MAIN0902-A-E M1 7 -Composite Proof 09012005 0:00 0:00 Red Black 1ZE FMAIN09020EI7 RMAIN09020EI7 JewelryGems E17 Friday, Sep 2, 2005 CLASSIFIED The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 404-577-5772 820 PHOTOS ONLINE! When You See This Camera Icon That Mears You'll Fird Photos Online See Them At ajcplassifieds.oonphotoads MOVADO 14K S680.00"OBO" 670-663-2418 OR EMAIL PHOTOS ROLEX All modes, mol. Presidents, like new. trades, y-warr, oials. bezels, bands servicerepair 404-233-4261 ROLEX SS18Kt Submariner 2004, slue wb Si p's, S5S00.00 oho 706-533-4S00 WATCH Cartier Men's 18K Gold Panlhe- Deoo Bans Box, Papers $5900 770-51 B-5H1 1 WEDDING SET 14kt Wht Gold 73ol tound SI2, EGL Cert, Cath set let Prin Cut Etc bard S2700obe 404-314-5985 Pianos Organs 821 GRAND PIANO Yahama C2. Like new 404-547-0402 ORGAN Americana by Estay, 2 keyboards, diskdrve, bench more.
$3K obo 770-645-01 54, ORGAN AWESOME YAViAHA cherry console exc oond I ke new $2405.03 cal 770-7' 7-8047 ORGAN Baldwin. Pro. 222 Fun Macmne, 02peeal, 2mani.el consoles, orchestra sounds, 1 owner mint cond! Marues music books. S3800 obo 770 565 7302 ORGAN HAMUOWK, A-100 Mint wita 147 Leslie $3,000 239-806-2757 ORGAN IIOBART CABLE console, Fran p-ovinc cher-y PIANO ANTIQUE STEINWAY Grea! Tone good po io. sap-i-fice $2500 00 pa I 77U-652-9743 PIANO Baby Grand Adorable Teacher Selling $2450 OBO uai vary avail.
U-Q94-6UOP PIANO Baby grand. American. $25K new. As new onlv S9.000 770-594-7595 PIANO Baby grend by Chickfi-ing S1 2,000 OBO Paid S31 ,000 New. 770-552-4700 PIANO BABY GRAND WalriLl ease.
Beautiful piece cl furni ture great corditinn, 83000'' OBO. 770-882-7401 PIANO Baby Crand.Wm. Knabe, elegant ease, ex lone. sac $4B5Qcbo 770 926 B951 PIANO Eaby Grand Yojrg Chang Bergrnann. 2002.
Like New. $o0O0 OBO 404-434-32H7 or 770-962-21 55 ay great oond case. $1500, hut neBds in wo-k like any uneap piano 6YU-430-1 rab. PIANO BALDWIN Baby Grand great cond. mahogany case 51500 770-935-1015 Adfjpt-A-Pet 711 CATS Male female, 7 years uld.
briuts current, indooroutdoor. 078 7B 02BB DOG Teinale, on Ctfo'tl Drive, extremely friend on 6:7 wbrindlfi7R-442-1i31. HOUND MIX 6 wks. pu3S, free gond nrtms. Gc6 or Wormed, MF.
04-384-4631 KEE5H MIX Spayed smart Rescue melts your arms. No" KITTENS Adorabe in-soor: Tee a fjood noie Kanresaw 0-'424-bt60. KITTENS CaLs. Kitlens free to yoad fionie. Please ca I 4CK 3G3 8 1 62 KITTENS Free -Litters to a gosd Heme, 2M''2F.
weeks. Roswall Ga. 404 KITTENS Kilters all szes and cnlo's. 1st snotswormed. sady ts go.
675-592-0054 KITTENS Lawrenneville. adorably 8 wks. 3 malesf'1 fern, free good horr 678-925-93-16 KITTENS MF 16weeks old, oviny. sf ol'dwrnid induur my. Marietta, u-aa-aqua KITTENS Cwks need good laving heme.
Call 770-32 1-I774 KITTENS a'25Gb, 6 weeks, 2 Vlalas 2 Femnlfis, Free to Good Home 404-6P? 1007 KITTEN to good homH, littfir oox -'ameer Newnan area 770-25 LABRADOR Mr FJ M. 5mn. ikes dogs Freei to HLHJU Tune. Jill LABRADOR Mix puppes 2M1F Avail 09Oiy'Ob. 6wks uld Cell 673 263 9939 MIXED Catahoula golden nixed auppias.
mths. 770 B51 423' 1 male 1 female MIXED Labrador pup appr Lima, sweet A very aolive needs living hin, 770-529-1014 MIXED PUPPIES To good heme. ovabla. 67S-55e-6-73 ROTTWEILER yr, neutord, 'amily dog proteotive. Owners 673-31 b-34tj SHIH TZU female, ijlwkwliiie, 3yrs old, housebrken Iree gooa rome aub uubf TABBY CAT Female, 2yrs, de-dawed.
shatsspayed. sweet, oves kids 401 892 1-176 Pet Rescue 712 To Our Advertisers And Readers Some persons who respond ads will not vc pet a good rome. To ensues tre get's safety, check references and visit lie new home after the auoution. Your vigi-ancc may a pet Ton ahLSfi. Some the owners of pets advertised in Lh is colLmn may charge a nominal lee fu- immunization, spaying, and neu firing.
Please verify fees am associated And please remember to have your pet spayed or 'leutered. KITTENS cats for adoption. Cat Nip Cottage. 770 740-7544. Horses 713 MINIATURE HORSES Drerj marcs studs.
Pa aminos, oucksk f4 whits Great Prinfi! $600 770-339-5206 PASO FINQ 2yr old gfilding, grof. tra ned, great boodlines dispostion. Clie'okee nd. 3-4-419 PIANO Badwin Chickerirg Concert Maste- Cioitalt 3-7 Baby Grard, Black Gloss Finish Pristine Conoitior with Bench. Complete Playet Record Sysierr willi Accompaniment and all origiral disks.
Will sell for $14,000. Purchased in 1999 for 404-675-287 PIANO Baldwin console piano, reoertly tuned in excellent condition. 1 owrcr. 876-297-7093 4 816 ANTIQUES Oak Bedroom Suite Cherry Chest of Drawc-s $300.00 Flip Top Desk $300 00 770-552-5938 BARBER CHAIRS AN I IQULS. Black S700; Red $750 Great condition.
Call Veriene 104-559-1511. BEDROOM SET Antique, Mahogany, fu I bed, tall coy, dresser knee acid. Pineapple topped post $1,200 ono 770-1 81-OJ34- CAST IRON TAW' FOOT TUB 006, 6 -t ir length, resurfaced to excellent condition, no nard-ware $800 CELLARET ANTIQUE 1640s MAHOGANY IABS $3500 OBO, Will sel separate y. Call 4Q4-B76177. CHINA Heinrich Reverie 12 place sellings and 2 servirg disrcs, $500 404 250 475 CIGAR STORE WOOD INDIAN Ful detail.
Life ske, 6 5 anil. $750 CLAW FOOT BATHTUBS nniquerefinshers com 770-945-0072 DAY BED Gorgeous anlioue 19ta eenlury wDR furnilurs, SILkJU. 4U4 JtjLr 4541 DINING Antique 'al Solid Oak 54" rourd w6-cbrs. 4 vs. exc.
oond. $'600 706-224-1340 DINING ROOM SET Solid Oak, Pelade by Grand Rapids Bookcase Chair Co, Circa 1920, 6 chairs 2 eaves, beautiful orig oond, $6000. 40-944-3997 DINING ROOM Suite, Durcan Phyla table. 2 leaves facie pads. 6 chairs, china hutch, bjlfel, pood cone 676-33B-0430 FRENCH ARMOIRE with bottom d'awer and large beveled rror cn front Ex Cond H96 W42 D20 Kennesaw S1500-ooo.
