9830.
GRADUATE of school of practical nurs ing, licensed, will go out of town. Available Phone 6-6572. HOUSEKEEPING with one aduit in pieas- ant borne. Steady position. Have nurse a training.
Write Box B-909. Palladium-Item. HOUSEWORK WANTED, can live in. 1545 S. 3rd.
LIGHT HOUSEWORK wanted or care of elderly person. Would consider 1 child. References furnished. Phone 7-4534. NURSING.
hospital experience. Days only. Cleaning, by the hour. Ph. 2-5152.
PRACTICAL NUESINO or child care. Phone 7-32S4. PRACTICAL NURSING wanted day or Experienced. Irene Schepman. 1528 North 12th.
Ph. 5-1142. RELIABLE LADY will do baby sitting weekdays. Phone 7-2S05. WANT BABY SITTING at nights or day work at home.
Phone 4-520S. WOMAN desires baby sitting, housework or maternity case, your home, day only. 922 North 12th St. YOUNG WOMAN will eara for child up ts 4 years of age weekdays, in my licensed home. Fenced-in yard.
149 8. W. 16th Si. Phone 3-2455. Positions Wanted Male 37 EXPERIENCED MAN DESIRES JOB aa office janitor or caretaker of lawns.
Phone 2-1219 roomings. MAN 34 needs lob, 15 years experience truck driving, able to do all minor mechanical work. Will accept any kind of work. Phone 4-4392 or 4-3972. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 4-FAMILT BRICK apartment lions with private baths and entrances.
Close 10 downtown. Will sell very reasonable on contract to responsible party. Write Box C-802, Palladium-Item. CONNERSVILLE'S MOST UNIQUE smalt business. Little King Grill and Gift Shop, 114 W.
5th st 75 of last year's net will buy. Owner has other business out of stare. Inquire at 114 W. 6th, Cob-nersville. RADIO, TV business, established, thriving, for sale by owner.
Excellent opportunity. Strict investigation invited. Call or contact William Leonard. Leonard's TV Center. Ph.
Liberty, K2. WE HAVE MANY BUSINESSES for sa-e. EXAMPLE: Launderette. A fine operation that really makes the money. Potential of over $7,000 per year.
Modern and up-to-date. Fine terms. Excellent location that is very reputable. Priced right. Van Laningham Business Brokers, 212 Medical Arts Bldg.
Phone 2-5357. Money To Loan 40 A HOME REPAIR LOAN Is easily available here. For fixing your home without delay, see us now. Borrow up to $3,500, repayable in 5 years. THE FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION IS North 9th St Phone -5303 INSTRUCTION Instruction Classes 43 AIM HIGH by taking training at Andersoa School of Beauty.
115 N. 9th. LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 47 8 MONTHS male boxer. Ph. 8-5535 AKC ENGLISH BULL PUP.
male. 10 weeks old, Robert Willetta. R. R. 1.
New Madison, Ohio. AKC GERMAN Shepherd puppies, ent ages, half prices. Ph. 8-5113. differ- AKC POMERANIAN puppies, fluffy and playfut No.
10 Worley court AKC REGISTERED Basset puppies; also 6 rabbits. Byron Ford. Vt mile northwest of Middle boro. BOXER MALE DOG. 4 months old.
brin-dle color, bousebroken. has had all shots and ears trimmed. 403 S. W. 16th St.
Ph. 3-3SS5. BOXER PUP Brindle male. 8 weeks old. Very reasonable.
Phone 2-4132. BUNNY RABBITS tor Easter or to eat 2't miles north of Hollansburg, Ohio. Quintin Gingry. FULL-BLOODED police pups, cheap. Carl Martin.
miles south of Graenstorlc on Mineral Springs Rd. GOOD HOME wanted tor nice puppy. 411 N. 21st St GOOD PROSPECTIVE COON PUPT months oid. Write, call or see Lawrence Huntington.
R. R. 3. Liberty, Indiana. Phone 7U-K.
i. KITTY LITTER, trays, catnip, toys, jeweled harnesses and leads, scratching Richmond Aquarium. 1312 S. 4lh. RSI for Easter.
Hi miles south of Jacksonburg. Charles Riggs. Ph. Cambridge City 3-6672. REGISTERED Weimaraner retriever, about 9 months old.
Reasonable. Phone Lynn. 2251. SIAMESE FULL BLOODED male kitten, 4 months old. Ph.
4873 Centerville. Cattle. Hogs, Other Stock 2 BLACK ANGUS cows. 1 black heifer. Willis Cumertswn.
2 miles north Hagerstown, State Road 1. Ph. 29UO. Trailers A-13 3-ROOM modern aluminum trailer, 32'. Excellent condition.
$1,195. $300 down and $35 per month. Phone 5-3795 after 5 p. m. FARM TRAILERS LUGGAGE TRAILER 1 2-wheel farm trailer.
1 4-wheel farm wagon chassis. 2 4-wheel farm wagons complete with heavy duty bed. 1-wheel luggage trailer. S4S AUTO SERVICE AND TRAILER RENTAL 1508 Natl. Rd.
