The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)


BUSINESSES AND BUSINESSES AND AMUsem*nTS. AMUsem*nTS. BUSINESSES AND PARTNERSHIPS. COMMENCING SATURDAY NEXT 15th SEPTEMBER, 8 p.m. Pint Nlfhten' Seat! available at PrinctH Theatre Booklnr Offlee dallr, Irom I a on.

to 6 pja. Ticket, not rollrcted bjr noon Tburaday will be dUpofed of. Prop.l FRANK TALBOT PTY. LTD, aMlou, HUP a and I p.m. NOW SHOWING JACK UUCIIANAN In THAT'S A GOOD GIRL" With il-le Randolph and Vera Ptsrci.

The Merrleet Musical of the Day, Also "Kamet Conquered' An Eplo of British Exploration. (Both Pictures for General Exhibition.) TOR A LIMITED SEASON OF WEEKS ONLY Owlnc to arrant entente having been maae for the Sydney eeaion at Alke DelyiU the) production la limited to I week. Rem eg, per Unci 1 per Llr. A. A.

APARTMENT tan, nlirav umibto ALBERT PARK. Attract I VlUi. a lully turnlihid, rent only aa6: elm 2 10 weekly; 115. fcABT MIUjUOURNE. Attractive Residence.

10 spacious roonu. bathrooms, magnificently furnished; low rent, 8 permanent guest now; iuu wwniwMuuoo cor 11; acnaauonal sacrt- UABT MELBOURNE, Popular Albert-etreet. iwiia, uwKiiiiuuj lurntaaoa; clearing a vir a rldlculuualy tow rent; 130. BT. KILL) A.

-Attractive Modem Villa, mm nUtcently furnished throughout; rent only iU 7 Rooms, rent only 1, clear- Ins 1 10 now: a iciit at ALiocittT rAKK. Rooms, rent 30A fully furnished throuchout! fiA. TOORAK. to Rooms, 4 k'ettes, 3 bath roo mi. 2 garages; 2 years luase; fully fur mined exceut one, room: Pimm.

Ac. 4 gas stoves, up. metera, every flat let, tak- -w- seymour-whIte, Nat, Baak-obambers. 371 Colllns-it. F4701, Term to Suit.

A A. A. A. A. A.

A. APARTMENTS. XAHT MEI.B faelrtir I 2 kit BEAUTIFULLY uivijBe.u,v modern suites, low mm-TAL, good lease, prollt 2 6 and flat for VILLA, exceptionally well furnished, RENT ONLY 276. food proflU. PRICE 145.1 APARTMENTS, BT.

KILDA. close beach and train, ur.Au iiivbbi trutuxiaiinu, moo. "rent, pioflt 2. PRICE 125, fi NICELY FURNISHED, rent only A. Stage la" Production BOX PLAN NOW OPEN AT ALLAN'S For the tint Nights, Erery Sent Bookable.

GOOD rHUr lis ana com ion a Die guar-ers for telf. PRICE 85. Wt Have a Large List of delected APART-. MENT and OUEST HOUSES In All Suburbs, at Prices to Suit You. W.

O. BINKS and SON PTY. THE APARTMENT SPECIALISTS, 80 Swanaton-street. P4804. Mef A BRILLIANT SUPPORTING OAST, INCLUDING CAMPBELL COPELIN Harold Meade, Robert Coote, Joyce Tnson, Bobble McMillan, IM SVWUG LANNV ROSS mm Nctus NUT NI SOIIIM (For General EihlblMoa) aOD 1 8 1 1 I OYT REG EN T.


10.4Q a.m. till p.m. Evenlnifi. 7.46 p.m. KATHARINE HEPBCRN, KATHARINE HEPBURN.

Th. B.I0VM1 Star ot "Uttl. Wom.o," IB "MORNINO OLORY," "MORNINO OLORY," "UORNINO ULOItY." With Adolph. M.njou. DoukIoi F.lrbBnkr.

Jnr. To.stti.r with thl. Ai.ocl.lo Future Attrec- "MURDER ON THE' BLACKBOARD." "MURDER ON THE With Edn. May Oliver. Oleaaon.

imTtr pinTllRMH APPRnvp.n BV THE CENSOR AH NOT SUITABLE FOR ENERAL iMttl.n nv.ra... ITnv Vnvt.tnn. N.W.. WTI.f. OAIHG th.

R.v.nt Plan. open a day. Ahead at Theatre (F3131), Allan', and Glen'a. WOYTS PLAZA. NOW BHOW1NO.

Extended Beaann. Seaalona. a.m.. a. IB.

8 p.m. ELIZABETH BERaNElt, -ELISABETH BERONElt. The Pamoui Continental Htar. In Alexander Xorda'a UagniOcent Brltlalt MaaterplK. "CATHERINE THE OREAT." "CATHERINE TUB OREAT." "CATHERINE TUB GREAT." Alio: Dorottw stone.

Qua tihy, In Warner Aiuaicai, r.iNiNn." (ENTIRE PROORAMUB TOK ENERAL EXHIBITION.) Pox Uovletone Nen-n. Will Cade and the Pamoua Plata Box Plana ODen A day. In advance al Theatre (F3131), TT a LUXE. Now I ll a.m., a.10 and oo PRANK BUCK'S "WILD CAJtOO." i'RANK BUCKS "WILD CARGO," PRANK BUCK'S "WILD OARQO." Undreamod Wonder, ot the World Unknown. nun eixnirJiiii Alio, ZASU PITTS, ED.

EV. HI In "SINO AND LIKE IT." "SINO AND LIKE "SINQ AND LIKE IT." nrnn otcnicrat. irvhthttt. Children con aee It ror'od. Iplua tax) at th.


Seaalona contlnuoua. 11 a.m, till 7 p.m. EvenliiRa a o'clock. Plana at Theatre. THEATRE, ranlpil AAA? WflUT ciurttVTun w.

a a JOHN BOLES, BING CROSBY, JeXnEWU LOFFE, In 's Mammoth Musical Extravaganza, "KING OF JAZZ (FOR GENERAL EXHIBITION). Alun PAUL I.IIKAH In nT.AWf illlti (APPROVED BY THE CENSOR AS NOT DU 1. lAOLt run UJrtrJltALi l-jJUllHlTlOrY), Plans at Theatre. Cent. Allan's.

Cllan's. Ta il gl nn ers whenearnlng to JL dance. It Is worth learning correctly. Take, "lunf oi Kutinuitcca course, 1 1. or attend our nisrhflv and Satv rtn classes, fee 3.

Mr. and Mrs. FRANK O'SHEA, Jud 149 doors iron wnn i. near ieviatnan. rnone T4dv3.

0LD TiMg DaKCe: TO-NIGHT. Railways Institute Ballroom. Fllnders-st. Train Lighting, Monte Carlo, Lucky Streamers. Ron Easton.

the Viennese Schottlscbe Dancer, playing the drums, with Cliff Blun-dell's famous band. Fast floor. All sociable. OLD TIME, 7d. DANCE ITviilhlrlitn-af nvai 1A TiAMntn IJoLE'S 7d.

ujiC m. Aiotors. m. This afternoon, Tea Wee. Ladles gents M' bbliRN "D-Ance.

To-night, Clifton Hall, Theat re-bull dines. Queen Clifton Hill: 2nd heat silver cups, popular and Judge. Fred King's Popular Band. Adm. 8 till 11.30.

Entries received to-night. Also Big Gala Night next Sat. vlu TiMlfl TIME KJ Malvern Town Halt, every Monday night. P.O. cttjih prizes.

Dean's Band. Montes. Come along. enjoy yourself. Best Dance.

Ad. l. wnite. Ai.u. ROY ARCHER.

Ath Flnnr. Ujhutar uijiiy ownoiun-n. iaav. a L.esson, BEGINNERS' AMERICAN TAP CLASS, MONDAY, 8.30 P.m.: 16 LESSON. Time.

Richmond Town Hall. 11th virvuiar waits. uaiiaKnan, J. 1MV A HiPriann Mnnla aatvln xi tr.r floor. Exquisite music.

Plenty partners. Cash ANCINO. Betty Lea, Luxurious Academy, 1st floor. Unwuv-rnnrt- 11 frU Hnwla attention to beginners; classes nightly. Cen.

TONIGHT. a ASCOT VALE. WARATAH. Stand Up and Cheer Warner Baxter. (X) On Secret Service Lester Matthews, NEW A SCOT, Gallant Lady Cllvi Brooke anu Ann Aiaraing, ajBI ran in isOvi Lowe and Ann Sothem.

EMPIRE. LltUe Women Katharine Hep-bum. Flaming Gold Bill Boyd and Mae Murder tn Trlnldsd- Heather AnyH and Preston Foster, "TYSTRTTl 1SiTISV (XI Silence of Dean Ait landJohn Long- CAt4Kifai r. a iTi'sfifcl 11 CRYSTAL PALACE. Btand Un and Cheer.

Warner Baxter. (X) On Secret Service CLIFTON, LltUe Women Katherine Hep-UaTk- F1UQinB B1U Boyd and Mae ColURQ, GRAND. (X) Silence of Dean Mattland John Longden. (X) Bombay Mall Edmund TOWN HALL. (X) Coming Out Party-Gene Raymond and Frances Dee, Men of AUSTRAL.

Strictly Dynamite Jimmy ers Wm. Cargan and Frances Dee. EA'r BRUNWICK. Mdamt Bpy Fay Wray and Tils Asther. After the Bal Esther Rala ton and BasIl Rathbone.

ES6ENOON. NEW EBEEN DON. Gallant T-ady CMre Brooke and Ann Harding. Let's Fall in Love Edmund Lowe and Ann Hothern. tVIHYlsi fi' Moulin Rouge Constance' Bennett and Franc-hot Tone, Above the Clouds Robert It Happened One Night-Clarke Gable and O.