770-422-1 363 OLD COINS silver dollars, walking dollars, nickels quarters etc S70.000 for all, or sell separate, pall AJ-s r-til VICTORIAN DINING TABLE walnut eircal 870 beautiful sp it pedistal 4 extention eaves $2500 00 678-793-' 236 VICTORIAN SOFA and 2 Parlor chairs, exc. cone. $500. Call 678-344-0947. WANTED buyiac antiques oolleolibes, silver flatware, fine chira, old toys, grandmas costume ewerly and more.
Call 'Jill 770-H2B-1 005 WANT TO BUY ANTIQUE BARBER CHAIR 770-300-9040 WATERFALL VENEER BR suite, solid wood, dus: divioers, qorueous! S'-25. 706-255-4499 WE BUY ANTIQUES WE LIQUIDATE ESTATES Ga lerv 63 ANTIQUE AUCTION Sept 3 Commerce, GA. Al 10:00 am rcstorablc furniture stainqlass hox Ires At 1 Lrrs super 'urnilure, BR DR suites, player piano, amps, rugs, pictures, slot maonine jewelry, asswarc. Info www Kochu gal 2676 at 706-335-7338 Collectibles 818 BEER STEINS Germfln 35 to be sold indiv dually or as a collection, 770-516-3921 BRAND NEW NASCAR PINBALL MACHINE. $4500 CONTACT 770-460-7727 COMIC BOOKS 2700 $3000 pnv.
coll. 770 775 5593 Ackworth HOT WHEEL COLLECTION- 1000 Cars, 1990s and 2000s, 7D-94a-9B41 PAINTING I nomas ncaid Painting "Sunday evening sleigh -ids." $1300 Cafl 404-797-2912. PLAYBOY Mags. Complete 1063 2001. Exc.
cond. $455. 770-781 -1 060. 404-317-6629 SPORTS CARDS 29,000, No Commons, 4000 cards in top loads. S2500 or cost offer.
Kevin 770-592-3301 WANTED BOY SCOUT Mamo- rabil cas paid 770-346-9713. WANTED COCA COLA Rest prices paid for old Coca-Co a memorabilia. 770-252-9124 WANTED: GOLDSILVER COINS ITEMS OF INTEREST CALLSEND PICS OF YOUR ITEM OR COINS TO BILL AT 404-91 4-3976 PRICE Clothing 819 WEDDING GOWN Plus Just bought, neve- worn. $600 ooo. Starr 6B-SS0-4191 JewelryGems Metals 820 ABALONE DIAMONDS, Rolex, Estate Jewelry.
Wc BuySell. 16tn Floor, Tower Place 04-239-9151 DIAMOND BRIDAL 2-RING SET 2.39 CI total weieht. 1.76 Ct rourd brilliant Jll" with 9 addl. rouno brilliant diamonds in plat num settirg Ask 35,100. CerliliedAppraised SI 1 ,391 404-931-2003.
DIAMOND Bri Hani RD 1 25Cts H-VS Great Cut 14Kt $3650 770-621-0303 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT HING 2.5 ct rectangular nod brilliant center slona. in wh te golo setting with prinees3 sde amends S6k. OBO IGI certifiedappraised $9.850. 770-497-9452 DIAMOND RING 2 50 carats, very high quality, certified. Appraises Sacri-fiee $3000.
00O-90543aa0 DIAMOND RING plat.erncrald cut 3 stone 3 ct center 2 0 ct total CIA cert. VS1G $4500 auprs. 041730-2359 DIAMOND RING ICt round. Ct baguetternd. drrnd wrap lerv J.OOUU jjaiooo-o I I DIAMOND RING 1.51-Carat PRINCESS SOLITAIRE.
EYE-CLEAN SPARKLY COLOR LESS! PRIVATE SALE, NO TAX! STILL IN BOX! $2999 OBO 404-310-212' DIAMOND RING 2.10 c-BIG 2 1 Oct Round Diamond Solitai-e 14c ECL CERTIFIED1 Canty: i-2, colo-: i. Asking $3700 OBO. 70S 540 2 1 24 DIAMOND RING 3.30 Carat Rd GU Fire. 11 Sacrifice E7750 404-667-713B Rode- jIAViOMD STUD EARRINGS 1.43 CT SI, H. Pd 4 7k Ask $3k PRO 678-57 1-1 124 DIAMOND 1.44 Caret, Round Brilliant Cul, Color.
SI, GIA Certificated, Laser engraved est. appraisal 22K. Sell -or $5500 Franklin, Noih Cano ina Call 828-349-0473 ENGAGEMENT Ring Diamond Marquise, VVS2, Appraisec at $2500. Sell for ENGAGEMENT RING 2.07- Ca-at Rouae Solitaite. l-l Clarity ard Colo-.
AMAZING SPARKLE VERY WHITE! Saerilioe $2500 404-533-2993. ENGAGEMENT RING 2 13 G-Oolor Princess Solitflre. No-worneo. $3999 770-368-7000 JEWERLY Crab Pendant Rolcx Bracelet, both with baqneie diamonds 89300. Cal 870-233-1643.
ftmiques 810 DINING SET $2500 OBO Table 6 Chairs Lightec China Can. Amor Drew Cherry Grove 770-889-5212 DINING TABLE Alexaaeer Jul iaa necktie double pedestal, ball 5 claw, mahogany cherry. 2 add'l leaves. $1000 OBO 77Q-3BS-0102. ENTERTAINMENT ARMOIRE- Broyhill 'Fonlana'-Lk iiewlits 36" TVCD racksNew 1200.
Sacrifice S60Q. 770 B53 3204 ENTERTAINMENT ARMOIRE ONE OF A KIND'S tt'x 5: GREAT CONCIT ON! S600 CINDY 404-503-433 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Reautiful high end 10ft. wall unit, with hidden storage, holds up to 70 inch Hooke 4k, saerafice $'6UO, 770 457 6880 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Black wshelvea, tv storage doors. $'5 obo. 770 423 4998.
Cathy onea FURNITURE A HOUSE FULL ol Besigiier Forn ture All I ke new Includes 2 becrcoms. Kirgand guccn; one Slciga Bee, one 4 post Bed: Dresser. rror, Chest 2 Nighlstands Also Liv- an noom Sel incudes Sofa Loveseat, Wrought ron coee ard eae tables. Also diamg sot, acl beautiful table and upholstered chairs Will se I all 4 rooms -'or 32900 00 or wil separate, ('original cost oyer UnLscd Mattress, Kirg Queen itiealy, Posture Pedie ti Stearns' Foster). lor BR, La-ge Ent' Clr "'or big screen V.
Art, rro-s, lamps, rugs, marble consoles, floral, accessories, TV's, pcoi table, pun table, bar stools etc. Al priced to sell fast Can arrange delivery, u-rz-auuv FURNITURE Cherry DR Ibl chairs, china cab kitcherette set. $2200. 678-475-0020 FURNITURE Crale 4 Banel Pottery Bam style House full Includes Beeraom Set. Dining Set Liying Room Set Everything is never like new.
nelail ever S300C. Will sell all 3 rooms for $1950 or will sea. Call to rcguest photos by email 770-772-6037 FURNITURE E.Allen cherry CR 1 ps SoOOO. A len Chre. 2 Wing, 2 Club.
2 Chippeacalc 150-5300. Henkel-Hams pc. BR $6500 Miss tables, secretary tbktea cart, patio chrs Ian ps. wrought iron 1ura.530-S750. 770-500-6755 FURNITURE eFURNITU RE Contents frun 2 investment homes.
Must sell. By the room or ay the piece. $50 3500. Most a mint coed. Alplwetta Can seeorlinB.
770-318-2713 FURNITURE HEYWOOD-WAKEFIELj: Dav-arport C3 172-65 $500 and 2 Armchairs $300 each, 404-266-0589 FURNITURE MOVING SALE. Offcc, bedroom, livng room, baby pictu-ss. Many ur-used 770-499-1466 FURNITURE MOVING SALE Rosewood wal units, desk, credenza. leather char, t)K hutch, other grea- furniahiacs, S25C-S23C0. 770-933-8207.