West Phone 3-4445 SEEIN IS BELIEVIN SO COME OUT AND SEE OUR 10-WIDB 50-FT. NEWPORT AT ONLY $3,995. 60-FT. 10-WIDE BOY-AND-GIRL 3-BEDROOM NEWPORT. ONLY $4,195 YOU'D NEVER BELIEVE you can get so much quality for such a LOW, LOW price until you've seen the outstanding Newport.
ORCHARD MOBILE HOMES. INC. "A Good Place To Get A Fair Deal" NATL. ROAD EAST PHONE 2-1412 SEVERAL CHOICE lots available. Beech wood Mobile Home N.
W. Sth and Indiana Ave. Phone 8-1696. SPARTAN house trailer, 43', all-aluminum. One bedroom, air conditioned.
V. F. Bin- ford. 2 mi. south New CasUe on 103.
Motorcycles And Bicycles 15 TRADE that oid bike on a new RIXE. Germany'! finest Little's, 1923 Straight-line Pike. Phone 6-4693. 4-5368. Auto Repair Service 16 COLEMAN RADIATOR SERVICE quickly makes big or little repairs, low price.
423 N. W. 5th St. Phone 8-3123. BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service Offered 18 1ST ABOUT ELECTRIC WIRING and re- pairs.
Calls answered promptly day, night, or Sunday. Reasonable prices. Harry Butler, 712 S. 13th St. Ph.
2-2155, 231 SOUTH 14TH ST. Phone 6-814L Sinks and sewers opened. also drainage repairs. Stamey Sherrow, Electric 2-CUSHION DAVENPORT AND CHAIR cleaned, winter special. $9.90.
BUBBLE-O CLEANING SERVICE Phones 2-1913 or 2-1923 23 S. Sth SL BOOKKEEPING and typing to do in my home. and reliable. Write Box B-911. Palladium-Item.
INSTALLATION and TV antenna repair service. Work guaranteed. Elmer Jor dan. 60S S. Sth.
Ph. 6-7242. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Commercial, industrial and residential wiring, Complete installation. George W. East- burn, 215 South 9th St.
Phone 2-5136. ROCK WALLS, CEMENT WORK Free estimates. Robert Kettler, Phone 7-0863. SAW FILING AND LAWN MOWER SHOP. Longworth.
2300 National Road West Phone 3-6805. SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, toilets pumped. Prompt service. 204 Liberty Ave. Phone 4-1211.
Sherrow Pumping Service. SEWERS AND DRAINS OPENED and cleaned by Electric Roto Rooter's Serv ice. Day or night service. Phone 2-4642. SHAFER TREE SERVICE Cut and remove; topping.
Phone 5-9731 or a-4498. 6124 South St- TERMITES? Free inspection. Call collect Brooks Exterminating, Fountain City, Phone 2835 or 33s2. TREE TRIMMING, topping and removal. Also other work such as trucking and clean-up jobs.
Phone Richmond 7-7934 or Cambridge City 3-5246. TOUR WATCH REPAIRED FOR LESS at Lovin's Watch Shop. 204 Reed Bldg. 7th and Main. Zenith Bearing Aid accessories.
Phone 2-1 S67. WAHER PARTS AND SERVICE, vacuum cleaner repairing. Carnes' Maytag Sales A Service. 19 S. 6th St.
Ph. 2-1 6a5. WASHING WALLS, woodwork, and clean ing wallpaper. Fred Lewis, Phone 7-0933 after 3 p. m.
Radio And TV Service A-18 A COMPLETE RADIO. TELEVISION and Hi-Fi service. Fox Electronics 711 South 9th St Phone 2-4676. SPECIAL REPAIR ON TV ANTENNAS. Spring prices.
Richmond Radio, Phone 1D-7-8714, New Paris. Building And Contracting 19 FENCE ERECTED, any type. Stone walls built All work guaranteed. For estimates, call 4-5572. Dry Cleaning FOR ALL YOUR cleaning needs, call Fairview Cleaners, 425 N.
W. St Phone 2-1984. Free pickup and delivery. Sewing And Dressmaking 21 ALTERATIONS, dressmaking, hemstitch ing, embroidery work, bound button-boles. Sewing Service, Carol vn E.
Jackson, Kresge Bldg. Phone 2-1759. CUSTOM MADE bedspreads' Experienced. Mrs. Maria Beckman, 520 S.
12th. Ph. 2-3958. Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22 1 GOOD used stoker, 1 coal furnace and blower, conversion burner. Ace Heating.
201 8. 9th. Phone 2-3303. CALL BADER'S for all your roofing needs, sheet metal and gutter work. Call 2-4440.
Bader Sheet Metal. COPPER TUBING AND FITTINGS Wear forever and prices are down. Gennett Sons. No. 1 Main St Phone 2-2151.
Drive In. Free parking. DELCO HEAT and Custom Sheet Metal Work. Sheffer Heating and Sheet Metal. 346-348 W.
2nd. Ph. 3-6755 or 3-6765. IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH Install Carrier heating, air conditioning. E-Z terms.
Al Needham Metal 225 N. 3rd. Ph. 2-256X. PLANNING PLUMBING CHANGES or remodeling? Stop in for a free copy of our planalog to assist you with your ideas.