Colbert. (X) Alters PIT5ROy, Under the Skin -Eiissa Landl and Frank Morgan. rrn'i'i 10 "TsS.Awss-ja A.A.A.A. APARTMENTS. EAST picked letting.

9 perfect order, PART spotless, shows 8 IS profit, 2 bathrooms, 125; arr. terms. KDOE CITY, 14 Rms garaRe, 5 sep. k'ettes, vAira wtn a. 4 iu niuiti; a.

i i ytu-fit now; 280; finance arr. ST. HILDA, It costly modern suites, sop. Moves; 2 5 pro lit; 175. TERMS.

Mrs. HUNTER. CHAMPION HOUSE, 07 Swanston at. M3040. RT.

Wl.n. RPKriAI. dona Stallon. Bench. Taw Rant.

AUrnettvrlv TTHirnlRtiwl. 2 Pro- Hi. SNAP. 145. QUEST HOUSE, charm- ma; viiia, laeai posit ton.

to rooms, peaumuuy lurnmnco, iaau. ArAHTMEix i a. 11 roo ma, splendid suites, carpets. 2 10 PRO- whiting. 147 ST.

KILO next UsJestle Mansions. a a. A. apaH'TMSNTS. ouestS iiifc.

SHOWS 1 06 PROPIT NOW. Attractive Villa. rooms, RENT 320. Tapestry. Blackwood and Maplo Suites.

BUY TO-DAY, 115. KEITH, 125 BWANBTON-BT. 4fl04, i A A. APARTMENT HOUSE, Middle Park. lovely Villa.

0 3 beautlful.fur- BisMnga and carpets. Lot to permanent inuu. ui-neiiin compels aacnncc. PRICE. 110.

CLYNE'S, Capitol House. 3521, A A.A. JUE8T HOUSE, South Yarra jl jk av r. una Knruge cam, grana nm now; 100 under real value. 220.

juaajr -ienns. CLTNE3. Canltol House. 100 Rwanston-st. A.

A. A. 235 Buys 7 a Veek Income. Actually showlne this return, and can be pur chased fully stocked, wltb complete plant, for -mis araouni. uooa anop and dwelling: low A A A.

APARTMENT JIOUSE. South uli. iirra, section, city, oeautuuiiy iurn-lshed, 16 rooms, now clear! nc 5, on VERY CALLAWAY 243 Colllns-st. C. 8024.

i A. HOUSE, walk city. 9 uoiiuv uoicuny- nuiiae, nicety turn.i same owner 12 years. A keen buyer's snap. i ufaYwss.

capitoi House. 109 Bwanston-st. A A. APARtMENt HbUSE. Eant jt city.

end. 12 rs. and clears 3 weekly; low rent, lease. Unbeatable value. i iuv-r-.

aav. XMy terms. capltol House. 3521. A A.A.

APARTMENTS, ST. K1LDA. i4ft, Ur Close tram, exceptionally low rent. 30; 2 over rent, with OVN QUARTERS. T.

SLOGaATT, 227 I A A.A. A PART Id kNTS BARga1N XV Albfirt Park. 7 rooms. LOW RENT. EX- KEITH, 125 SWANSTON -ST.

4804 A CilTY Tob. Kiosk, good stand; XV Inureaslng clientele; 80. 271 Colllns-st. C. 7859.

wonderful xouiacn, Villa, well furnished, spotlessly oiean, 1 room (2) ALBERT PARK. Close Station. Pine! appearance, beautifully furnished, spotlessly (3)' CITY EDGE. 8 Rooms, kitchenettes, 4) SOUTH Vakra. Villa, rent 30, prollt (2.

newly furnished; 110. 'iso AT MELB. Rent 35, good profits; ()EAST MELB. 8 Rooms, Wtehenette to racn, garage space, peaouiuiiy xurnisnea; nroflt: Other APARTMENT and GUEST PINANCE ARRANGED Tenants Supplied Age-Chambers, 239 Collins -street. F1971.

A PARTMENT HOUSE. EAST MELBOURNE. XI Bt of Resident IaI Exceedingly well furnished, containing 38 room, eacn nai sen coniaioea. venaor guaran- icw a-o weea ciear prom wiin pice seit contained flat tot own use. PRICE, 600.


M224S. A PARTMENT HOUSE) ST. KILDA. A Must Bold Monday. Comfortably furnished villa.

auoarate flats. House la first class order. Showing 3 5 Don rem. huh um lor ru. SACRIFICE PRICE.

220. J. 8. DUNBAR PTY. LTD 1st FLOOR.

243 COLLINS-STREET. M2244. 14. road, 0 attractive flats. 4 beautifully lurnlshed.

fully and well let, showing good re turn: apivaam numc db iiviuk cuuiuiul-u accept 220, terms: car inspection. ARCHER, KM Ail, icitur lft QUE EN -ST. Cent. 688! fAUiMtn iB, jror Bate, up to aaie Apart- House, full: H. and C.

water In rooms, is rooms, xarace. ail conveniences beautifully furnished S.C. flat, lor self; very a rAHTMfiiWT and Guest Consult A us tor excellent opportunities. Ail prices, irom to wv. "A PWRTMNT F6839' XV suit couple or widow, well clean, comfy honu, 6 rent 18.

165 Berkeley' variton, city section. i A'PjSKT'MEfjTTfouiie for Rala. well furn'. XV suit lady; no agents. 49 Orey-sL, E.

APART. House, edge city, 9 uV. k'ettes, car mod. rent. 72 Gertrude' lltzrov.

I A PAR'fMEMT Villa, St. kilda, beautifully iun. i rent so; laeai position: lies. ttiwu, luo tjoiuns-st. u.

vsv, BX.A. BAKERY, 23 bags, off smalls extra; pnee Biauu, wnai; omcra tui pnccs. JOHN W. MILLER. 230 Collins-st.

P0410. A. A. BAKERIES, 14 baga, 1 tart. 580 10, 750: 19, 1 cart, 900.

OTHERS H. O. WALLIS. 247 1st floor. 7mj; iw, i can, i.ou.

uihuius. TSaKErTT excellent opportunity JL couple, good dwelling; kduu nwF linn: itw. 341 comns-st. yo39. Takes 25, easily Improved flu Takes 35.

well flttedf 120 Takes 50, weU fitted 160 70, any trial ..300 Takes 120. big prouts ..500 ERIC WEBER and CO. PTY. The He cognised Butchers' Agents and Sworn aiuator, 32.1 Collins-street. 3972-3.

SIT clear 5, XJ baraain at 05: one. takes anaoloved. 165: 100 others. trawpw, ao i Sm teg'gLJ Fe, tn mam PARTNERSHIPS. IXED.

mrvERa. heh "DUNbars." We Spectaiise lu Selected Mixed Businesses. ni ru.Ttnce iou to runniM, CON PECTION KRY TOBACCO CIGARETTES. A Really Hixb Class Propotltlon. situate select Malvern district.

TAKES 30 per woe, aimws excepiionauy aoou percsotae profit. MOD. SHOP, 4 rooms, out. en Dttea, viwi, uoaruj hwiioi PRICE, 350. Hound and Genuine.

MIXKD. ELWOOI5. OutalandniK Position. MOD. el 10 P.

Neat dwel ling. Ubn i' uu. lAKinu is rtut at uretant. Will double aoDroachlus summer. DAYTON SCALES, CASH REGISTER, coun ters, ice rncais, snow cases.

40 FRESH STOCK. All plant Included. BUYERS. Call anl Inspect our extensive lists. 1st FLOOR, 'US U2248.

1XED. BANDRINGHAM DISTRICT a fine shou. nice dwelllna. TAKES il'2 WEEKLY. WILL REACH 60 IN SUM.

mer, a heavy stock and fin plant; GOOD I OUAlfNU Al Arr h. AKAIMLiKLl HHUr. NiUN UWKLLINU. takes 18 weeKiy, open to tremendous improvement: OWNERS LEAVINU STATE; ACCEPT 118. Closes 6 IP MADE A LATE CLOSING BUSL KEbli KAolLiY TAKE WJ.BKLY.

heavy ONLY 60. WALLACE. 11 KL1 ZA FTTH -ST. 10.401. D.

CAMBERWELL DISTRICT. shop and dwg. Cbeap rental only i7a. NET PROFIT. 2 10: Well Stocked and Pitted; 100 BU1TS, MIXED, LIBRARY; 200.

EXCLUSIVE EASTERN SUBURB. Mod. shnD. 5-rdV dwr: well stocked. Fir tlnaa Include SCALES, ICE CHEST, ICE BLOCK MACHINE.

TOB. CABINET, AC, 400 NEW VOLUMES. JAUEtj a. AWUnRWB, 37 -street, Above Avtilette, Opt). St.

Paul's. 2242, LARGE MOD. SHOP and Dwlg. (1 floor i. heavy stock, nicely fitted, takings now J0 wa.

open improve. uuMrLjitt, ANOTHER. np won shop. 4 rooms, rent only 226, stock 50. well fitted, takes 22, clears a.

iu to xnia aooa uiviua at fc 19a. OTHERS. FROM 20. FREpK. W.

SYMONB, 395 Colllns-st. C. 7297, Jl TIXED. nr.nacR a. uut miphmivi mud.

nremtses irnrac. Solendld un-to-date nlant. valued 125: Stock, 130. TAKING 40. WEEK'S TRIAL and INVOICES to Prove.