FURNITURE plus lots of art, mirrors and paintings. Movrie sale, $30 S2.500. 57B 300 5020 FURNITURE Rati'ing House full of Bernhardt, DR, King Bt BR more. All must go. $100-33000.
404-705-B944. FURNITURE $150S1600 Must seel.RR. LR. HR other cua ity items. Can email photos.
404-271 -5662 or 678-21 2-031 3 FURNITURE 2 Fores: green plaid sofas Clayton Marcus 5250eaoh; Forest green velcur recliner, SI 60. 770-736-6854. FURNITURE 4Sale Bd-rn. Day rm Lvnq rm sets, 2 IVs Washers D-yar Great Gondi-tior HOOKER WALL UNIT 3pcs. Armo re center bkcasas, cher-y Like new rans QUO noo i tf-1 o-iu: LIVINGROOM Absolute Deal! 1 00 LEATHER.
3po sel. Ivry. Unuseo. HIGH END. S999 email 770-71 7-5056 LIVINGROOM Affordabe TAL-IAN LEATHER NAILHEAD TRIM.
3PC set. Brown'Bur-guaey. Ve-y HIGH END S1290. email 404-234-3778 LIVING ROOM High end Italian Leather Sc'a. Lcveseat Chair waai -aead Irn.
Perfect Cord Retail S3000; Askng $1400. 404-346-3239 LIVING ROOM Lee Couch St oversized coffee, sofa a 2 end tables. 770 330 5190 LIVING ROOM SET Victor an 3pc $1000 obo Jonesbo-o 0-3-B610. 61 SMILE! You'll Be Happy To Know Tnere Are Photos Online When You See I his Camera Icon See Them Al aicoaesrieds comyphotoaci LOVESEAT Sleeper $125. Very Good Condition.
Call 770 732 0244. PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE LOUIS PHILIPPE DNC POKER TABLE CUSTOM-OAK-OVAL-TACLE LUCKYLEAHY LOGO $350. TEL1 404-271-1834 QUEEN SIZE BED 250 Oas and steel w. mattress. 404-297-9343 RAGAZZI CRIB CH NG TABLE, BLUEYELLOW EXC COND, $300 770-343-9554 RATTAN RETRO sofa, 2 chairs, ottonan and 2 end tables $550 00 770-095-4104 RUG WOOLSILK HAND HOOKED 8x10 Nourson SAGEDGL uausec S6.00Q,' Sell 52200.404-606-0901 NW Cobb pies availaale SALON FURNITURE ape.
$600 I Uooth sa on se: up exc. cond rnessane-770-433-1498 SLEEPER SOFA LAY BOY QN SIZE GREAT COND $460 OBO PH. 404 6HB-3772 SOFA AND LOVESEAT Khaki, raicrcfiber, nsver used. S550 for both pieces Also, house TjII of otaer fumitcre price to sell. 770 772 6037.
SOFA BROWN DOJBLE RECLINER AND QUEEN SOFA BED S1 .600 646-201-0011 EXCELLENT CONDITION MUST SEE SOFA CHAIR Gorgeous Match ng Sola Chair G-eat Color S. Ccnditon. Sofa is 82" $450 tor both! Ca I 770-734-0862 SOFA Leathe- nailhead $600 Leather sofa Love seat SI 000. Wooe Pedestal Table 5100. Butcher black labe 4 chairs $H75 Futon $150 Upholstered chair $273 4 Bu lt-in Boo cases S120 ea.
Drown eather recliner $650 57B-643-'033 50FA LOVESEAT CHAIR All 3pcs, Never Used, Tradi tioral Nailhaad Style Buttery Sctl Leafhar Pricac To Sel 1450. All 3pcs (Retail $30001 770-772-6037 SOFA LOVESEAT Pull out tc full size bed, Ott while Superb cend. $550. 404-386-0281 Garage Sales 05 ESTATE SALE 3 bi stes, so-labedluveseat, coffeeend tables, chairs, microwaves. 3compLte's, shoes, clothes, riishas, tvverstareo ft toys.
7arn-4pm-Sat 93. 1614 Irnpe-rial Cl Koruuss 71 71 FAYETTEVILLE Sat. Sept. 3rd, ftarn-fipm Hwy South, ott Reaureoaro. Paces Crossing Subdivision 110 Paces Way.
Cuuoh set, table wchairs. big screen TV, home gym unit, kitchen, Christmas clothing, sijilcases. records, ard much nore! FLOWERY BRANCH ESTA SALE hHI SAT. SEH1. 2 3rd, 9AVI-4PM.
Pire twr RR set, f.irnitu-e. rues, books, lots Ilea market stuff, much to mention. b9b3 Williamsuurt Dr. Wlliamsport SD, Off Atlanta Hwy 770-36-1114. HAMPTON Hjge Vlcv ng Sale! 1303 ebble Ridgs Lane, Hampton.
Off McDorouch Rc. Pebbc Rdgc Sued. Sat Ban 2pm 93 Gold oLibs, pp i-arces, nousehold items, len'iis items, clothes. MUCH MORE JONESBORO Huge Yard Sale. Furriture, S2 ecanic babies, kitchen accessories, holiday items, clolhes and more Seut 3rd, 4th 8am-4prr.
95'6 Hidden Branca Drive, 3023a. Call 'ord rections. 77Q-21Q--480 JONESBORO Moving Sale- Fri. Sat, Mori. 9-b.
2 sofas: char, Ottoman, dresser. 2 nitc stands, booksaalves, kite chrs: tools, garcen sjpplies Tntch more. 760 Sherwood Dr. S. on Hwy 1941, left at Sherwood Furnil reFurnish 810 SOFA, LOVESEAT.
CHAIR Ottorriar.Fo'rest G'sen overstuffed ex. cond. 770-235-3777 SOFALOVESEAT Cream burgurdy and greer flovers, exc. condi'. on.
$760 neguliaole lor both. 404-816-2429. SOFA LOVESEAT- $4S0 frun- Storehouse Dk K-iaki Paid $2500. 770-521-6687 SOFA reclm ng sofa loveseat, cr-ange. exc.
cond S900 404 843 7837 SOFA SLEEPER Sectonal If seal reel corner, lyr.olu, beige microliter 31250 578-362-201 TABLE 4 CHAIRS Hound, blonde maple tabic wth scrolled iron legs ana 4 chairs. Excellent oondtion; 770-423-4996 Cathy -onea eaglevaroo.con WICKER 5PC SUNROOM SET rosewood lam cushions $699 MINT 770-396-2449 Beds Mattresses 811 BED A Baaybluo QUEEN lewtop mat-'ess A nox set Still in plastic wwaranty 5125 Can deliver 770-875-8434 BED A back saver! King Orthopedic mattress set UNUSED with warrantv Orly S195 Can deliver 673-764-507S BED A Bargain Ar Absolute Sleal Maltress Or- ly $49 Twin Sel Twin Full Set $153 Queer Set $179 Kmc Set $249 from Therapedic Factory Blemished Sealy Set Queen S199 King Saaly Sel $299 Slearas Fos-te- King Sets $499 Tem-purpceic Stylo Solid Visco Memory Foam Mattress Set King Size $490 Queen Foam Sal $299 Cherry Sleigh Bed $199 Solid Oak Mission Bed 1 99 Bunk bed $159 Iran Beds $49 to $299 Crate fl Ram Style Redroom Set Compete $790 Will sell hCLSe full of New Turntu-e, 3 Rooms for 1790 much more. Wil enail photos. Genuine Great Deals. No Gimmicks.
See in Alahsuetta or call fcr delivery. 770-772-6038. BED A Ba'ga FULL ribl pllowtop maress set In plastic w'lull inanuf wrnly $11 3 Can deliver 770-675-8434 BED A beautifulluxury Queen Sel $149. King Ir paslic Can de iver Call 676-357-6172 BED ABED A premium pillcwlop mattress sel 3150. Jumbo mattress 21 year warranty.