NIEWOEHNER, INC. 819 South St Phone 2-1S2S Laundering 24 SHIRT LAUNDRY In by noon, ready at 4 p. m. Puckett Quality Cleaners, 216 South Sth St Phone 2-3141. TAKE THE DAY OFF.
We pick up and deliver free. West Side Laundromat 436 W. Main. Ph. 2-5077.
Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 AGENT ALLIED VAN LINES. INC. Local and long distance moving. Storage, crating, packing. Ph.
2-2528. Residence Phone 3-3502. Monger's Transfer Co. CALL SUPER DELIVERY SERVICE for all your household moving jobs. All work guaranteed.
Prompt dependable service. Dial 3-3713. SAFE. SPEEDY. DIRECT SERVICE Agent for North American Van Lines.
Inc. No matter how long or how short the trip, we move anything, anywhere, any time. HILLING MOVING STORAGE 1005 S. St Phone 2-1959 or 2-2087 TRUCKING Grain. livestock, etc.
Elmer Pierce. Cambridge City. Phone 3-5246. Papering A-l PAPEPJNG, PAINTING, tile ceilings, wintpr prices. Free estimates.
Kenneth Short. 1400 Hunt St. Phone 8-4105. DEVOE VINYL-LATEX wall paint, Reg. $6.45 value.
$3.99 gat Harry Vigran'a. 6th and Main Sts. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR painting wanted. Reasonably priced. Call alter 6 p.
2-5023. PAPER HANGING and paper taken off. J. O. Buckner.
Phone 4-3811. Tailoring And Repairing 30 ilEN'S DOUBLE-BREASTED SUITS made into single. Free estimate. Rocco Sena. 31 North 8th St.
Phone 2-4387. Automobiles For Sale 11 1953 DE SOTO 4-door sedan for sale or trad for livestock or corn. Ph. 5-8945. 195S EDSEL 2-door hardtop, by original owner, 7,752 actual miles, all black with continental kit, save 1.000.
Will take trade-in and finance. Shown at 1414 South St. after 6 p. m. 1969 FIAT 1100 series.
Will consider your car as equity. Ph. 5501 Centerville. 1957 FORD 2-door. automatic transmission.
18.000 miles, $1,290. $150 down and take over payments. Phone 2-4243 until 6 p. m. Saturday until 2 p.
m. 1952 FORD 4-door sedan. 6-cylinder. Ford omatic radio and heater. Can be seen a miles east on U.
Orangeburg Rd. 1955 FORD Customline 4-door. Would ae-Call 3-2193. cept cheaper ear as trade-in. 1958 FORD Fairlane 500 Victoria, Fordo matic, power brakes, many extras, 195S Ford Fairlane Victoria.
Fordomatic, $1,195. Both cars are above average. Call Universal C. I. 2-5367.
1930 FORD MODEL TOURING CAR. 1929 Ford Model Roadster. 628 8. 5TH ST. Phone 7-6851 LATE 1958 BERKELEY sports car.
Low mileage. Phone 1-5222. 1S53 MERCURY Custom 4-door. Radio. heater, overdrive, white walls.
Real sharp. $595. Superior Mercury. South 6th and A Sts. Phone 2-179S.
1951 PLYMOUTH 2-door hardtop, radio, heater, white walls, very sharp. 2-tone green. $296. Superior Mercury, South 6th and A Sts. Phone 2-1796.
1952 PLYMOUTH 4-door. excellent body and good motor. Price. $295. Ph.
5-9399; 1954 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE convert ible. Automatic transmission, power steering, radio, heater, new top. Sharp! $895. 238 N. W.
17th St. 1857 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE. Torque flite. power pak. Raper Sales, U.
N. Ph. 8-1777. 145a PLYMOUTH station wagon, excel lent condition. Make ma an offer.
301 8. W. H. 1952 PONTIAC 4-door. exceptionally clean.
$195. 1340 South 9th Lot 13. RIDENOUR'S, N. TTH STS. 1954 FORD VICTORIA 2-DOOR Hardtop.
All-leather interior. Crestline, straight transmission. radio. heater, real sharp 1953 PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE 4-DOOR. Straight transmission, large de luxe heater.
Real nice $595 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4-DOOR. Fordomatic, radio, heater -1695 No money down, just good credit. RIDENOUR'S -Phone Earl Moore, Curt Wickett, Boots Abbott SAVE UP to $300 on good clean used cars. RHOADS AUTO SALES BIG LOT N. 7th and A Sts.
Phone 2-252S STATION WAGON 1955 Dodge 4-door station wagon. 27.000 actual miles, 2-tone paint, one owner. One of the best. TONY'S CAR SALES 1 S. W.
lath Ph. 3-5155 1949 STUDEBAKER Starlight coupe. cellent condition. $195. 1952 STUDEBAKER Champion 4-door, ra dio, heater, exceptionally nice, i-'aa.
RIDENOUR AUTO SALES 28 S. 7th St. Phone 2-1257 OK USED CASS AND TRUCKS. KURDYS CHEVROLET Richmond's Only Authorised Chevrolet Dealer 20 South 12th SU 1950 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 2-DOOR. 1952 Hudson 6-eylinder 4-door.