CLEARS ID to jEO prom, vennor nere yaars. adow-LUTELY NOTHING BETTER OHerlug; ONLY 63. GORDON and 340 Coillns -street. F057g. fi.A.V.1 cLFATiTN'n th MKT week una Kdnu- (nnn.Dlnii an A Invnlf tftr tn.

speallun, an trial given. Beautifully fitted, divided corner shop, nice fi-rooin dwelling. RENT 25. 4tt years' lease, inicxiy sacriflclDK through son leaving home. THE greatest bargain Offering.


ij aj y. takings 20 iX nice dwelling, double, parage, rent 2( so. m1nft. wolf fltlod- lll.rialth. 111.

CALLAWAY St 243 Colllns-st. C. 8024. ITflXeD Business and N.A7,Takes 40 week, 11 clear 7. 250: one, takes 20, 150; others, 75 to 500.

Philips, 48 Prntirnn. nn at ft linn. MOTOR TkANSPORT BUSINESS FORi SALE, practically all suburban, books' produced, shows big profits, everything first; ciass oraer. cmci weiuuiuvu- Owner and one casual assistant can worn. ASHTON WILSON PTY, 271 Collins-street.

P2595. vs Agency, libra if PR fl KIT JITRT ON ft WKLY. NKT 1'lillr- IT JUST tilt WKLi. Stock 250 in price, also 4000 books in Itbrarj1. Nice dwelt near If desired.

Will accent 1075. BURTON and COOKE (Cent. 19S2), no SWANSTON -ST. (Over Henry Buck's). NeWfGEMCTESr WE SPECIALISE.

AUTHORISED. SEMI-AUTHORISED. Ail i-rices. aii nuouroi. Secure our expert advice and attention.

KENAN BROS. SO 6wanston-6t. F1054. THE LEADING NEWB AGENCY BROKERS. XlEWB Agency, Mixed' Lines, select subT, IN taking 33 werk, net prolu 6 15 week; full price, 050, open, offer; others, 575.

430, 300; Library, 450. Swyer, '2211 NEWS clears 4 10, all Shun trade. 4.i0: one, takes 12, there 4, years, wlm; uinern. fouips, Prfthrn. no.

atfttlnii. rtAHTriRft'ottered full hal( share in Movie TAJ me Picture Business, operating nights weekly. Big future for young man; 85. We know this and can recommsnd. Horsiry.

us city. PAllTRB rtiulrd Ty old Firm. Vcnaori prepared to stock up at his own cost; 100 secures bis wanes and half share of the bus In sua. Prosneroiu future here. Credentials exchanged.

Horsley, 148 city. TSAlCTTiERHlprJSATiPrFlRM, est. years. A wants capital to extend: 135: draw M4 week, share profits. FULL DETAILS Glttus A Co.

(P. H. WEST), 239 Colllni-St. F505L PARTNERSHIP 'presents Itseli to ambitious man, act as Collector for wholesale Ann. Big future here for right Wan; 100.

Horsley. 148 city. SANDWICH SHOP. DELICATESSEN. 220.

IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. I Closes 6 o'clock. 1 o'clock Saturdays. CLEAR- oppoeitioni, 30 stock. fn larllca EVERYTHING.


TEAS, CONFECTION KRY, TAKES nLKAKB nv rutnna- Heart city, closes 6 p.m., 1 p.m. Saturdays. All fittings. Stock 50. Price 375.

AllUlUCr. X.AUU, AAl-klua 1, WLILAVIt A 10; cheap rent. Fittings worth price. jvuiu wr-acn ana ni. 325 CoUlns-BtreeL 3972-3.

SANDWICH SHOP, closes 6 O'clock. CLEARS 3 OVER EXPENSES. Elabo rately mien, 100. nr nfffp. Pnln inli juhiu wKHn ana tu, fix.

325 Coll Ins -street. 3072-3. QANDWICH SHOP onuna ou to slj rnuru r.r.rvL.x Modern Shnn and kitchen. RENT an. ton Scales.

Cash Register. Ice Chest, Ac. WONDERFUL LITTLE BUSINESS: 7fL KEITH. 125 SWANSTON -ST. 4004.

QCHOOL bHOPS. Wo have several of these available, and will be nleased KKITH. 135 SWANSTON-BT. 4604. J3TriJ RJfitTB TTTOWTeW TtTZtm rtYt ITaSt 3 Two very sound businesses: of this nature are In our hands for dlsDoaal.

One 000. another 000. Good dwelling. Any InvestlKa- WANTED, someone to take over Shop, prominent position, Ellzabeth-it. reasoaablt terms.

363 Bourke-st, Indoor." outdoor DloymenL manufacturlna monoDolv. i lines. P.LR.. Ace. ILVaNTEOV We want "your Bunsiness for TT Bale.

Just pbone us. Horsley. Business salesmen, us jueenst. raone. n70.

WlNTEb. Hairy Produce or. Mixed BusP ness, must show living, agents Ignored. partneu am. lid.

akc. VtANTED, Cheap BuBiness, Inat could be i imuiuvni. uc auktudidl nil use. wim. "t' 'ANTED, small Mixed Business that cani be Im Droved must have realdanea.

U69, Ace OOlce. WANTED. Apart, "or Quest nr. beach. or ciose city, run panics, Age, 7-OOD.

Coal, iakes 40, good posiiion, aVAAo: one clears iVf, usually employs man, 180, others. Philips, 46 Prahran, op. station GOVERNMENT NOTICES. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. VACANCIES FOR JUNIOR MECHANICS, POSTM nRPT A COMPETITIVE Exam, for appointment as Junior Mechanic, Postmaster-General's uepanment, win oe aeia on saturaay, 3rd November.

1934. Candidates must navel reached the age of fifteen, but not seventeen, years at date of examination. Salaries are on an age basis, ranging from 78 to 218 per annum. Applications ciose on divivj. Full nartlculars ara contained In Common wealth Gazette, ot 30th August, Extracts irom me uazeite may oe ooiainea upon re-auut from tlia Com mnn wealth Publla ftnr.

vice 310 Post Office-place, Mel bourne. Tsoutv Commlssloaer. Publie Service Board oi uuinnuiiuflii, PUBUC NOTICES. A st HartwelT, is Sold. AGENTS, Please Note.

My bouse, Hoxton, Upwey, Is 8old.rii M. Andrews. A SAMPLE O'COATB. 196: UNCLAIMED SUITS, 85. BOH TON STORES, 170-177 op.

G. P.O. X)MMONWEALTH It Is hereby notified that Public Inqulrlw to the sublects shown hereunder will be held by the Tariff Board, at the board's ofBces. 2ml floor, Commonwealth offices, Treasury Gardens. MBiDournet at ua times 10 a.m.

"Lightning" Fasteners: Whether "Lightning" Fasteners should re moved from by-law under tariff Item 404. and, if so. what rates of duty should be levied, Noon. Metal Workers' Bench Vices: Whether Metal Workers' Bench Vices, under 3U 1 Inch Jaw should be removed from the by-law under tariff Item 15A, (3)i, and. If so, what rate of duty should be levied 2.30 p.m.

Condensers, n.e.i., as covered by tarin imm iiw; eupsHiij iw wwy in nim Mf eltitv. Condensers. Fixed, Electrolytic, fnr use In the manufacture or ail Kinaa o. tiwtnte anntlnMiawhlhse UM removed from by-law under tariff Item 404. and, If so, what rates ot duty mould IIRRB.

0. let. oi J.wkn.r, 1 will Not be R.iponiilM. for. Debu In mr nunc without my authority.

THE COLON LVL Mlf-U RANGE SOCIETY 7th October. 1934... to L1PK AS LtwlTKn. th. HOaer n.

uomp SPECIAL POLICY, In I OIU lKa thai lllat SStf jAT-L. 4A Umm Wm irtn' TjESULT Art UnkJfi, Bandrlramm, ouen IV Kelly. Winning 3043. 34W, 1993, ftlO. 3 Oi 2,30 7 9,34 03, 1 355 i Maehlne.

Jowest prlcesj "PpM-i jO stitching done. A.f.sC 51 Royai-ar- oaoe, Siivao. OUTH AUBTRAtJAIf PERPETUAL FOR. aei. uvui None.

II hereby tlren that RECEIPT BOOK of the aborantentlplied company, creilalnlps re. celpt. m-m (poth in the nanaa oi uneuuMrum p.nM, mm uanunubau. Any. w.

from auch book la Modareo, pieaM ramrjuni-cat. Trim th. Melbourne onV ol the mantloned enmpanr. aueen-rtnwi. AT Old" Scotch WWakr, ell tjuallty Hill, At BU noie, owe.

WrATCH and Jawaiiiry luoalra "tJT Mpefe Tt nly: chartee mod. w. nooena ir, i mod. W. Roberta Pty.

1 Clliabi at. IS. fA.i Mete, rnone, (.., oeoo. PARTNERSHIPS. ONLY ML Ah.

BELLA Cakes. BREAD. Milk. With PICTURE HIQHT8. Modern hop and dwelling, well fitted and stocked.

SHOWS OOOD LIVING and easily loipruved. ABSOLUTE BARGAIN; Only at OS. 30 Colllne.Jt. F6otl. CoWECnONKRV," TOBACCO.

c. Tailings 45. Price 700. Another. Tak.niti 43 MOW.

Beaut lu Pit. ted. mock 120. southern Suburb. urouna rioor Dwelling, PRICK.

800. SHAD. JOHN and BON. 349 Coll lni-it reel, NET PROFiT 2 10 P.W. iargv mint ana oreaa traue, wooaenui ittnt.

well stocked. TAKING 14 P.W. A lEN'lflNK RUSlNiCSB. WHICH WE MEND. TNqNFE CflON hYTTkltikTTiin YeroTakTnga now, icveiy Biiup, aou oi iiock, auu nice iv miea: a reai eiu, a.

lva we nnancc. CALLAWAY A 243 Colllns-st. C. 8024. Cakes.