770-458-2393 BED Absents Deal LuxuaCLS thick unused mattress set in paslic S140. Can Del. 770-717-8056. Can cnail pics. BED A Deal A Q3 junoo, dbl llowtop, uuilted matt-ess, bxsprgs S195 KS S27u Unused can deliver 67B-76B-41 25 BED An Awesome Bargain! Extra Thick mattress sct.Unj5cd in pastie.
TwFullQnK Can deliver $139 404-234-3776 Can email pici BED Avalon Full set $85; Queen $05 Unused ir plastic Free Delivery, 04-761 -7893 BED -FREE DELIVERY Fullr'Quee-i'Kirig ua In plastic. 770 9-2-S6GC. BED ng ccrnpl arrnoires. beckesse hdboard. Ptjrf uunj.
$1000uLiu. Alaharstta. 77U 777 487H. BED King $275 Qn $190; Full S15Q. Quality Factory Seal.
Elegart Furn. Can Deliver CALL MOW I G78 7 GO 90G7 BED Queen sie- Deluxe, mattress ard bux sp-ing. Urusyd in plastic. Can ccTivcr $95. 77rr-7fl-fiR38 BEDROOM SETkinu.
ixa'. ville cherry tier bed with storage, I glits, mirrors Tall chsst, 6-drawer, matching rredia ar-rnoi's. perfect condition, $2200. 670-8477. BEDROOM SET 7pC CtlCfrV king sleigh bed tv a'moire inatLress S3500, 6 months -Ic 4C4-771 2iJ9a BEDS eluxaTwir Set $85 Full Sel $95.
Queen 3135, King $166 Sti I in plastic. Dunk ueds $145, Hillowtop $225. $250 BED SPECIAL In PlasLiu, King Set $7E3. Ouccn Set $75. FjII Set Pillows, trarres Del.
Avail. 404-336-1 000 PfiQrV BEDS 2 Adjustable. 1 sgl wf new rnatlr, 1 qn 1S mos Bo-n windep hritt ad ustrnt. Qn S1 000 04-966-C03i BED Visso Ticmary foan, quaeirkirg 77H-01 2-B660 Corrpare lo TEMPURPEDIC BED $225 A premium Ouean mattress set '2 year warranty delivery sets uo yrurjtj-atjtj BUNK BED Metal -ed, yellow hue New condi- on, $200 676-432-2382 BUNK BED Solid Ha-dwood, Convertible wlcdde'. $244 pios 7jQ-717-8056 BUNK BED Sold Wood, in nerscr ng mattresses Ladder, rail.
Separate. Unused. Can deliver S2'-5. B7B-7SQ-3448 CANOPY BED Queer eie, nardwdod Mabopnv carved spiral' post, $9J0 404-255-1899 CAPT BD SLD WOOD 5 DR TRNDLE $300 WH METAL BUNKBEUS125 770-475-5004 DAYBED Laura Ashley Type Frame nkspring. Trundle, Unused.
Can Deliver, $27-3. 770-979-0174 MATTRESS A bcajtifjl thick Queen set. $150, King set $195 queen $1 49 Can Del ver 67B-367-61 72 MATTRESSES Still In Plastic. Full $1 00 Qn 1 20 Kng $1 60 Also Pil owtops avail Can Deliver 404-138-871 MATTRESS SET Ortfooed queer wdbl pillow top Never used still in plastic $279 676-930-41 38 pan deliver WOOD BUNK BED TwinDouble wood with 1 mattress. $600.00 770 71G 0767 Appliances 812 AC HEAT PUMP air hardier, flex euct, stat registers.
2003 yr S120C. 770-366-0775 AIH CONDITIONER Central Unit in box. will install as 'e-pacement for $795 Pau 770-738-4672 AIR CONDITIONERS (Win dow'i 9000 BTU, $25 9000 BTU S125. 870-595-3415 AIR CONDITIONER Tan stard alone usBd one seaaor $600 770-232-7646 COMMERCIAL STON PACKAGE LIKE NEW $195' .00 404-895-3595 COOKTOP Thermadar. Model CE365 36'' black ceramic, eec-tric: 4 dual burners station, like new: $600 770-754-4773 Alpaaretta.
DISHWASHER GE 4 wash op-lion, 2 yours old vvfiiLc, $17b. 678-482-B940 DOUBLE OVEN 1 Unit. GE. Used. Good condition $395 404-255-5003 GE GAS STVKENN RAGE MICRO.
WHTJGOOD 770 407 1534 Garage Sales 805 KENNESAW ESTATE SALE Entires conlenLs: II you like to dg, this one's tor you! Prccd to go Occasional chairs tables pedastal -ahls, mokers, chesls, Bjck frpl. stcve, elec stuve, eulleotibles. Fosluria, 2W dolls, dell haLses, vmtagE unused clothes, books -cc orris, old magazines, gfkvam iron pots scro I sawsaioer. inuoti mere Fri 10-4 exclusively. 1701 Due West Rd.
301G2. North on Cobb Pkwy. rHwy. 41), left or Karnesaw ULie West Rd. Park in yard o' GrantCi-e.
KENNESAW MOVING SALE Sal. 8AM-1PM. 2846 Cressing-ton Be iLiEnglish Oaks Subdv. hvcything must go. Vintage krtoharware tons ot disbas, krtdi.
items, cooks, elemertarv teaclie- items; gir 0 olhing LAWRENCEVILUE Household Furniture Slereo Cab, Slate-Top Cacktai End I able, 2 Brass Lames, Sofa Sl Lova Seat 27' TV, 2 yrolri Ra-frcj w'lce, ass Kitcner Sel wrr4 clirs 'Bakers Rack 2 Tier EndTnl, 2 ChEry -Finsh Curio Cabinets, Col I enable Dolls Rasabflll marroabilia Shop'Garder Tool Equip SalLicay, 93, PM. LAWRENCEVILLE Moving Sale. Triday Sarn-2p'n. Ridiny lawn mower, eaby items, -urni ture, computers prints House plants. 805 Morte Cri.17 Estates at sreat Oaks Subd.
OffWebGinn Rd. FurnitureFurnish Appliances eiz KENMORE ELITE WASHER S. DRYER Used tnat was le't wita corco purcnaso.W,'D spected in home nspect, work great. Possible only few years old. Asking pick up downtown Saiyrra.
Model Nos. 10.20952994. 110.60032991 Ask 4 Ben 31 5-232-01 7J Cell MICROWAVE GL Spaccnae'. PJIount ahnve sove. white S1 75.
67B-482-8949 RANGE E.EC DUAL Wht smooth top. slide ir. great co-ic S350 QUO 078-347-1232 RANGE WhiJpool 4 burne- 8 as Top broiler. Excellent ond. $300.
770-643-1601 REFRIGERATOR Amana. While side hy ice-maker. water disc. $450 404-9' 5-6655 REFRIGERATOR Amana white SxS. 5 ye, exc oond S450 404-909-922-1 REFRIGERATOR HI 13 c.l.
waler irdr $700. WD $550 All never ueed. byr old Was ier taOQ. 770 64S K3ii REFRIGERATOR Kenmore. Exc cond.
White, wrnty, $250 negot Will deliver Maaetla area, 770-374-4b9C REFRIGERATOR Kitehenaide 25.1 cu ft Stainless. Side by Sice Water Ice i a door $775 676-643-1033 REFRIGERATOR Whirlpool 25 A weeer in door: White: $525 deliver All Area 502-9073 REFRIGERATOR jo ou. t. white, sideside, iccmakor. S500.
Exc. ennd 770-654-5292 STOVE JENN AIR Stainless Consumer pro-down oraft with everything. Drand new $1200. 404-235-51 1 7 STOVEOVEN GE Gas, 4 burner broier cn bottom SJjQ. 670-402-8949 STOVEREFRIGERATOR $250 770-478-4150 WASHERDRYER A I cycles, guaranteed.
Can deliver. Heavy duty. 1 1 75. 770 749 B73Q WASHERDRYER A I cycles, heavy Guaranteed De iv possible i2QU I o-z-rs-zVj: WASHERDRYER Brand now, Kenmore Elite. HT3 series, Bought S2600.