1950 Buick 4-door. 1947 Studebaker pickup. 1952 Chevrolet 2-ton flat bed truck. SS AUTO SERVICE 1508 NaU. Rd.
West Phone 3-4445 WE HAVE several Olds to choose from. 1954 on down. Priced right 2-doors, 4-deors. 88's and 9S's. Terms to suit your bndget.
BOWEN'S, INC. 2nd and Main SU. Phone 2-4025 Auto Tracks For Sale 13 1949 STUDEBAKER 2-ton truck with stock and grain sides. Phone conners- ville. 2208-R.
1949 WILLYS Jeep pickup truck. 4-wheel drive, newly overhauled engine, practically new tires, $595. Superior Mercury. 8. Sth and A Sts.
Phone 2-1796. 1953 CHEVROLET Robinson 3-3671. 2-TON. 2-speed axle. U.
West Ph. 1953 FORD V-, H-TON PICKUP $695 1950 Ford -ton pickup, real clean 1950 Ford 1-ton, dual wheel 1947 Chevrolet 1-ton, dual wheel. new tires, stock racks grain bed, looks like the day it came out of the garage $595 We trade for everything. HAP CLARK 615 N. W.
5th Ph. 8-2913 VIVIAN'S TRUCK CENTER 1948 F-100 FORD PICK UP 1948 CHEVROLET 1-TON With grain bed. 4-speed transmission and dual wheels. 1951 F-lOO FORD PICKUP 1955 F-100 FORD PANEL 1936 F-250 FORD 32S -S 3f5 Jt 800 i-ton pickup 1957 A-132 IHC 1 TON With grain bed. 4-speed.
dual wheels $1,850 1959 A-100 IHC PICKUP. NEW 1.7ba Genuine IHC Parts and Service. See or Call Carl Hitchco*ck VIVIAN BUICK 3200 East Main St Phone 2-5325 Trailers All li-ACRE trailer lot with patio, on North Mvers St. Cambridge City. City water and sewer.
$1,200. A Auto Sales. Natl. Road West. Phone 3-7943.
We also buy used trailers. 2-WHEEL TRAILER S. 11th. ith bed $40. 708 19d5 TROTWOOD house trailer for sale.
22" 8" long, nice size for travel or live in. Excellent condition. Reasonable. See any time. Charles Leonard, Test Road, Phone 4-5326.
1956 BUDDY 36' one bedroom house trailer. $1,900. Timmoiu Trailer Court. Space 13. New Pans.
Ohio 19o9 SHULT TRAILER, 46x10. 2-bedroom. used 2 months. tl.OUO under list. Call 3-6938 Cambridge City evenings.
A FEW CHOICE TRAILER SPACES Adults only, Deuoner Trailer Court. South St LARGE HOUSE TRAILER FOR RENT. Phone 7-6333. MOBSMAN'S TRAILER SALES HAS IT! The mqbile home you've been looking for! This week we are featuring the new Liberty 10-wide with lined drapes, storm windows. Hi" wardrobe doors.
6" heated floors, 8" ventilated attic, de luxe couch, large automatic furnace, large capacity hot water heater. 1-year guarantee, all included when you purchase a Liberty trailer. HOSSMAN TRAILER SALES 2200 Natl. Road West Phone 3-3305 HOUSE TRAILER for sale. 33-ft.
Super ABC. modern, condition A-1 inside and out Price. $1,150 Phone Eaton. Ohio. Saturday or Sunday; weekdays call Richmond 2-5760.
H. L. Lincoln. Funeral Directors C. U.
HOWARD FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Cambridge City. Fhon 3-Z0Z1. Personals 7 24-HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE Free pickup and delivery. Dial 2-2488.
Luken's Drugs. 626 Main St. BATTERIES. FRESH For hearing aids. transistor and portable radios.
Flashlights and lanterns. Rinehart's, 611 Main. EASTER GREETING CARDS, novelties and candies. Herman's, West 6th and Main Sts. FOR RENT Folding chairs, banquet ta bles, card tables, hospital beds, wheel chairs, coffee urns, punch bowls, plates, cups.
Super Rental. Phone 3-3713. I would like to thank all my friends for their flowers, gifts and wonderful cards sent to ma during my stay at Reid Memorial hospital. Mrs. Joseph Deem.
ROOMS AVAILABLE for bridge parties. birthday, anniversary parties, meetings, etc. Inquire Manager, Westcott Hotel. TERMITES SUSPECTED? Free inspection by experienced men. Call Rogers Termite and Pest Control IS Richmond Ave.
Phone 8-5665 or 8-4283. WILL give piano lessons in my home aft er school and Saturdays, Mary ui-rich, Apt. 4, Peoples Bank Cambridge City. Strayed, Lost, Found 10 BKJN'DLE FEMALE boxer. Strayed from 602 West School Centerville.
Child'i pet. Reward. Ph. 4941. Centerville.
LADY'S WRIST WATCH found. S. Sth St, Thursday. Owner may have oy de scribing and paying for ad. Charles H.