Bread, Ac, op. hall, takings 10 weekly, nice low real. aiucKca anu uvKuiiiiuur imu. uaiy ao. 7 AI OH V-U.


UNIQUE POSITION, lame mod shop. 6 low rent, stock 50. execution' ally well fitted, shows how. 4 net. bresent venaor over jmh.

iAAinun nOIIHLK WITH SMART PKOP1.K? UNIlfclll vaiiUatiun. Kveittiininu, rHISUH. W. BTMUfiB, 3 WO UOlUns-St. C.

729T. I)- DAIRY PRODUCE SPECIALS, ONLY 225. ON LOW T1EPOS1T. rmhrwll niatHftt. Nfl OPPO.

KEL cutter. Ac ALL ROOP of trade uivtin. baukikil-k; oniy taaa, terms. ANOTHEK. CLE AltS 8, SOUUiern SUbUtD.

GORDON ft 340 Collins-st. P6572. PRODlTcki SPECIAL lido. a ubttAKinu agi oyer rent, ana improving; trial given. Bide street (no opposition).

Solid district, modern shop and borne Rent 25. EXCEPTIONALLY heavy nlant. 30 stock. Everything, 105. Plnanca ar ranged.

DAIRY Produce, Ideal position, southern sub. urb, Berkel cutter, scales, Ac, shows 31 10 now; this business' can be considerably lm- proved; piani worwi mure toan price aaaea; ivo. Home. V. R.

Ward, ground floor. Chancery S9 courae-su atdioi, alter nours, L4759. IsAl TAK1NQ 10 WKEKLY NOW QENU1NK 10 BWA TAK1NOS 35. TRIAL. Plant Includes Invlcta Cutter, Dayton Scales, jnuuoer, uouniers, oneives, ruiow jaaes Modern Shop.

No Opposition. price, fion: SHAD. JOHIf and SON, 340 Colltns-strtet. Q1PT 100. 1 NET PROMT 2.1.

KXnPT.I.KNT VrTTINns ln Tlavlnn KEITH. 125 SWANSTON-ST. 4604. 11 AIRY Taking f. Hi WmIt Magnificently Including 2 Berkels, Cash loieao ncaies, frigiaaire, etc T.

J. O'BRIEN, 325 Collins-street. Produce, Pies. Malvern, takings 38 weeaiy. loveiy garage, ni Btock.

one of the nicest Utted atiorta In district, splendid living; can be had, 220 CALLAWAY St 243 Colllns-Bt. C. 8024. DAIRY Produce, taking 29 week, Berkel I cutter, scales, all plant and stock. 295:1 several others.

45 to 750. Phlltps, 461 Davton euttar. TJavton uralM. Im nhm. ber, Ac, good dwelling.

Swanson, 341 Col- AlRV Produce and Cooked Meats, takes 17 weekly. If properly managed should talte 30 weekly run price avxicu. vrsiiace. Jjtii EBoetn-ai, TAAIRY PRODUCE. SHOWING KET.

XJ Beautifully fitted shop and busy eastern huduid: a uipi nr. tne with good rentfoii, want' 1000. Particulars. Eaulty. Aae, -pACTOHY, 6 machines, JL hnnrils.

ntnnrtit Mmnltl. 100 5th floor. 17ISH SHOP SPECIAL JL CLEARING 8 weekly over rent. TRIAL give FAB vpAr Splendid modern shop, nicely fitted. ''ASHIONABLE outer suburb.

Present owner i GENUINE UKUKTUNiTY. EVERY- FLTjsdNfl PTY 243 Colllns-st. Ci 2411i TAKES 26. Lovely mod. Shop, RIGHT AT BUSY TRAM junuuun.

no aenous opposition, fine Ehnn jtnri Attmnt IvpIv fitted. RAU1C HA YRS. ANY INVESTIGATION OR TKLVA. AN ABSOLUTE GIFT AT 60. uUKUur at au uoiuns-su Kvon.

IIRHIT. a ON FE5TlON Y. L1 sids street, no od oos it ion. taklnfr 30; price, 270. Fruit, G.G., no opposition, tax-Inss 35: nrlce.

245. Another, taking! t. ou; price ou. Anouier, uuttaaa irico, jl aav. cart icui ora, iHAD.

JOHN and SON, 349 Collins-street. TAR UITi tAki 1 25 40 la sum- JL mer, near station, lovely beau tlfuUy fitted: any trial: 115. LALUAWA VO AA tj QUI OS -St. QOt. 'iENERAL Store.

15 miles turnover 65 week, nlant. stock, val. 470. Harrison, 317 Colllns-st. fi ENERAL Store, Wood Yard, outer seaside block, piani: teoo.

owyer. aa KOCER, Uking 50 week, clear 7, old good prices, 220, one taxing ao. ciear 3 ivf, s. 110; otners. fniiips.

rranran, op. etatioo. PHOK'iTn rniAR tin wkly. ProsDcrous country town. ISO miles Melb.

Stock 400, takings 110 wkly. on trial. This owner 10 years. Well fitted, nice dwell. attached.

Price 675. i jfiTtir ana cuuke itent. ivsr. 80 BWANBTON'ST. Ovcr Henry Buck's).

ROCERY Southern Suburb. Present Owner Years, Takungs i No Cut Prices (Illness Cause Sale), PRICE, 75. S. and P. at VaL Tnmal lenttlntt.

PnVPtloutaM. SHAD. JOHN and SON. 349 Collins-street, riRrinvRv wnnn VAitn 1M. s.A.V.

VT SHOWS 3 10 CLEAR. PROFIT WE EK- LY. D.F. snop. rooms.

iu- au. wx PLANT. No Delivery. SPLENDID BUSi NE-HQ' riQii A V. KtlTli, ISO DWAllOlUn-Ol.

TLj aIH bresser, Tob, beautifully fitted, mod- rent 30: 111-bealth compels ice: oest oner. ao n. tn- plant consists ot 3 eiectrio stoves. Ice chest. HOTEL WESTERN DISTRICT, good town, legitimate reasons for sale.

JFuU price, tease, lurniture, and enecis, PERCY HENRY PTY. 352- Collins-street. Cent. 4870-1. ht In city, extraordinary bargain.

ym, turnuvvr lrnished bedrooms. Some-1 tblng special; 1100, terms, ARCHER, 18 QUEEN-ST. 688. 50 miles city, main; well billiard room; airr. Jtata.

KING, 400 Colli as -st. C. 989. 1 IBRARY, attractive modern shop, select tings, lounge chairs and carpets; specially designed Jacobean display table. This business has been specially fitted throughout for a person of taste, and will show to an energetic person at least X.

0 ciear pront; once a.iu IJat. Bank-chambers. 271 Colllns-st. F4701.I IUU ejiorary oparcieaitait. I'll i 11 I i.

Li showing 5 10 profit over rent. South. zoog oooks. nce ou. ANUiHSill, OOU DOOKS, UU cleaa opposition, snowing; s.s waoy.

BURTON and COOKB (Cent. 1982. SWANSTON-8T. (Over Henry ucVs). iBRARY SPtlulAL JJ SHOWS 3 lOi PROFIT WEEKLY.

RENT 2. Superior clientele. KEITH, 1X5 BWAHamw-Bi. aninTVJl VI to TRO OTIS tSJUnC CT I i imnrt i in or thsre years: 130. One takes 12.

Philips, 48 Porter Prahran. op. station. -ar TBbi'pv UaiKairrfoeiTirtrv fiiBtionerv. excel' I i.nt nnmini ha.r.

stock ioo aTuaranleed. Dlus 1100 books, 195: good, dwemngj fori mlck sale. o.BnaAn ill irtuuu. Florist, Ladles' Hair Dressing, Shoo Let. 1 per wk.

39 Hlgh-st, St. a up to date books, nne appearance; moo, H. C. LIEBMANN A 379 Colllns-st. ILK ROUNDS, Ali SUBURBS.

CONSULT RECOGNISED utTV vnttMn NnnTurnN fiTIRtrRB. roomed brick dairy. 3 weekly, 360 quarts off one cart, av, werner in ton plant, notuer, Doner, compwij walk in, walk out. Including book debts and MILK ROUND. Others 340, 3000 ..4000, secure oTLMR'ioS knowlAdgib and a nvirv HL-DS-tUtT niTVIrMfl nP fi KILLING.

ADVICE BEFORE BUYINGor SKLLINO, lAKiAn ana n.Aui rin eunv. woiiins-strswi. Phones. Central, 7013 sns iitn. nltK Round, N.E.

town, quarts, (cost turnout dairy, plant; 180. ATjL, vcuai mrauu Harrison, 317 OolUns-Bt, iriXED, GROCERY, 1H ivi-n Big aiviaea anop, trpienaia err. nwuw, uiuai euDuro. op. inuun, Well eauiDtH-d end fitted! fi most desirable business at a re aonsDie price.

BERNARD CURRY ft B881 newspaperiiJio''ei vwum-ih FIXED. MIXUl). TAKES 24 20. CLEARS CO. Nicely fitted, heavy stock.

gill, A. 110, Another. BIDE STREET. school, TAKES 32, Ouutanaingvaiue. ssiun.

tiv StS weeaiy. ansition. fitted and stocked. BUYERS in search oi A buiub mv mu, oee iniij uniji UUniAiii ana 3u uoinns-et. miXBP.

jPSCIALI iWL Itoek CIO, Ouer, u.rioo ac.i... etc. ft Rent SB. METHlHa VERT iPICIAU 1 Uodem rtot. bMutlfolir.lli, jmt ENT 20.

nkt rtwrm BTOCK rj8K.S 1T I Bolern JL "C9C1C. f.miir ot KEITH. ia iwAniTon-i TkflXKD, Cskes, Pies, anawicnes, Aa Mit 101: nlMBM k'e chuee In a KINO. 408 Colllni-rt. 0.