II take S1 250. 706-507-001 7 WASHERDRYER Frigidaire heavy cutv. $100 ca. or 3175 pair. 578-849-3578 f- Ibu-nl WASHER DRYER Fu I size heavy duty, txt'a capacity.
Like new InstalledDelivery $250 Guaranteed. 04-441-8611 WASHERDRYER GE Heavy duty matching set, on white, $275, w.6 mo, war-anty. possible delivery 770-739-2374. WASHERDRYER Good Condition. S225 770-478-41 50 WASHERDRYER Heavy S225.
nefrideerator Irosf free. S17i). Will delive-. G78 907 9 1 07. WASHERDRYER KENWORE Like new 3198'sel.
Call 770-713-6763 WASHERDRYER Stackabc Unr 3 monas old White F-igi-daire. $650 firm 770-3P6-4638 WASHER Kenmore ser 70 Ivy Ltty Sup GapacT 3 seeed motor, 4U4 aaa sua WHIRLPOOL Ultnata Care II washen'dryer less than year old w2 yea- war-enly both $600 call 770-335-7171 LawnGarden Nursery 814 BOBCAT TEXTRON KAWASAKI 1 7 36" walk behind mower Velke oeltdrive. S2.B00. 770-623-3157 BOB AT, 4B" mower, 17hp, belt, walkbchmd.uscd 5 mcnthaS2.900 770-704-1156 CHOPPER DIXIE 200 X62703 SO moving deok, 27-IP DRAND NEW only used 7 hours. Please call Joe 678-873-1277 arvlirre CRAFTSMAN 25 5'1 seek.
Lawn 6 mos old. Was S3000 retail: $2195. 770-656-5305. GARDEN TRACTOR Johr Deere 3'-5. Great ooncilion.
S3400. 670-594-0303 GREENSMOWER-T-4DDI1, Solaen.O-rsel ding, lie, Ku bota diesel $1 70O great for ballfie ds 770-650-6799 15HP, water cooled. Hydro drive. GrassbagoerMu ch ii -S1995. Exc oond 770-B86-7657 JOHN DEERE RIDING MOWER Hydro, 13 eladc reel, low hrs.
Si 1.000. 770-823-8167 JOHN DEERE 455 DIESEL. 400 hoj-s. 60'' mower MCE 19 sprcadebacrator S5.000 770-51 B-7B56 LANDSCAPE TRAILER De luxe heavy duly wraeks aooess. S109b unused.
770-483-4144. Coll 770 337 4it21 LAWN EQUIPMENT G'avaly 48' hydro rider 59hrs use 21 hu kywasyki air ride seal headlight kit, mulch ktand 6ux'6 dual axle landscape trailer fnaf mouatad hox all racks, weeceaters, eager, blower, toro self propelled news' bagger great cone iticn $8 300 678 75B 0334 LAWN MOWER Centinel T-ac-tor '2he. wSx'V trailer $000 770-998-0000 LAWN MOWER 2005 ENCOHE Z34. Under 10 hrs with unused Catcher. Sel for 54,250.
List $5.200 770-891-4599 LAWN TRAC TOR JOHN DEERE LX 280. 25 b'S. IB HP 42 1 deck. $4250 404-936-1743 McLANE REEL MOWER Torsae $bbO Used twice, 17" 5 blade Cost new $699 plus tax. Runs perfect Contact: Roger 770-31 6-B' 6 1 MOWER Comm.
walk behind sulky, catchc mulch kit. 48' 6 5-irs $2 1 00 77000-7535 MOWER Ma-k metro 36" 12.5 Kaw acceleralcr alum bag low frs $1900 770-906-3996 REEL MOWER Tru Cut C-27 Unused-S1395. 770-929-8688 Cell: 770-337-t621 SNAPPER RIDING MOWER weatcher, exc. $1 595. 770-337-4521: 770-929-8688 TILLER-2005 HONDA FC-5O0 25 Mid-Tine.
Like hew, $650 770 734 0005 TRIMMER 20" reel mower S900; chain saw on stick $400: eliok edye- $300, hedge clipper $300; mini tiller S50. 770 393 3333 TRU-CUT REEL MOWER 27 nch. 2 years old. Flurs grea: New 2300. Prioed lo sell al 9950.
770-993-3175 WHEELBAR ROW Dr Power Wagor jssd 1x. Sell $995, see same www drpower com 770-330-8696 XMARK IUHF IKACLH. Walk behind 60", 23 HP. electric start exc cond SI 900 770-622-9772 Antiques 816 ANTIQUE DESK Hoosier dry sink, good condition. S550 nog.
404 010 4766. ANTIQUE Parsiar Here? Oriental Rug App-aised 6500 take S4 UOU Ivanov 91 2-608-8-14 1 ARMOIRE French 1920s, dou Pie door, high 5 wide, 33 deep. $1650. 770-992-2578 tor directions please visit Sales 805 LAWRENCEVILLE 938 Jami Cl. Hannary Sept.
3. 9arn-bpn Sept. 4, 9am-bpm Tools, clothes, lircns. patio fi it iglifs, sink, drop in elee-tric stovetop. refrig.
shutlers. otianLieliers, elo LI TH ON I A Fri Sal-. Sep 2 3. 10-5. Furniture, appliances, records, yard egupmenl, sheds much more.
2303 A 2307 Stone Mountain Lithonia Rd- Redan Rd turns irto Stone Mtn Lithonia Rd). LOG AN VILLE Hjge Muhi-fami Vard Sale FjmiLure, clothing dishes Too numerous to men: on! Fri Sat, Sept 2-3, Ham-4pm 523 Baycresk Crossing off Hwy 78 MARIETTA hSIAIh SALt FRI, SAT 9fl-n-6prr. White side by side 'efrig washerdryer, 2 sola sels, col-fee table, end table. 6 pc maple BR set. iY.Y 7,0 32 27 19 Tvs eq.Jio, bahy crio, ho.ise-hold mucF more.
"547 Hascal DR. Overlook SD off John Ward Rd 770-499-136 MARIETTA Kds TovsCoth-ii CDs, FilEE appliances. 2b4tS Morgan Lae D', MaricTta. Fn a Sa: 92 MARIETTA MOVING SALE FRI, SAT SUN. MON.
SFPT 2-5, 9AM-9PM High quality reurocuctons of Trench In pression slic art. oil paintings by Renoir. Degas, Chavsl, range Cell Joe at 301-706-3105 210 Sumter Dr, Sumter Hills SID. 808 ARCADE CAME "Skill C'fii by Grayf-ound holds stuff sd anmia s) S293. 770-37S-51 SD-a-t.
1 0AM ARCADE GAME Streetfghter coin operated Air hockey table $1 1 75. 4IM-4na-404. ARCADE VIDEO GAMES ge classic collection incl ViS.Pac,' (aslagn CentipKpe etc. Many more al retau It I buy junk games ro-i -o i Hf CARPET Cleaning Equipment, FX-P0. exrtRllenT condition, S1900.
770-6S7--771 CERMAIC MOLDS tor sale Dnna. Clay Pagie, Don Holiday, Gare a more. Will sell -or S2500. Over 240 molds wo'llt over J6b(J0. 80'ti poured less tian 5 limes.
7G 332 B08C COMMERCIAL FREEZER: 4Sin wide AIR like new. $gpououo u-suu- ENCLOSED TRAILER 2005 Pace Juurrey model wdual axis, elsct. b-akes. Only uan rrij-au-b4i today: FURNITURE Moviio Sale. 9pc.
dinette sel (600; sofas, tables, some yntagc terns accent peces, S20 to $10(1. 770-364-7359 HOT DOC CART burner rill. steam tray, sirk, umbrella 2,500 ebo 578-376-9671 KILN never used, like new, $450. 770-957-5870 LAWN MOWER nbnn. Tre Mountan Rike, Noreic Trac.
Csrd 325 earjh. 770-b' 4-7062. MAGAZINES Mens frenr 1 964-1 97S S200 Call 770-408-2000- POOL TABLE 7 SLATE Leaure Bay. dark navy felt, great cond. Cuss.cover.balls.