Buck, R. 3. Liberty, Ind. College Corner phone, 334-F-4. AUTOMOTIVE Cars And Truck For Rent A AUTO LEASING All makes, models.
Prices on request. Chevrolet, Liberty Ph. 330, Richmond Ph. 7-5954. LARVE MOVING VANS and stake trucks and new car rentals by day or week.
Local or long distance. Avis Rent-A-Can System. 300 South 7th St. Phone 2-456. Automobiles For Sale 11 A CLEAN CAR at a reasonable price.
1955 Ford V-8 Customlin 2-door. stand' ard transmission, radio, heater. Only $595. BARTON AUTO SALES 510, N. W.
5th Phone S-0053 BUICK ROADM ASTER. 4 new tirea, new battery. A-l condition mecnanicaiiy. excellent 2-tone paint. A steal at $350.
Phone 2-2719 mornings, after p. 2-4S52. 1354 BUICK Soecial sedan. Dynallow. A-l, Reasonably priced.
Will trade, w. a. Shaver. Phone 2-2607. 1957 CADTXLAC FLEETWOOD 4-DOOR HARDTOP Black linsh, equipped with radio, beater, power steering, power brakes, electric windows, electric seat, electronic eye.
Actual 19,000 miles. Priced to selL 195 OLDS 98 4-DOOR SEDAN White and brown la finish. Equipped with radio, heater, automatic transmission. power steering, power brakes. Excep tionally clean.
USB BROWN'S PAT PLAN BROWN MOTOR CO. 12 North Sth St. Phone 2-3791 or 2-1550 Used Car Lot, 14th and Main, Ph. 2-1663 1958 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR BEL AIR. 1955 Packard 4-door.
1955 Chevrolet 4-door Bel Air. 1952 Chevrolet Sport Coupe. 1951 Nash Rambler. BUD REID' 3 GARAGE New Paris, Ohio Phone ID-7-S111 54 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 2-DOOR. Like new, locally owned.
See this before you buy. IS95. WHITE'S AUTO SALES 3rd and Main Phone 2-4162 1965 CHEVROLET Bel i Air 2-door. T-8, standard shift Ph. 2-1737.
1955 CHEVROLET 6 2-door. Radio, heat er. 2-tone, fully equipped. Very clean. $935.
Phone 2-12S7. 195 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-door, radio heater. $795. Newkirk Auto Sales. 1521 N.
E. St. Phone 2-2917. 1352 CHEVROLET hardtop 2-door, good condition. Marvin Staats, 412 E.
Plum, Centerville. Phone 45S1. CHOICE SELECTION OF PONTIAC GOODWILL USED CARS 1953 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF CUSTOM 4-DOOR HARDTOP. Full power and automatic drive. An excellent one-owner car.
Silver with turquoise sweep. All leather interior $2.795 195H BUICK CENTURY 4-DOOR HARDTOP Station Wagon. Just traded in by a local owner and absolutely like brand new. Fully equipped with power steer ing and everything $3.195 1957 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DOOR HARDTOP Station Wagon. Just traded in on a new Fontiae.
Immaculate in every detail You must see this one $2,295 WELLS PONTIAC, INC. 1420 East Main 6L Phone 2-2322 1951 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4-door se dan, perfect condition, light tan. Price. $275. Phone 5-9821.
1947 CROSLEY roadster, cast iron block suitable for making goll cart, $150, Phone 5-8452. DON'T PASS TTP THESE GOOD BUYS 1958 Ford 2-door hardtop, V-8 engine. Fordomatic. white gidewall tires. This car is immaculate $2,195 1957 Ford 2-door hardtop, special V-8 engine.
Fordomatic. This is a fine car. White sidewall tires $1,795 1958 Ford Fairlane V-8 4-door ie dan. Fordomatic. This car is Im maculate, low mileage, new tires $1,295 1955 Ford hardtop, V-8 engine, Fordomatic power steering, white sidewall tires.
Pink and white. This is a fine car 1954 Ford 2-door hardtop, V-8, Fordomatic, blue and white. white sidewalls 877 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook 4-door with overdrive, new tires and paint i 395 1946 Dodge 1-ton truck with bed, dual wheels. 4 new tires 250 CARL HAMILTON M0T0R3 J. B.
Copenhaver Phone 3141, Hagerstown. Route 38 West Charter Is Presented Riley Cub Scout Pack Cub Scout Pack 106 met at the Riley, school evm recently. Don McBride, neighborhood commis sioner, presented the new charter, Bill Chenoweth, institutional repre sentative, accepted the charter for the pack. Den 8 presented a skit. Earl Starr, cubmaster, presented graduation certificate to Bill Wines Darrell Thorman, scoutmaster, welcomed the new scouts into Troop 117.
Awards were given to Jeff Con niff Tim Armbruster, Steve Fer guson, Curt Smith, Bill Wines, Jim Starr, John Brune, Byron Close Terry Snyder, Danny Snyder, Jack ie Wright and Terry Hebenstreit Dr. Howard Eastman showed slides of Canada. Three girls at Dennis junior high nchool topped the honor roll for the first grading period of the second semester, it was announced Saturday. They were Linda Brown, Sandra McCaw, and Mary Ellen Krone. Others follow: 5.7 Nancy Tuttle, Sheila With-erby, Mary Vance, Nancy Ahaus, Jeffrey Fuson and Pam Cahoon.