W. CENT. IT2 BTrTMTrairrfllllnes. Ice cheat. e.

larsni dwelling: nasonahla rent; nlsMS compels sale; beii offer. 127 Moray I.C. a. im taWno now (it WKKir Night, (I M.U., Sat. end W.d., The Sensation of Melbourne 1 J.


HIS MAJESTY'S. Cent, 4878. Nlffht, 8i Sat. and 8. Acclaimed the Orsateet Dramatic Triumph In- Recent' Years.

Enthuslastlo Audiences Endorse the Opinion of London and 33 Countries thst "Ten Minute Alibi" Is the Most Thrilling and Novel Play Produced During the Past Decade, J. C. WILLIAMSON LTD. Praunt. the Play That la Different.

"TEN MINUTE ALIBI" Wltn -a Specially Selected Cast, Featuring GEORGE THIRLWELL London's Noted Young Leading Man, JOCELYN HOWAUTH, Young Australian Star of Stags and Screen. ARUNDEL NIXON, FRANK BRADLEY, Guy Hastings, Tommy Jay, R. L. Atbol wood, Russell Chapman, Nlghtt 6A 4, 3, 2i 8, 3, 3 (plus tax). KING'S THEATRE.

XTR8T TIME IN AUSTRALIA. J. C. WILLIAMSON LTD. Will Preaent the UELBA CONSERVATORIUM Of MUSIC OPERA SOCIETY In the Flrat Production In Australia of the Liem unera.





ANZONI, thk MLLttuimnt; haln umoik. MANZONIS' ORCHESTRA. CONDUCTOR; CONTEBSA FIUPPIKI. Box Plan Opens at Allan's on llth September. Ihn Renowned' CONDUCTOR of GRANli OPERA, back from the Continent, has openea biuui in ino soovsi ior iaiena.o itnt id a a ruin iuviuihu runucna.

At ALijAn till 1 O'CIOCK, IM Ml 1 BPRINO-BT. St. John's Hall, corner torla-par. and E. Melb.

Prizes. 1S. AdmlRslon. 2A Another 1B next Anursoay nignt. ThJcHRH, To-nlgbt.

We pay 3 table, thel-All mains, St. Croxton, op, Fitsroy racecourse. 11 7UCHRE, every Monday night, rood cash nrfies. Snlrltuallst Hall. etlO Allgn-St.

Prahran: 11. IjiUCHRE, Emeraid Halt, fl. Melb. To-night, every Monday night: 0 guar anteed. Admission.

1. YvHIsT, to-nTgnt, 6 pir tubi nirTubio' also Euchre. i tnis aucmuun, Ellsabeth-st. 286 Flinders-lane, cr. HOUSES AND LAND TO LET, T.

KUda. 34 off Brlghton-rd. on. viua, itto. Averson, (i CTTKIIda TTTvTllary garage, good SO order; 86.

G. W. Park, 36 St. YARRA, fault Boarding House, near St a-tlon and Tram. Well appointed D.F.

Villa, 7 S. out and vestibule, good order: 40. Fredk. W. Symons, 390 Colllns-st.

Cent. 7297. WANTED TO RENT. UIX-R. D.F.

House, car handy to tram and shops, Kensington Hill or Ascot Vale, VtyANTKD Rent, sinall furn. Cottage, bc- tt ween iuoraianon, iranKsion, neacn sine, off season, September, 20th December; mod, rental, uentieman. Age. WANTED, permanent, by 2 adults, mod. Villa, select aaraire.

small caul- Ifleld or Oak. to 38. Smith, 9 Byi WANTED, Dwelling. Factory or Workroom, handy city; machines preferable, HOTELS, HOLIDAY RESORTS Ratet 9d. per Llnet Saturdays, 1 per Line, HCALE8VILLK AND DISTRICT, A WOODSTOCK -Tennim.

cream, aft. tea, Phone 15.1. YuTOftNaHOUflft XiinS. MagnlOcent surround-X1 lugs, homely; excellent labia, radio, bit-liards. AC, 276.

Mrs. Ride. Tel. 155. HAZEL GLEN, lu bills, poultry, cream, aft.

tea, tennis; 35 wk. Tel. 158. oi C. 5354.

Mrs. Elliot. re I. 66. Mrs.

Gilbert Brown. supper; so, KINQLAKC. HOTEL, mountain views, H. and water, sewerage, new management. Oliver, licensee.

Phone 8- MOROI ALLOC. WANTED, House, 4 for fortnight froral 24th Deo, close beach: rent, bet. e8 to wr weea. nunn, 30 JC co- INTER-STATBe NEW SOUTH WALES. SYDNEY, Visitors, to Bydnsy, read James advertlsem*ntt this column, i TOURS, MOTOR SERVICES.

ANTED to Hire at once, twoseater Car. fnr naiHivt nnl Vi.aairIlnif A ania.r.1 Ht. Kilda. PIANOS, MUSIC, ejec. A MAZING Reductions, COLLAR A COL- rosewood emiasem*nt.

CI; tlnnklnann. wAlnn. case, full compass, 9, suit beglnnnr: terms from.86 weelfly. Apply W. R.

TUllNBELL, 306 Lit Colllfis-st', MELB. A STUUNPlNG values, GuIhranBen' lfirTs terina Piano, nrartlcallv new. full na.nt.ia scale, transposir, reproduction, inniscernmie from hand playing; original price Cifto, take 76. Pay menu, 6 weekly. Free Library and Stool, Other makes from 57 10.

aymenisi LTD. H6ltrZOT UVre nlocWs ot Bteinwai-s, Beckstems, Biuttinrs, easy, terms. Maples, I I4rge flors A Kallmann, IX exhibition model, cost A ISO, special for ii nn av irtv, mow Maples, Chapel-st, rrevn- from foot the finest shown In Melb.) 6 wseKj wapies, rranran. WATTOKiIpp" PlaosrfimT ftBTHeritir.n, aCia: Brhwechtan. taB.

at Al wk. Maples. Prahran. tl LATER P1ANOI, JM. BflASSl'a, 8 peel ally flew ilected Modela Every liutrum TIVR tuuw eUiii.

iMproaucing ssoaei AUTtWNC (HARDriAN PUCK), anrf Xn UnNTttf.r BRAB1 Sat MELB, 1LAYKR. Piano Speelais. Ouibranset. ds Tuxe, 478; HotTmann, 6ft: Anniui, at 8 and 76 week. Maples, Prah- pi tnefilets." Bteik bun" Art.

a Rl Aiilnlr.nss and Ptavalnnss. AS. at wean, wapi es. 'f "nrsn. IS Direction: Sir BaJunln rilUt.

Formerly Palace, Bourke Street, New Spring Street LAST NIGHTS AT MATINEES SATURDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS, 115. LAST 12 NIGHTS POLLY WALKER la Geerge M. Cehu'e Bewttehlnf Pafeul el GUmoreui Oalety. An Enteet Relit Production. Muateal Comedy Supreme Mk It "The Merry Mateoee" mt be Sim al Yeur lull, ALL SEATS Ptaea tt ADaai arW Fkoew Ceait M.

METRO THEATRE. Colllns-strert (Op. George's), Phone Central 0080. Planft at Theatre. Allan's, Glen's.

NOW SHOWING, NOW SHOWING, Continuous, 10.40 a.m. to 0 p.m. Evenings at 7.45. Children Half Price at Matinees, Children Half Price at Matinees. TARZAN AND HIS MATE! "CINDERELLA'S FELTjA." "CINDERELLA'S FELLA." -Aleo Cecil Bola and Orchestra.


Wines, Ales available with Meals. Continental Cuisine. Good Music. PIIAIR'S HOTEL and CAFE. Phono, 6037.

P. H. Collins, Licensee. MuSIC aim eL66UtIoN, The Violin: Hamilton Baleman. Hinging: Gregor Wood.

THE MELBOURNE TECHNICAL COLLEGE, Wanted, Full Professional Dramatic Com D.F.C Overcoat. -No. 34o. MEETINGS AND LECTURES, ARTICLES. To-day, 3 p.m.

and 8 P.m. Harden, CtU floor. Chartres House GeomeA 4 lOLuHawobD Property Ownors' V' Pavers' Assn. meets next Thursduy, 13th Town Hall. 8 u.ra.

Imoortant hutnp trrmtnt' I Masonic Hall, Clif- LHvSl To-night. 7 p.m., ftochablt; Hall. Nr.Hhrnlr nnitnl nlnht n-nA-e v.u E6.L., 232. -Mathlas, Richmond. 7.30: vlsl- welcoma; sIstcM 71, viaitlng sisters.

OVu, 82. meets "7.48 p.m.. Town Visitors welcf.jie. OL No. 8T To-nlBbt.

7.45. ROM-It. visitors welcome. u. limit lliranuoi CRB.

POUDQ OIKOl TJARENTS. Catarrh Suiferera. firl "hen Vic. Payne Phllpots will teach how to Bravvnu treat iaiarrn, cause or Adenoids, epttc Tonsils, two lectures, All Saints' Hall, Tuesday, llth 3 p.m., 8 p.m. CJIR William Johnston.

4Vb. meets. Central kj nouse. visitors welcome, THE HOSPTTA IM VldTORTX, Sir James Barrett will deliver an illus trated lecture on the above subject, at the Colleire of Pharmacy.

300 Swanstan.strent. on aiuuuavy. iwin BepteniDcr, at p.m. lul uuoiiu is invnea to ds present, PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY of VICTORIA. At, KUIVUKKH, Secretary.