$1300. Craig 1378 3 2 3 3735 POOL TABLE. Sft Olhausen. Cxo C'jnU. Solid wood f-ame.
404-392-6592 TRAILER 2003 12ft nose S3500; many many louls $25 up. Retiring oeneral contractor 673 42S 7075 UTILITY TRAILER Eric osed 200i Continental Cargo wtwir axle, cloc. erases. S3o00 Call 7ns-3fi7-rjsga VENDING MACHINE Ve miny recto, 1 1 mach on loe Wrtta 3 fu I size drink mach, S1 2,750 Call VW ETTA RIMSTIRES -geat condilicn E350.00 Erlertain-rnert Center 10.00 2 very nice E7a-bHu-6UU5 WANTED CD's, DVD's GAMES WE BUY ALL CASH TODAY 770-878-0332 WEDGEWOOD AMHEARST ch na Never Used) 8 place settings, piece completer set, gravy boal, soup plales, fruil bowls. $1 ,900.
770-3H4-ti7H1 Wolfe Tanning Bed 24 bulbw facial new. S1iB0.678-79-6O6a. WOODEN PLAYSET. Heavy Duly. 9 activities.
Will Sa3b.l'0-Bb1-993ti. WOODEN PLAYSET. Heavy duty W'S activities. Will deliver arid rislall $935. 770-8a1-9336 WOOD HEATER with blower and hemidity cont-ol Tripple wall verl pipe $350.00 770-602-9244 OUTDOOR PLANTERS Flower boxes, statuary, u-ns, chairs, plante' stund rnisc, items, all p'leed to move qijiekly 510-53 5 0 Ca 770-752-8629 for app't.
Medical Equipment Supplies 809 ANESTHESIA MACHINE Ohmaria Exoal 210 tv7H0n vent rebu It antl certifed. SI 2, 500, 404-271-0644 IN DOOR STAIR LIFT nevar USBd, Ike nFW. $1900 firm 34000 new Cal 770-31 B-6039 POWERCHAIR 2003 Jazzy 1 Joystick control, used 15 mos. Exc coic. Over S6000 new, SI 900 770-977-5317 Mrlla POWER WHEELCHAIR h' 1 1 03 two months old $2,000.
Deliver locally. 770-4 61 o940 SCOOTER "Celeb-ity1 wlift New cond Scooter 53500 lift 3500 bot'l $3800 706-290-4587 SCOOTER. ELECTRIC Shcpridar Scoclia QTIE orly 731b Ike new 404-375-3566 SSbO.OO SCOOTER Rascal Fold Gn" mod. 350. Eleo.
ke new SI 200. 700-679-2248 WHEELCHAIR Electric Jazzy 1101 18 months old. exc cond include tremor control gel seat. S1900. Over $6400 new.
404 353 3B55 E-770-070-5121 WHEELCHAIR Powered, reclining seat warrr rest, oy slick control, up to 300 rjs. 'Ncycr used, $2500 67S-732-6495 Furniture Furnishings 810 ANTIQUE PINE ARMOIRE Verv uniqua. Excallen- condi-tna $700 404-373-6013 ARMOIRE r-ench painted an-tqje triple doors. rare find $aB5. 404-822-6399 ARMOIREMaving sale! med Ivory laqucrcd w2 ngtstands.
JSt see 51 75(678)840-1 120 BABY FURNITURE BELUN EXCELLENT COMDI-IIOM JESSICA SERIES NATURAL CRIB 3 DRAWER CHANGING TOY CHEST ROCKER. TOP 0 I Ht LINt $1395.00 CALL 678 343 1493 BABY FURNITURE- Like New. Natural linish. 2 cribs dressercnanger. hi.tch $1100 vvii spimo se I.
u-jo-rjU7 BABY ROCKER: Dutallier gl rier ollomar, oher-y -inish, cream cushions. Gertly used. 00. -'-04-373-5322 BED A Cherry Headboard, Dressermrror. Mighfcsland, frame LNUSED! In boxes.
Can deliver SS00 404-624-4096 BED Drexel Heritage Sleigh Bed Queen size Mahagony slegh bed S750 call 404-936-047 BEDROOM A bargain all cherry so id wood sat, oversized sleigh, fuge uresser, etc. Unused, can deliver. $322 MSRP S1949! 404-438-4299 BEDROOM A beautiful al cherry set, Unusoc boxes, Phillipe syle, hed dresser caest, elc, can deliver S890. 404-484-8578 BEDROOM A beautiful high- one oontempera-y set, low-prrv fila bed. micro-fiber HB.
dark espresso olor, brushed pewter harcware. UNUSED! First S1949. sold elsewhere tor S3739. 4D4438-4PS9 BEDROOM Absolute deal I Elegant SOUL! CMLHHY wood SLEICHBED set 7pes Very high end. email pcsdel.
S9b0 770 7'7 B05G BEDROOM All Cherry bed. dresser, mirror, chest, 2 night stands. Uausec $1,500. Ho-a Is S4000 770 457 9221 Garage Sales 805 COBB Vinirgs Designer home moving sale! Labor Day Weekend. Sat, Si.n, St Man, Sam 4pm.
All thirgs must gal An-iqjfis, Custom lirens. vintage bicycle, fur coat, kit wares, tlectrunirjy, lur i arl. 2700 Woodland Dr Lr-40 3GG 2331 CON LEY Dekalb. Off Boulder Crest Hd. 3901 Hsckcrcst ivi Garage Sale1 Kew used items.
FrT, Atg 2nd Sat. Aug 3. 7a-n-6pm. "DinreUe Su te. Ddrm ste.
tbl Sl chrs, clothing much mo'c! Come ea 'ly to get the hast buy. CRABAPPLE hclcctic Sac An-iq jas, rugs, turn, si v. ohina. vint clothes'rjewe rylinens, buo'ts, mid-eenLurv, art. Flll-SAT.
Sept 2 3. Ba-Eip. Jep Wheeler Rd, 3D IBB 3 mi. of Crsbappls off Hwy 1 40 Wast GUMMING MOVING SALh Sept 2S3- S-2pm. 53" Big Screen.
Sofa. Chair wolto, Ri-dins Txlr, Diniis Table chairs ard MORE! Garrett Dcwas Sub off Kely Mill. 2125 Crossover Dr Call 678-576-8500 DECATUR BIG YARD SALE Ccllecr. bles. fjrnture.
more. 8AM 3PM, SepL 3 223-1 Wineleas Rd. (Medlnck A'ea). DECATUR Indoor Moving Sale Sap: 3rd 9 3. urnitjrc Appliances Kitchen Glass a Flatware, Bee and Rath, Bocks, Accessories.
Mjsc and more! 1221 PoinseL PI. Miscellaneous DogsPure Breeds 706 SCHNAUZER MINIATURE 3 mo. old 2 rrales, 2 females, almas! rouscrjrrjkcn. $575 Call 77n-433-r833 404-331-5630. Cobb Co.
area SCHNAUZER Standard pup-pics, S.V&blk. AKC. all and wcrmed. 339-B1 08 SCOTTISH TERRIER AKC pups, MF, brindla wneaton. Robust! Happy! GLar SCOTTISH TERRIER AKC njppies.
vet checked, $400 Westminster SC Call 06447-9813. SHAR PEI Bus males Rk re-ma es blue gens carr $63C up AKC shuts 5 rwmed. unqje purjpies 77LHj2S-23(jU SHAR PEI CKC Reg stored Jnlhs-lyr Ponder springs, brb-37U-biJftt SHAR PEI Puopies Mala. 2 Females. Sable shuts dswurrred.
$400 pbu. 770 B75 2453 SHELTIE Pups, Mini Reg. SW Ui $3S0-SSOO; 3 adjk females. $300 $400. in cages Tor sae i m-id'ssd SHIBA INU 'or sale 1c loving home, 17: yrs eld, AKC.