5.6 Bob Buroker, Susan Bartle-may, and Betty Jo Bultman. 5.5 Linda Cope and Jane Wyne-gar. 5.4 DorthaWitherby, Larrianne Loper, Caroline McDowell, and Elaine Doddridge. 5.3 James Parker, Carolyn Mc-Kinney, Jane Gandolph, Marion Stewart, Chris Gibbons, Joe Rams-dell. 5.1 Jean Kanke, Joseph La-Fuze, Michael Martin, Joan Dailey, 3 Test Girls Rate Highest On Honor Roll Three girls, Sally Fleming.
Linda Gennett and Sheila Hunt registered perfect grades to lead the first honor roll ofthe second semester at Test Junior high school. Ninety-three other students won places on the honor list, which follows: 5.9, David Hayward. 5.8, Jane Ann Simpson. 5.7, Kathie Kemper. 5.5, Nancy Garrison and Jacque lyn Rickabaugh- 5.4, Diane Ling, Shirley Smith and Joann Wagner.
5.3, Jim Adney. 5.2, Barbara Ahl, Barbara Burke, Sharon Dingle and Bob Westing-house. 5.1, Patricia Craig. John Floretta, Allen Gildenhar, Richard Greene, Jane Hasemeier, Betty Niewoehner, Julie Rechn, Linda Person, Ginger Swope, Paula Weber and Woody Woodward. 5.0, Suzanne Lichtman.
4.9, Michele Bolyard, Jane Cop- pock, Nancy GoodweH, Marge Hue- ther, Jocelyn Philhps and Bob Weisehahn. 4.8, Diane Duncan, Virginia Hage-boeck, Christine Meadows and Sarah Wright 4.7, Charlotte Hiday, Duane. Hodg-in and Robin MacDonald. 4.6, Barbara Greene, Kathleen Haisch, Judy Herbst, Kathryn Hiday, Christie Lingla, Lois Overton, Calvin Russell, Patty Schuler, Judy Sparks and Thomas Swasko. 4.5, George Henry, Jane Kern, Janet Liebert, James Mackay, Judy Maier, Barbara Perkins, Kathryn Terwilliger and Janet Thomas.
4.4, Tom Murray and Greg Wes-seL 4.3, Rita Adelman, Sarah Badg- ett, Mike Chenoweth, Sharon Gilli-land. Carol Kleinknecht, Betty Ling, Karen Meredith, Sonny Sage, Jane Templeton, Tom Tiemeyer and Linda Lewis. 4.2, Nancy Chappel, Dick Grogg, Jane Harlan, Susan McKinley, Quentin Nelson, Marilyn Ridge, Mary Travers and Gale Richard on. 4.0, Nancy Brumley, Ima Lee Carr, Suzanne Day, Eldenna Goins, Harvey Goldberg, Brian Higgs, Judy Huber, Sue Ann Isaacs, Mike Lowder, Dennis Mc Cafferty, Lou Ann Meredith, John Schuerman, Jean Simpson, Ellen Swanson, Bruce York and Leni Zucker. Earl ham To Hear History Professor, Easter Program Convocation programs this week at Earlham college will feature an address by Prof.
Edward Bastian on Tuesday and Easter music Thursday. Edward Bastian, associate pro fessor of history at Earlham, will speak on "Liberties" at Tuesday's convocation. Bastian formerly was associate editor of "Business Week" and left the faculty of the University of Chicago to come to Earlham In 1956. Thursday's Easter music pro gram will be presented by the Con cert and Meetinghouse choirs. Un der the direction of Leonard Hoi vik and Jean Sloop of the Earlham music department the combined choirs will sing, as their largest work, "Jesu, Priceless Treasure, by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Both convocation programs will be held at 10 a. m. in Goddard au ditorium and are open to the public. 50 State Hospital Patients Attend Gray Lady Party Fifty men students in Hale cot tage at the New Castle state hospital were entertained by Red Cross Gray Ladies from Richmond recently. Games were played and there was group singing of request numbers by the patients.
Mrs. Arthur Hopkins accompanied on the piano and also played several selections. Prizes for the games were provided by the Red Cross. Miss Donna Parke is chairman of supplies for civilian hos pitals for the local chapter. Homemade cookies and ice cream were served.
Gray Ladies serving as hostesses include Mrs. Clarence Von Pein, Red Cross chairman of afternoon entertainment at the hos pital; Mrs. Clyde Driffill. Mrs. Harry Roe.
Mrs. Paul Silliman, Mrs. Edna Hickman, and, Mrs. Arthur Hopkins. To place an ad, phone 2-4221 for an ad writer.