WRIDOWAY A CREATON. RUSSELL, UAMUtllrl fibu BTATIUIK, Established 43 Years. Empty Vans GOING Trafalgar. Warragul, 17th, RETURNING from Ballarat. Ararat.

23rd; Horahnro. Dlmboola, 12th; Wangaratta, 12th, PHONES, ALL HOURS, W1145, W20S8. A A.A.A. J. Wilson, est.

45 years, 272. rvatue ixee-ro. Town, country, inter State Removallst. Large brick storage. U3578, ACK loading wanted from Hamilton, towns en route, van reiuming.

fnone to-day! aLLaRAT and District. Vans going regU' iariy; Loaaing wanted, pariter. 131 York- Prahran. 2819. Good storage.

SHIPPERS. PACkMrB. ftTORERfl. Vans going Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane. Load- Phone JW10M.

all hours. XTRA Lnrga Loadi Heather A s-h. Vsns returning Horsham, Btawell. Han TAJROEempty Van returning from Corowa, XJ Beechworth, 14th loading wanted. Doolan, 665 W.

MEDICAL. P. J. DENTIST. ELL, Phono Appotntroeut, 723.

dally, 9 syn. to 6.30 p.m. OUtureara, to Aat.atU. Evening, Wednesday, 1 to 8, to 0. 129 Melbourne.

V. to 6 p.m.! Mondays and Fridays till 9 9415. i p.m. lEANbINO CTrculntlon corrects WmTe Tongue, Nose, Kidneys, Bladder, Ee-ne" Hetalth Pawder. iK.

sj; Kilda (only address) loo Rus- Collin gwood. i lONiif (PaTIoS Bamshea. lj 1st 4d. Uaie. iUA ml AVID inc.

Chinese HsrbalTatTjiaa returned fromChJna. 61 Colling- wood. J1636, nlWttBTRY. Geo. jflott.

Surgeon Dentist, .149 Bwanston-BL a to Fridav. 9 tC4JLPj- IVITaTaLQb? HI BIT I from lth to 36th Sept. 2739. PRIVATE HOSPITALS, Ac HOME for Invalids, nerve and conv. cases, day and night terms, from 30 2 fi.

177 Fairfield. VWloW, HOMfei for invalids, nerve cases, night and day attention; fees mod. Bitter, ,02 Diyui-Bi oniniw aTEHnitY Nurse oiTers young tady7Th-1A disposed, Private Home and wages, otherwise will Bd. 'OS Carlton, BOARD AND RESIDENCE. A A.

A. At Hollywood, 23 fit. Kilda. Continuous- fires, hot and cold water In bedrooms, ex. table, free garages, billiards; 1 art 17, j'A and 3 gns.

3103-4. A LBERT' 276 Albert-tDoubleBand single Vaoancles. good UVie, tram door. M40TH. A OeOts, Momtly, perm, boarl, flrefc O.

table, A mm, train; mod. 173504. 1TY. Oentlemau offered mil itet, nrasre. Arawatia, 840 bl kik iida-rdw op.

Bhrtre, M2T93, Pflvati' family, good poelUon, nr. Ihrloe! Ring M450O, OITrA Oalla Hntsi. Niwmrit. Awntn new managepisnt, excellent cnlslne. tram, IsTTilTfla Colllns-it.

Has nice double roarng coupie, peg snu nreaaiasi. llda. Beach Front cuieen's Man sions. 4 Be icons Beld-nar. visitor, nsr.

manents; also booking Centenary. M1530. Ida --HamMonirnuee. drey-irt. Visit tors, i iuu Mai.

nt-aaaraaii winri, snf, 1283. BOARD AND RESIDENCE WANTED. lJAI.CONY ltn alnrM.bed. on beleenr, a lor coupic ana aaujini.r; moa. tariff.


PALAIS ROYALE. EXHIBITION BUlLDlNa. TIANCINO. 11 Upeclal attractlona at thle lamoua -Uidc, NnVWT TV NIOHT. Inoludlna: 8paclal EnxAKement TED ANbKKSON, THE KIDDLliVG JiiB'f EK WEDNESDAY.

Highly 2 o'clock BALL celebrating the flraf year at Royitle or thl BAND o( OEO. McWHINNEY and Ills Boil Noveltlea In galore, alio Special Ballet au i7'A. MODERN 1S RoyALRi DANCING, PALAIS ROYALE. TUESDAY NEXT. Arim iColllnxwood and Richmond Pootballera' Nieh, THURSDAY NEXT.

HUGE 2o'c. BALL, Celebrating OEO McWHINNEY and Ilia uoyi: nm year Ulgantle Birth, day Cake, Noveltlea In Oalore. Beauty Bii. let. Frank Trevor, Voce II.

Joan th TatSr: llaHTS Auuer. A NiailT oy rpHB BIO OLD TIM'S TO-NIOUT. AD 1. Palais to se. what kind ot a Palal.

it you can compare Itwlth any Palr.u world. Also hear and Dane, tn IKE SAltv DERS. Uaater of Malodlea, with ,0 our Old Time Ball li'helj 1st Monday In every month: alao our grtalut Ball of th. year. Cup Eve, all night.

oVUu, iiluu now Deinro you'r. danceS; "or rlng'g 01 oup THE HE ZIEGFELD ZIEGFELD PAI.AIS. PAL.VI8, Right at the OLENFERRIB Station. Melbourne's Most Beautiful Ballroom TO-NIOHT, OLD TIME DANCINO TO-NIGHT, OLD TIME DANCINO. Special Monte Carlo and Gift Mcht TOM WWB.

AuslrtHa1' Band. X)TEE 8 OLD TIME CE NTKSvRv SOTEE'fl 2.30 DAILY. TH COOTEE'S Not the cheapest, but the bvst COOTEE'S 8 TO-NIGHT; 7d. Dainly Krk' COOTEE'S Monte, Lucky Spots, Plenty sw COOTEE'S Champion VlC. WaLt2 Mri COOTEE'S ALBERTS.

Melb. Town Hall COOTEE'S (Main), 1st Oct. 8-li in Ten CUM sm Q. niedal. Ballot by liorii eofe: 2, Inc.

tax. Chance art programme. JJANC1NO LBQOgTT'B TO-NIGHT. BKUinNERS, MODSRN to DANCB In Our Bcautllul Petal. In OUR Special Studio.

Twenty lnalrinoS teach and dance with you. 7.30 to 10. iinert tuition, explicit Inelrucllnn. KIt TO-NIOHT 18 CLUB NIOHT, OLD TIMK NIOHT 8URPRISE So. TllM.

Adv. AT PRAHRAN STATION. rvANClNfl. BBOlNNEKS; BEOtNRERe LEARN NOW (Modern or Ola Time) Our Simple ANYONE CAN DANCE Couree, 1 ll. Studio open from 10 a.m.

to P.m.,, MODERN CLASS y.f,l7.,.NI4ntJ Mr- and O'SHEA, ind Floor, Manchester Unlly.Mjp, op. Town Hall. Phone FOoV dTLD TIME VJLD TIME 39 City. TO-NIGHT OLD TIME Melb. 'a Leading Ball- TO-NlnHV OLD TIMS room, where the Better to-night OLD TIMK DANCE la Held.

TO-NIUKT OLD TIME Come along To-night. TO-NIGHV OLD TIME Harris a Snell'a TO-Nlr, it OLD TIME Adm. 11. TO-NIGHV OLD TIME 7. McLauehltn.

Tn.Mimi CF'THOHNBTOYTCBUroR THORNBURY TO-NIOHT. lA lm lia THORNBURY Swill Yodeller TO-N GbVr' THORNBURY fteynold'a pamoua Sana THORNBURY Progreaslve MonteT On. THORNBURY W. Selhourne Man Ted DeVlir" A 'an Thiiraday. Oeorge BtaJley i BarA ballroom and Amertcan Tan: beclnnen' evemnL- fliaiars, guaranteed courae, 1.

uy Capitol House, Swuiuw-al. TIANCINO, Old Time and aomelhlnit Jlf. XJ ferent, St. John's. E.

WMnudav: AfODERN 1 "i.nni OAi.bnuuN. ft Palmer's Band. MKRRI Aamission JJEHHl FOOTSCRAY. BARKLY. Little Women Katherine Hep-cYiTke FlRmlng Odd Bill Boyd and tfie THOCADERO.

(X) Silence of Dean Milt-gd John Longden. Red Ensign LeiUe OLENFERRIE. PA ICE. Gallant Lady Ann Hardlns ua Cllve Brooke. Let's FU In Love Lamund Lowe and Ann Sothern.

IVANHOE. Moulin Rouge Constance Bennett and Frnnchot Tone. Above the Clouds-Robm Armstrong. RfALTO. (X) Murder In Trinidad-llcsthtr Angel and Preston Foster.

(X) Hips, Hit HoorayWheeler and Woolsey. Btand Up and Cheer Warner Baiter. (X) On Becrct Sen-Ice Lester Matthews. T6KtHcotE. (X) Hins.

Hlns llooray WTieeler end Woolsey. (X) Jjiooa Money George Dan- MKRRI. Man They Could Not Hang-Ronald Roberts. Flying Devils Ralph iiellsnr and Bruce Cabot. "Bo T-' tJtri "urii IbKiB PORT.

(X) Jt Happened One NlRht CTiu. delta Colbert and Clark Gable. Oi) fililtn Under the Skin Kllasa Landl. 1CHMOND CINEMA. fX.

Veldt. Headline Shooters Krsni l)a. Cardan and NATIONAL. fX) Girl from Maxlms-Uilt Henson. Strictly Dynamite Jimmy Duruli andLupe Valts.