Cjr-rcrt on shots. Ca I 770-S44-77S1 77n-5B3-aB4fi SHIH TZU Absolutely adorable. CKC. tiwks, shots, wormed, nrrents on site, $R00 770-7B6-6337. SHIH TZU Adorable, AKC pups, shots, paper trained, GHAfvD CHAMPION bloodlines, $450 tip 770-887-6931 SHIH TZU Adorable babies toy teacup Papers warranty, CASH Top qual 8500 770-572-7110 www.ricmsraissdpurj5.ccm SHIH TZU AKC, Beautiful barjies.
shoLs wo'mad, FV pa-ti cclcts. 700 431 027B SHIH TZU AKC 6weeks old Wormed, 'el shots. 'Mais. OFsttals. $450 cash en 770-31 4-5535 SHIH TZU AKC lovcrhcy.shotshvp $350 706-21 3-0497 SHIH TZU CKC puppies, gorgeous, reacy 82005.
shots wnrmari $400, East jonb 770-645-0141 SHIH TZU CKC reg pups born7-7-05S4C0 00 call 101-077-01 SO or 678-209-' 377 adorable acme raised babies SHIH TZU CKC. Tiny male-females chocolates black-white, sables. i4C0-3500. 770 BH3 520B. SHIH TZU cuppies.
CKC, shots wormed, health guaranteed, S500. 770-227-8538 SHIH TZU PupciEs: CKC; shots wormed. $375 Casn Only. Call 770-832-8150 SHIH TZU 2rd shots, paper trainee, adcraclc, AKC, mom dad dn premises, up can only jo-rib-uj4 SIBERIAN HUSKY AKC REG Sho-s cewor-ned bli.e ayes No checks. 1-256-586-2245.
hornsbyshuskieS'Szcorns'iare SIBERIAN HUSKY ups. AKC. Otvks, blue eyes greywhite. blackwhite, brcwrt'white. $325 US.
770 435 5081 SIBERIAN HUSKY pups, AKC champ, bdlire. excel ent disposition, vet checked, $350. 678-41 3-0303; 770-265-4002 SOFT COATED WH EATEN TERRIER puppies, AKC. 9 wks. M-, 3300-31000.
Health 770-591-175 SOFT COATED WH EATEN TERRIER Adorable puppies. AKC CH pad Hlth guar 770-297-3181 TOY FOX TERRIER CKC Itty Bitty -a sml swastspo Irijlrsird ents-tainers VtCkc HlthGuar $250-500 40-1-50B-6-19S WEI ARAN ER AKC pups Ready 9-30 3 ger on sits Free champ ped. Extras, 20 vre. exp. 335 7UG-JiY-u1zu.
WEIMARANER Pups AKC silvergray, 52 champs, 5 generations, shots, wormed, vet records $400. 770-363-3173 WELSH CORGI AKC pups, tricolor, charrpion bldlines, 3W, health guaranteed, S42b. 770 946 02G5; 301 550 5370 WELSH CORGI PEMBROKE CKC'shlswrmd. tilth guar, pa'onts on site, home raised. MP, $400-54511 770-345-0815 WELSH CORGI PEMBROKE Rescued males females, $150.
Call 770 428 B9 13 or 404-291 -33P1 AKC WEST HIGHLAND TERRIER AKC pups, health guaranteed, SW, European championship bldlines, $800. 404-361-3531 WESTIE Adorable puppies, IKC AKC, Irish i-npnrts, wirs eoat. vet heaitn guarantee SS50 each 770-297-31 B1 WESTIE AKCCKC Fups haalthy friendly, shntsde-wormsd. Ko checks. 77C-827-064Q WESTIE AKC snots worman health guaranteed- S700 4 76-4 7 1-783 or 6021 sbe WESTIE Beautiful AKC none raised soc aliped puppies No gheckshreecers S650.
404 542 5025 WESTIE Sweet Little Aicels 6 wis $550 Vet Checked, vearguarn. fcmail: com WHIPPET Puppies, AKC 10 wks. $600 each. 678-358-8540 WIRE FOX TERRIER Puppies AKC, 5 weeks old. 2 females.
$800 705 2' 3 1B35. YORKSHIRE TERRIER Absolute acorabe caby. baby dol face. CKC, tiny, exc qual heslth, $750 678-696-6894 See pups at www eolepLipa com YORKSHIRE TERRIER Adrr-abe cabes, -cuptoy, WKC. wa'raity.
staler kt babydoll top gjality. xx-tiny. CASH $000 (1025. 770 572 71' YORKSHIRE TERRIER AKC. Champshc bldln, pedigree, pic at $1,003.
706-377-3339 or 708-436-P759 YORKSHIRE TERRIER AKC. small melc puppies 2nc shots riewormed, $850 to S903. no checks 77C-439-9380 YORKSHIRE TERRIER Beaut ful babies CKC, shots wo'med. Cash please. $525up 770-788-2363 YORKSHIRE TERRIER CKC vet checked wormed, 1 snot 7 ws.
Dad 3 les S800 cash only 770-736-6911, 770-401-1394. YORKSHIRE TERRIER "1vks 1st shots, dawormed CKC res $600 Adult S250 770-705-2546; 770-826-51 It) YORKSHIRE TERRIER pups. AKC, Ve; crud, sriclswormed F-tBOO. Adults also S200 up. Cash only 770 253 872B DogsOther Breeds 707 BOR-DOODLES Swks, Bor- de- Collie Slanda'd Puode.
$950. 404 885 7443 co*ckER SPANIEL Jack Ftus-sel Pups S250 $300 Ready NOW. Acorab See pic at ajc. com 17061658 2552 Garage Sales 805 Keep Your City BEAUTIFUL And at same time obey the law. Cenain cres and co-inties have institLtcd sign laws.
Be sura yai. nnw the law before you pest sae sigrs. A Public Service Message Torn The Atlanta Journal-Constitution AC WORTH MOVING SALE FURNITURE DISHES TOOLS HOUSEWARES, COLLECT -ABLES. BLACKJACK TABLE. ANnQUES CELLAR, OFFICE 4016 Caddie D-Sjrday9-4 ALPHARETTA GARAGh SALt BRECKINRIDGE SJRDI, OFF OLD ALABAMA 37-10 FATTERSTOKE DR SAT -J'.) 2 (K) Kilcn items, clones, nor! ALPHARETTA Hugej home Kids F92 SUft dn end tbl sofa.
crib, cha Ibl. ne1. name brand Q-5T. toys 33d Eeltr it Cliae -1CH-7S7-62SQ ALPHARETTA Moving Salej Fcaljrmg hojscnolc goods basy its-ns, clohh2 Amnre 5D40Ryerp flcad Of! Abbotts Bridge Rd. Fri Sal, 9am-1 pin DrjgsOlher Breeds 707 Another litter? SpayNeuter your pet and help prevent unwanted litters! ENGLISH MASTIFF Swks olds 1st shots wormed, coth parents on premises S450 cash, 770-886-0850 JACK RUSSELL TERRIER Puppies, shots, wormed, 5250 each.
770-868-5306 or 770-307-3442 LAB -BOXE! Pups, 'si shuts 5. womed. happy, healthy friendly, see bcth parents SOS. 770-745-7092 LABRADOODLE AKC parenls. Tncse Dosigrer, loving pucs are mte liqent pups, black S490- 706-556-0504.
LABRADOODLE pups, choc. blk, chanp. bloodlines, hth tarrilv 'aised, $450 A up. MALTI-POO Bsajlilul tiny size pucs, Healthy, no sheddinn Shots wormed S395. 770-367 7208 PAPILLON 7 -Month eld pucs MF.
J400. (1) 13 wcc $300. Ue to date en shots Cash only. 770-204-6294. POM-A-POO Adorable 0 week tea cup and tiny toy Shots, wormed, health guarantee, S450.
770-479-9308 POODLE MIX. 13 weeks. Adorable low shedding, red 4 black, current on shotsworm irg. 5350.404-217-5386 YORKIE POOS Tiny arid adorable. CKC Reg.
Shots, de wormed, health guarantee, S600 up YORKI-POH Teaouu sze wil sit ir your hand. Beautiful. Shcts Si wormed. Parents are 2 4 lbs. S395.