Of- if you prefer, mail or bring your ad to the Classified department. Cash Kates Payable within 7 days 1 day 4 day days Words up to 16 .60 1.68 3.12" Words up to 22 .80 2.24 4.16 Words up to 23 1.00 2.80 6.20 Words up to 34 1.20 3.36 6.24 Three-line minimum rata ads of less than 3 lines are charged as 3 tinea. The Palladium-item will be responsible (or only one Incorrect Insertion. Phone 2-4221 it there is a mistake la your ad. and on correct Insertion will be made without charge.
Additional charge Is 39 cents for Palladium-Item bos cumbers. The Richmond Palladium-Item will cot disclose the name of any Box number advertiser. Deadlines: For Monday's paper, ads will accepted until 4 p. m. Saturday.
For Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday papers, ads received until 4 p. m. day before publication.
Sunday ads takes until 13 boob Saturday. It Is Intended that every classified ad shall oresent a clear statement of a bona fide offer made la good faith. If you answer any ad that misstates the facte. you are asked to please report una to The Palladium-Item. ANNOUNCEMENTS Card Of Thanks MARTHA.
CLARK DUNBAR We wish to acknowledge our Bin-cere appreciation of thanks, many kind deeds, expressions of sympathy and floral tributes from our relatives. friends, neighbors, also the Patterson funeral home and Rev. Woods, in the loss of our mother and grandmother. Edgar J. Davis and Family.
MRS. MYRTLE PIERSON To those who expressed their sympathy in so many beautiful and practical ways during our recent bereavement, we extend our heartfelt thanks. The Miller Family. In Memoriam RUTH WOODSON KIRTZ Tn memory of our departed mother, who left lis for a better world. March 22, 1955.
They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget. But time so far has only proved How much we miss you yet. God gave us strength to face It And courage to bear the blow. But what It meant to lose you No one will ever know. The Children.
Boys Top High School Long, Kathy Luken, John Mcln- tire, Alvis Mullins, Sharron Opal, Jo-Carol Ozbun, Mary Jo Ray, Emily Robinson, Phillip Ross, ana Rusterholz, Diane Scamma horn, Laura Schaefer. Judy Schuerman, Ellen Sells, Kay Shively, Louise Smelser, Bren- da Stillings, Kay Tirnmons, Joann Walker, Hattie May Weinstein, Rob ert White, Bonnie Whitton, Lyle Williams, Napoleon Williams, Jim Wilson and Joyce Wolfe. 5.5 i Barbara Alter, Rick Apgar, Nan cy Ballinger, Dave Block, Linda Bradrick, Peter Biggs, Patti Brown, Edward Brown, John A. Busch, Ann Commons, David Con- niff, Sandra Conti, Sue Crandall, Nancy Dalbey, Mike Driver; Elsa Effmann, Shirley Flesher, Bonnie Godsey, Pat Good, Almeda Harger, Frances Hasemeier, Stephanie Helfrich, Ron Henly, Becky Horton, Donald Kanke, Lilian Kind- ley, Steve Koehring, Barbara Low der. Bob MacFarland.
Joyce Mast, Winifred Meuser, Nancy Miller, Janice Mills, Melvin Parrish, Jack Robertson, Emily Russell, Shirlee Saffer, Mary Scott, Chad Sewell, "Sharon Simpson. Jeannette Smelser, Arnold Sow ers. Linda Stewart, Pat Stewart, Becky Thatcher, Karen Thomas Carol Tice, Carol Turner, Cam Vail, Kathy Vance, Janet Vosmeier, Carol Watson, Vicki Wicker, Nancy Wiesehahn, Susie Wright and Alice M. Yedding. Students taking less than five subjects are: 6.0 Phillip Conarroe, Anita Goris, H.
Halbing Salzarulo, Bon nie Silvers. 5.9 Tim Leonard, Nancy Jo Maurer, Martha Wadsworth. 5.8 Elsie Allen, David Breese, Bunni Brown, Nancy Crandall, Bar bara Gethers, Janet Goble, Jean Hackman, Shirley Hinds, Linda Lin' coin, Phyllis Parshall. Jim Phillips Nancy Rose, Helen Thoma. 5.7 Phillip Conley, Bennie Mi chael, Molly Morrison, Eddie Pe try, Jim Pilgrim.
5.6 Janie Eastin, Ruth Ann Hirschfeld, Sue Hollingsworth, Don na Ketring, Melva Shepard. 5.5 David Brumley, Jerome Cramer, Lois Dotson, Virginia Grasse, Peggy Habing, Geneva Hampton, Gary Murr, Janet Price, Lynda Pierson, Judie Reddington, Larry Stevens, Carol Wilson and Carol Zartman. Makes His Own RICHMOND, Va. (AP) A rifle salesman wouldn't like what Jo- seph W. Looper does with a new gun.
Looper, eastern regional bench rest champion, throws the barrel and stock away. He makes his own. He adds them to the action and proceeds to put a group or bullets into almost the same hole at 200 yards. Janice Reed, Vickl Hamilton, and Mary Luerman. Others listed 4.8 r- John Keates, Sharon Van- Voorhis, Sheila Mosey, Anita Michael, Janet Rehling, Judy Kennedy, and Marcia Sells.