THORNBURY. REGENT. (X Hlns, Hips Hooray Wheeler and Woolsey. (X) Blood Money-tltori Bancroft. wcsTdARfH.

(X Two Alone Jean Parker, (X) Mr er uniaii sncien 1 WOlVBirees. tAim AAj-rSvAyn Moulin Rouge Constance Bennett atJ Frsnchot Tone. Frightened Lady Cordon Harker. PROGRAMMES SAR MELBOURNE. 7 to 9.30: "The Age" news servlu, muife, cricket scores and weather.

11.30: Avlstioa forecasU. Music. 11.46: Block change and metal prices, 13; Annoirownwou and luncheon music. 31 Variety programme of reproduced mule. Si For the musical students Violin Studies, by Edouard Lambert i Piano studiai, by Lindsay Biggins.

8.80 Weather and atUpplng. 8.48: Close. 8.15: Gardening Dotes. Countryman's session, 7: Annonncemenu and sporting remit. 7.1: Achievements and Prospects in Education.

Professor G. S. Browne. 7.50: News. f.M: Miulc.

8t Songs and Their Singing. dUcuwed by Harold Browning. 8.15: A progrsmiLS International celebrities, with special annotations by Rudolf Illmmer. 10.20: Mcvti sod weather. 10.30: Close down, lenilh 210.5 metre.) i "th At-" PROGRAMMES.

IV SAB to 9.901 Huile, cricket acen; weath.r. It. 3d: Aviation Mtialc. 11.4oi atoca, Ksohanga and mu prices. 13: Annnuncmentl and Ittnrhaon mMile.

Variety programme ol mjjair. ilJ. gtnplr. re-broadcaat. Th, llnuae That Jt Built, by Joan Luetnn.

and her io. DI. 5.4S. OIOMJII.UI Bottling and Drying by Mln Knight. 3l I countrrman; aaaalon.

Tl Annnunr.m.nta and itwrllnf li.7. TH. Vh.A Un.ih ttd wi.lrc. I aulti. T.api Th.

Muilc of the Modirn and th. Kllms, by Mr. Albrl CasaMn. IJ0! Programme ot Jjiht by The JMal Iniemble. g.sOi The Flltjn I tha Australian Race, by Dr.

J. H. CJ'; (ton. W.15I Blegllnda Ohrtr. J.

Al''' Browne (barlton.1. Pabtyn. Blndlsy WITH Tamer, Nancy Ford, Geo. Blunt, Klera Roger Barry, Ronald Whelan. a -MI UIK eunu MIIIll.

alte The Mu.ical Burl.Miu. faa TV OINNKW TIMES THEATRETTE. HERALD-CINESOUND NEWS SERVICE. Continuously from 10 a.m. to ll p.m.

Kxntjnmwi PirrrtittKSf fiinerat, of LATE MR. SIDNEY UYER. SCIENTIFIC CHEMICAL A UFA KB OF aTUTUrUB 1 LlJUATH-UfirXiriU ACKUWAT1CB. Other Exclusive Items Include: N.Z. Seaman Builds Remarkable Boat, Tour of Pic-turesnua Oxford.

With The Vagabond Adven turer to Madeira, Britain Supreme tn World Snort. How Artificial Marbla im Made. Quaint ma screen urama. mcturesque leonaon 19.14 Mimalrls. Kate, Dnn'at Unn.

slauchter Trial. 700U Cathalle Children De. monstrate Faith. Pilots Brave Cyclone. Abo riKineu uumieai urcnestra, ieveiopineni i Modern Transport, (For General Exhibition.) TlfELB A.

LILIAN HARVEY. GENE RAY-iUMOND tn "I AM SUZANNE7 (For Gene- Bl r-AdlOUlOP J. UUlll U1A 1-1 JK i UiX in JOURNAL OF A CRIME" fAnnroved bv Censor As Not Suitable for General Exhibi tion j. FLATS AND ROOMS. YARRA.

Well furn. B.R., 3 beds, D.R., kitchen, H. and C. bath, private home, 10 Dariing-at. up.

sat). YARRA. Furn. double breakfastroom pold-st. rpo Let, 3 unfum.

P. handy to beach Ja. vuu liSUPO, CDDO. AA AtCI Men' tone. NFURNISHED large flreniac.

a.I 2 mln. Windsor Windsor. tlon. 15 sep. single rcni moa.

tTyfNDSOR. Attractive double larre B.S.R. TT k'ette; also beautiful Sleep Out, garage. FLATS ROOMS WANTED, TWRNISIIED R. wanted, Armadale, -T district; 76; out aUday.

K.C., Age. mwo single Bedrooms required urgently, Hampton district. P. oo O'Sul- livan, Hampton. UfANTEO.

unrnmrRsTTault 9'ladles. lf. TT ton Hill, ground floor. Mrs. Down, 10 WA, AniKu, n.

iurn. in ciean nome, gns ring; Si. Melb. N12, Age, tiroHAN. eMirlv.

rnaiilregi 1 nr 9 unfurn. TT quiet home; Prahran district. A at 1, A WW. roUNO Mnn requires unfurnished bale. R.

about 10, near city. A.J.S., Age. HOUSES AND LAND TO LET. ABBOTSFORD. Detached 4 rain, etatlon, r.novatedi,.3ad.

Oarmlcnael, as Kicnmono. JJLOCK COURT, COLLIN B-STREET. BvuKHDiv dhow ana WOttlW ItUUM, APOrOat 470 M. ft. Show Case In Arcade Optional, Perfect Light.

Atmuuj to ah vuflTsuiiucw. Particulars, HOWDEN and CO. PTY. (Cent. 1366 and 1387), BLOOK-AHCADE, 08 Ellsabeth-st rest.

MELBOURNE. C.l. TjuRNLEy. Heiected Position. 7' Da in neater, n.u.

mlehanl. Rrldm-rd. -I iARLTON N. 4 every beautiful i-a oroer, cproet, iaj itainaown'St, mln. TJTsh 1 1 Mnntlv tram, clt se course; crouch.

(Ww Oieo Huntiy-rd. Filed ere it close Building, floors. Carmlchaal. 83 Bridge- menmono, aii. LnNHilirNoone-st.

0-r. bk. Cottage, rv. is, eisunas txoomaat aav aigu' wvBtgskrui. Langriae-st.

Brick ba cony 4 E.L. and gas, stove: itjtkeyg 79. W. Symons, 390 Col- nns-st, sford. alnse atatlnn.

1900 fi. aiao uracas. xi. uanniiinaai. 8.1 Richmond.

J2747. CTORY, 1600 lavatory mnm mhii aicb. jnma. uuen I'bu. HIHJt.

nill. B.L. and gas, all con X1 and reference req. 30 WK. AO A A isilll.

BjTL. A 1 Allrlll Iiaiw, a.J,, s1(il hot water service, tram route. Wells, 801: Clarendon a. new. all coot.

On pre-jV misee Monday, 134 Vlctorta-st. jj.ARAOB to Let. 84 nae-iL, N. mtsroy. GLEN Huntiy, near am moo.

nr, 30. Crouch, 879 Oleo Ulen Huntiy. U4Q76. sao; other, vacant 176 Robert Taylor, 777 RICHMOND ail b.u., re-novated, Bain, train, tram, back ent cur. Leaner ano uni 4 tn oonv.

1 18, 1MII "'handy BUtfon 1IA Coyrjld, Ml tl 1 Swan-st'. J2ag! F7he D.Fnshop nd DweTnrjg. iwiity -a sf Anntner. Dwellfnf, on tram line, Sbi another, fine Bhoo, comer position, outride itatioa. Jtooen Tar.rW TaTtorrttY "Brunswick.

Ueiaelberg, 00 ft 80, log, fittings store, neat bai lanai me. CJH0P. Colllnawod, fjilly eaulp-iid, cooked, flsh shop) 336. Carmlcliael, 83 Hlrhmotld. Ja747l weinngton-st, d.f.

Brick Vina "Oir' J1'1 f.m P' iso lYBinnf toii-Bi, mn.snwi, atTRlldVff.oiiern" 7 garden, fowl AMrs. JWi 8t. IJ.r, roo penii so. Swann A una. A Rs all eon and E.O.i 65( refs.

IryBi rymple-av-i St. Alia, p.m. Ia ft I With Mr Guy Standntf ff (Approved by the Censor at 'itAa? Not Suitable tor General Eablbltloj) D.F. garage, 11 fl m.F., Hcssiiian, op. stn liandy shops, Xl 1776, El, SB! Rosanna.

I.r.. fl)onv 126. Boiid. close Held, stn. 442.

Vf (5KKXA KT5 B7of ft large in a-a rat era. rrronri rxnat. Rl niw Bsinted and renovated througbout, it (X) Approved by the censor as not aultable for Oenersl Exhibition. AH other festurae not so marked approved lor Oenersl Exhibition. Prshran.

art. nation. SAf.t. iml Tn-r-rt mv Innv M.t Buflinels and Apartment Houses, all suburbs; all WIRELESS BROADCASTING. pneos.

atotor inspection, wise, unu-iii y. ltvrv. inirty yeara expwncocw. gflARRWHo, esu 20 years, takings weekly, 6-cyl. Chev.

van; 270.. TT6 Ham on. 317 couins-st. SHOWS a4 10 CLEAR WEEKLY profit, a win attva budu, Ktwa amen. uav.

uheiuui nH. Aniw rsrCh wim.Ipf. MAJESTIC THEATRE. Fllndors-street. 7076.