4.7 Stephen Varnell, Nancy Wolfe, Judy Ronan, Sandra Arma-cost Sharon Ervin, Mickey Faid-ley, Caryl Bake, Kristina Koehring, and Terry Clark. 4.6 Georgianna Hale, Paul Harvev. Charles Reeves, Susan Loar, Merilou Shook, Candace Hei dersbach, James Boles, Sam Mon ger, Evelyn Eastman, Patty Whit-ton, and Herberta Stanley. 4.5 Kay Fleisch, Pamela French, Nancy Benson, James Puckett, Robin Geres, Marilyn Doty, Mar- cella Clark; Faye Spencer, and Dick Byrd. 4.4 Judy Welker, David Brock, and Rachel Foster.
4.3 John Schweiger, David Amos, Linda Maines, John Hud son, Ronald Cross, Gary Nicklas, Louise Aikin, Vivian Glunt, Me- lanie Chapman, and Cindy Turner; 4.2 Judy Flaugher, Michael Maher, Beverly Henry, Joan Price, Robbin Bartlemay, Karen Alexan der, John Hampton, Nancy Beyer, Pat Coddington, Randy Hays, George Carr, Sandra Nolte, and Kelly Fitzharris. 4.1 Marilyn Manley. 4.0 Tom Strong, Eugene Spen cer, Janet Pitts, Tom Bell, Pamela Honan, Louise Reynolds. Maurice Chavers, Sheila Roan, Sue Henley, Bruce Dailey, Bonnie Weiser, and Geraldine Blanton. Fund-Razing BERLIN.
Wis. (AP) The local volunteer fire department, wise in the ways of fare buffs, conducted its annual fund drive with a mini mum of effort this year. Instead of beating a path from door to door in the community, the fire laddies just turned on the siren and let it wail. When a substan tial proportion of the 5,000 popula tion converged on the station to find out where the fire was, fire men passed the hat Collected: $600. Akron, Ohio, was named for the Greek word "Akron," meaning high.
Eight Girls, Two Honor List At Eight girls and two boys at Rich-1 mond high school made all grades on the first honor roll of the spring semester, it was announced Saturday. The leaders were Lissa Ahl, Judy Bortner, Mary Coblentz, Karen Conley, Phyllis Garrison, Joseph Herold, Carole Horney, Virginia Kemper, Judith Matthews, and Alvin Reeves H. 5.9 Betsy AUen, Jane Behrmann, Rose Blessing, John Burns, Suel-len Eadler, Keith Hiatt, Karen Hirschfeld, Dick Kaeuper, Allan Kayler, Don Keates, Mike Kendall, Sandra Kenney, Joan McKee, Judy Manlove. Bonnie Niewoehner, Sherry Pe-try, Pam Preston, Kathy Ranck, Harvey Reed TJ, Janice Rivir, Carolyn Scherer, Linda Sherrow, Pat Swallow, Sue Swallow, Karen Tye, Carole White, Ruth Ann Zim-mer. 5.8 Jerry Blossom, Mary Bodolai, Carol Boyce, Stephen Brock, Norman Buske, Jerry Calbeck, Carol Cappa, Dan Dening-, Bill Dennis, Jerry Doty, John Duff-Larry Eaton, Eric Effmann, Susan Emmons, Phyllis Fitzgib-bons, Sherry Fosdick.
Jim Garrett, Kay- Gepnart, David Goldenberg, James Hambay, Ruth Herre, David 0. Johnson, Pat Kanke, Ruth Kanke, Fred Kraft, Paul Lewis. 'Judy Patricia Lyons, Bonnie McClelland, Elaine Parshall, Donna Poole, Dave Ramsey, Mike Ramsey, Emma Reeves, Cathy Vioni, Dave Weathers, Beulah Wilson, Susan Wisehart, 5.7 Jack Alexander, Fran Beidler, Eleanor Brouse, Colette Brown, Mary Kay Brown, Marjie Chenoweth, Miriam Coddington, Jane Dodd, Jim Eastman, Elizabeth Edwards, Lonny M. Fink, James Fleming, Janice Fulton, Lissa Gans, Miriam Kaeuper, Joyce Kanke, Sally" Kercheval, Judy Kinder, Ben Krone, Alice Marie Manlove. Becky Martin, Diana Miller, Linda Moore, Michael Mullins, Jack Myers, Shirley Neeley, Rita Mae Nitzscher, Pat Randall, Lowell Rasner, LeRoy Robbins, George Rohe, Doug Roland, Helen Strong, Andrew Swasko, Dianne Taylor.
Emily Tiemeyer, Mary Ann Thomas, George Tuttle, Jerry Waak, Dennis Wallace, Alan Wig-ger, Ruth Wilson, Edna Wissel, Toni Ann Wogoman, LaDonna Wratten, Barbara Wyatt. 5.6 Don Alexander, Dave Coppock, Anne Daugherty, Dave Dunlap, Paul Flatley, Barbara Fribley, Larry Frye, Eddie Hale, Gwen-dolynne Hensley, Larry Hitchco*ck, Joe Hoch, Sandra Holzapfel. Barbara Humphrey, Eileen Kurtz, Barbara, Lanman, Dave Livengood, Linda Logan, Daryl.