DAILY, 10.50 a.m., 3 and 7.05 P.m. Plans at Allan's and Theatre. 7076. NOW SHOWING 1 2ND WEEK 1 You Owe It to Yourself to See Fealurlnsr MERLE OBERON, With CHARLES BOYER. JOHN LODER (Approved by the Censor as Not Suitable Xot ueovrai PLUS THE HILARIOUS COMEDY, BRITANNIA FROM BILLINGSGATE." WITH GORDON HARKER.


BOARD AND RESIDENCE WANTED. KED and breakfasi required, 2 single 2i people; near city; from 3rd Nov. to 24th1 ju to v. miss wyue, 374 ut. Collins -at.

TfOAftD, wasRlntf," mending, room self, pr iiimicuv, atuiuu auii, At. riutw. Nil, An Office. tjOAfcD, single handy to Bumley-st luviiuiuiiu, pinna,, Til MELB. reaulres Bd.

and nri, MU vate family. By letter, Remo, 00 Com- Prahran. unfurrint" with is oreaaiasu ai.u.H.. aai Bruns- UlCK. ENT, reaulrea vacant hrf.

anrfRfl rrMirTln wiiiun, uv uumta, ms utile. pllt, vmc. rjEBPEOTABLE man requires Board and I aw itesiuonca, urunswica locality preierreu. tllWO friends require above, single vici' X. nlty Lygon-st.

G.M., 429 i ltsrov. WANTEU by above, with private TTProt, tamny, lund chiidren, no boarding' XOUNQ working man requires above, di vate famliy, with garage or shed fori -CTouTTa: gentrrequlres Bd. In U. Richmond, M. sleep out.

pnvate, Williams. 86 Vic- YOUNG smtt worker, requires above. Full particulars, Protestant, Age. FLATS AND ROOMS. FURNISHED, UNFURNISHED.

4MTV cf IllllDUu. al r. iti 1 nn JOHNAIaNNB C. 729. A A.

FLATS, ROOMS, FURNISHED OI ATI ON all suburbs. FREE CAR INSPEC- UOMMODATION BUREAU, 108 Queen-street. LBERT Pk. Furn. large double R.

bluvd tmua liieu uui AuBoni art. -17 eiuiuti, cum 1. iurD.1 auo large D.B.S.R., gas 81 a ii era bl im.i rm i A LBERT Pk. Sleep Out, 3 mln. tram, a.

-ay iraiii, suit, nowe-crs. afOTLTON. Large 'bright b.B.fl., "kitchen. VJ ette, spotless, averyihing provided; 126 2ol prummono-st. IV Balcony Flat, sleep out.

kitchenette, 6 each: Bede. 0 ivaek. S70 Wllllam-il. i. aardana.

af tllV; fal fiollii -Kuril. D.I. TV, double R-, suitable studio room, and show unfum. Ki. plka garage to let.

MELB. Nleely turn, 'auo elngle I TOEa, Fura.Home, complete, fl.d., sep, JJi unique opportunity. 48 George-st. T1? WT. AU.

Wlflh miiiu3 opportunity, to ueorg' ilat, B.C.. everything found, com Hilda junction, CI, t9f, aU JLAT, comfortable, clean." city. I7UKN, Double. Single, E.L., gas 1 Derby Colungwood) moo. cr.

Smith. sf ad. lOUrT, suireiaer.y ladyr' worVIng" 'man, cqnv. 32 Ooburg. IbRN.

wen, front Flat, front double rL, single Rs. 14 Fitsroy, city end, ii-r. flat. klTTe; Ml 487 lust nflf Vnatmlr.arlnn.rVl iTlDlTOC "pk.

Superb" fl.C.1 1H Fiat, 4 lovely order) 816. Matthews, IRA HR AN.On iHirnTTsVM and no children. Rear 161 PR A A ft 7 Fum lTTr. ,..178 b.w.f ai so small single 56 p.w. (jfTound floBr.

Win. 303f RICHMOND If. 3 furn. ni handy position. 168 Richmond.

'Buoklngbai THMPWDTTC1" Brtdge-rd. Well furn. IV a n. and k'ette, priv. rec.j saod.

Ml, Lennni. 203 Le.inox-st, UOOsI, urnTTSlcr large llnids, t.UT qtiltJ 3.V near trams and aA a Oecn-sL, Fitsroy. jJIMgLe" Double, 14, -7 friends, I bede, gas, B.L., SINOLB" furn.R., cleen, every ooov. 433 Carlton. St Hima.

Front Rs single close I Hon. trams, beach, conv. 14 larnh-si UTZ'Kl ffi-Pu fn WTnKwnr sC" 1 Cj CT 19. rlnM KinlartarU Ht 4 nr.

Caipel-ilv-Fum. front B.i.n,, also single, sir-1 aiieivai train ovr. CONFECTIONERY, OUTER GROWING DISTRICT, TAKES 10 weekly, will double1 a sewjweeKs; iLL-uuAii'u, must au-JrtPIOE, ONLY 60. WALLACE, 11 ELIZABETH -BT. 10.401, I CONFECTIONERY and MIXED, Milk alone pays rent, natty shop ana rent 21, food solid stock and plant, takes 22 tar CSS, ANY TRIAL TO PRO VS.

PRICK, 130. ANOTHER. SOUTHERN, OOOD POSITION, Confect and only (opening other lines), nice MOD. SHOP. 4 rent ridiculously low, stock 20, wait nuro, ciears a.

unii id, nKiUIt. W. BYMQHB, 396 CQlllnS-St, C. TM1. tONFECTIOVERY.


CLEARING 7 15 RECOGNISED AS THE BEST BUS1-HKBB la street. Pretty tile shop. Ideal rent 2. DAYTON scales, CASH 3 show cases, ice chest, electric gas stove. 21 counters, taoies, cnairs.

ana a izu btuuk xa- el ad Ml In nrlce. BUTERS Inoklnc fnr I denuint, Good Class Business, inspect To-day. TO-DAY'S 3LO MELBOURNE. tn "Th. A maraaifl ana weather.; Music e.Boi end an- inceraents. 10.10: Sporting notes. 10.20: reduction to womens seaaffin. in aTnii Mff.wS S.e.",ir't""Sul. 1()-401 11.30: Thi hroedcut. to 13.43: mX.SH&POS:. 1 '8 ti Mualo. Stock a 7. naIM, OrtMtUCUt tO BCnOUIS. 3.30: Classic music 4.15; Close.

6.30; Cbll-; 8AW Melbourne. (Wv YiT.tTiara: h'LZP-j j2! 1 TO-MORROW'S 3LO MEIDOUBNB. and announcements, iu.10: Sporting nolaa, Union 13: Junior Hroancaat. 1J.J0 to 1J.4S: Muelo, nawa and mark.ia. 13.4S The Wa ilh-' Khang.

and wil. ther, Broadcant to aohoo a. a an, musle. 4.ia a en, r.i.,1. ren' leaalou SAW Melanrarna.

(Wai m.g?; Esehanae report. AM: fiUfll.0-.. a 8i Qper Maritana. 8.80; England Revisited, by Dr. A.

E. Floyd, 5.45 Bound Guard and Band Incidcnu in tKe iRe mn wr- 10-3: News anT wei" ulll.P.0-"1!0 tha wireless "vw wiiiiniiia, aJ.SU; U1DBB. M.ironouian Fir. Brigade Band. Alls.

McK.nsl. loontralto), th, ParenhFailSg run auu uljabum) oi asuen nuBtuessas mm a a. uiuiLiiAn iw mnuaur, oiiv. aii ours. We Call and Motor You to Inspect.


fT1atnf avMiiaaa. Ivivalv rlwoll. attarhed. nrlme nosnlan. Rest suburb outside Mel bourne Pitts, of best; stock 120 at leait.

'Books properly kept. A PLEASURE TO OFFER THIS BUSINESS FOR SALE. Price anrl rnOKSI Klsnt. sO SWAN BTON-8T. (Over Henry Buck's).

CAKES. EXTRA TAKINGS 35. NKT rltUKila S.O. IfnAtni Tl If ahnn. Mrfact riwMlKnlr.

nfll. Heavily stocked. Plant includes 3 cash regis. ters, 8 computing scales, soon lountam. large show cases, lea chest, counters, shelving, i'cHHAKST BUfilNEflS RVER OFFERED.

ANY TRIAL. EVERYTHING, 275. f' HOLE AGENT. jPTArtrORP 317 Colllns-st. C.

0825. MIXED. SANDWICHES. Side street, well populated district doing This bustness could be greatly Improved 91 live people wno win put to goou itoca. VS Wk.

rSfW. 140. BERNARD CURRY 5851,. Newspaper House. 247 Colllns-lt.

Kj SEASID owwltion, cheap rent. vtrjinftT. nsral thaatra. no near ftatait rant hMrv stnrfe. new cash Dav tnm aMiai.

mms. tablaa. chairs. Ac. Ac.

1 tak inn win ntintaaa trt at AO and more in next1 rnEDK. lYMONs', 395 Colllns-it. 0. 7297. apaTCTMeKTB shows 9 rnorr OCK, WELL FORNfAWn.JjBARflAINSO.

XEtTH, 120 BWANBTDN-IIT. 404 tONPKCTIONERY, averagM rfM, at nvmip vaara. asust sell. 275: a Vt tt! tXharS. M.

Phllifs, 4f Ponst-su, rraaraa, op. station. TO-NIGHT AT 7 AW T0N'CHT AT 7 FRANK AND ARCHIE 'ASSENTED BT MAO. ROBERTSON, Pu1l T. L.

Dlnndr Maele. f.lSt VEALI.S Bl! a Tni- Service alnn. MJ. Hi Uulee Pmenta a ramou. Art WW Ji The Ate Newg and Orcrfe llele'a Crlckel CommfflU.

Ceanly Crteaet Heeree, ey fearing el Kaleya. 1 txnu.

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.