4Q4-31 7-5Q24 YORKSHIRE CHIHUAHUA Mxec cuppies 1st shots, de-wormed, CKC (2u0. 770-735-3546; 770-626-51 19 YORKSHIRE TERRIER POD CKC TOP GAULTY absolutly adorable tiny babies S700 cash 673-478-7409 678128-4630 Cats 7D8 HIMALAYAN kittsns.CFA registered, lamily raised. health guarartecd. S350 ard uc. 770-070-2B73 770-315-0525 HIMALAYAN kit.ens, CFA 2 Hame pi.
nales, s'il-Is. Htaltt" gjarartee. S300 cash. 77rj-MS-Bflni. MIXED KITTEN 1:2 or 3 for sate.
Need loving family. $bea. 404 7GH titiUG PERSIAN CFA Kittens ch ines, whts, cameo torties, tslaLPk smoke raised Lnder fuol. S250 up. 770 8SH-727J PERSIAN CFA KITTENS Champ line, noma raised.
Whts colors. Shuts. b0 Lpash. Gainesville 678 617-ISSi35 RAGDOLL Reautiful blue eye babies. TICA, health guar All sfiols to dale.
$300 770 469 75B7 RAGPOLL LYNX 4 male kittens, tica registered, hand field da ly. Heady 9-' -05. $500. Call 404-313-2472. RUSSIAN BLUE 5 month kitten.
$300 to loving home. 770-216-5016 SIAMESE Traditional Saa pcint, I ynn white ticers. Seal pcint manx kittens" 3 S275 gash. 770-842-2750. Birds 7D9 AFRICAN GRAY 1 yr.old Tenale (Congo) Bird, Cage, and accessories. cash firm 770-949-3356 co*ckATOO Mai ucan, big and poachy. Talks some. Prefers rnsn. Cage and stand inoluded. S1000.
(404)6-9-91 63 MACAW Mini Macaw 1 yr cJ very 1'iondly and al ac cessnres 770-82-8802 SUfiO OBO Other Pets 710 Your Local Animal Shelter Offers more than just dogs and cats. Give them a try! MONKEY domestic, seriojs inquiries nnly, have prcper cape's. S3. 500. 662-695-3673; 801-550-3671 SAVINGS on puopies more! PETLAND ALPHARETTA Labor Day Sale All Weekend Big ClubPet Savings S150 nit puppifis rjoasn': include sale puppies) 25-50 u'T aylwLyd pupyiyy Q-Xb o- on selected -jrtis birdcages, fish, supp ics, small Animals repties ac rrnrc' Plus FREE Hansler wth the purQfiase Df a Hansler Exaerl Kit.
Buy 1 Paraee1, Get 1 FREE. Free ClLbPot Wlamberships fjoms ia aa receiveaFREE godfsh Pkvy 77D-7i1-1981 A GA Wild ite Fcsajrcfis In 770-76' -3044 Questiors on unusual or exolic pels Lhal may be illepal. Adopl-A-Pel 711 To Our Advertisers And Readers So-ne persons who respond tc these ads wi I not give a pet a good home, lo ensu'e the pet's safety, rheck references arid tfisi" the new home shortly afts' Ihe adoption Yoir vigilance may savs a pet "I'oni abuse. And please. rernarrPer tn havs your pel spaysc o' retnsred.
sdverLiserJ in Lh is courTir1 should be with nu fees associated. BORDER COLLIE 11 wky tjlVt'ile it ivur i iy rj ChidTiendly. 77015-0 CAT Hfiai.tifi.l 1.5ys, darli gmy feni3l9. shots, friendly Call 670 -107-1 00 CAT tilack 2 yr. male.
Gold eyes, shotsneixe'ed. FV Positive but very healthy Lovabe Needs FIV Coivnanior or to be only cat. Indoo-. 4U4-375-" 129 CAT Blk pat. spayed, not gd wkids- Hus-LjanU allsrgip 77Q-t92-Q37t CAT dcclawcd ncjtcrcd, sncrt hairsc.
gray, small female 1.5 CAT rvlom kitten. yr. Kitten ben 529, bath spayd shots 770-579-3723 CATS F. white, blue- gold eyes, WI. wir, hlufl eyfis, beai.titiJ.
Shots, indco- 676-637-3039 CAT Siamese, aplK tid, seal pnt, Byrs, ntrdrcd, a I shots, snrpnst trnd 4Q4-31 5-8362 Garage Sales SOS ALPHARETTA MOVING SALE- 270b LaLrl Wuod Lyrie: oii I lanesbridge. Saturday, Ssp-tenber 3. 3arr 1pm Matchirg cniinhlfivfiSAat, I.jII sii-f brl tocls. also otber furniture and tiuLisyl'u goods ALPHARETTA WINDWARD SURDIVISION MliI: family Garage Sale Furniture. Rjys, LltruriLis.
Toys, Fabric. Fri 92 and Sat 33 Barn -2pm Landings Ccva BRIARCLIFF MOVING SALE Sept 3.3.4. 9 3,2632 B'aithwocd pr: trm DR 3At w6 nhrs 3 rugs: wchr: 2 ng chrsijartje bookcase. gn sleigh bed.qn futon.patio sst, guitar, misc. 770 433 8G9G BROOK HAVEN ESTATE SALE DecuTir.ur liquidation.
Ekjo tronics, baoks, Utrasucdc 50ta costume hinh-find jewelry crystal, d-centLiry Weil-ware Winton China. olottiing2X-2-1 atmes-G b-9, Bracbury Piana, tabic linens, antiques Morel Fri. Sept 2 3, 10-AU-4PM. Snil-Sept. 4 Noon-4.
1909 Vara-Lions 030329 (nr. inlyreiiuli-ri ot Clairrront a Qjford Hwy Paixon even side BROOK HAVEN 3094 Mab-y Road. Tri Sept. 2nd 3rd, tiarnlipm. 6-Fan ly Sale.
Lots of tLrnitura, pi js oak talss. collectibles, videos, lamps, hundreds of ilens Parkirg on sid sTtet FurnitureFurnish 810 BEDROOM Absolutely Gorgeous Cherry king size sleigh bed. dresser, Mirror. Amoire, Entertairnent Ctr, Nightstaae S195C. Retail $5000).
Al never used. Real ierry Solid Wood Al-pharetlaUuluth 770 772 6037 BEDROOM ALL CHERRY'seigr' bed roam sel, unused S950, reta led $2300. 770-457-6880 BEDROOM estate designer Irs for a king, Marion, 37900. Worth S1 5K 404-252-4871 Bedroom Furniture Beautiful 4 piece queen bedroom suit. Solid Pine, colon al.
Asking $2,200. Contact owner al 770-977-3838 or 673-873-0599 BEDROOM Furriturejhttp www geocilias caickeetaz.AnPaotos htrnh $750 BEDROOM SET Euro Queen Wall Unit greal cond pholos $1 500 obo 770-485-2252 BEDROOM SET Gorgeeus caarry, king hdnrd A Itbrri. rail, dresser, mirror, armcire. 7 N's $2200 770-842-1391 Sasrilioe, perfect oond. high end.
BEDROOM SET HENREDON Burl seh wteak in ay, 4 post canopy ad. drsmir, armoire, tble, (3.200. 678-5200784 BEDROOM SET Mancgany. Slciah bed, dresser, mirror, nigftslands, TV Armoire $1495. Neyar used 678-428-4399 BEDROOM SET Solid caerry, triple dresser, tri-old mirrer, arnoi', 2 4-drawe' night staarr traditional styling, exc oond.
676-296-0797. Bedroom Set youth furniture solid wood oft twr or bi.n 6piecesS900 70 432-032 BEDROOM SET 9 po Ml lerium contemn 2 tone tan, Moving. $600OEO. 678-687-03' 6 BEDROOM State Master, aigh columns, ultimate cond, $2900. Velue 5' $14k.
Dinirg rm 5t Liv-ing rm Ste. BEDROOM SUITE (Alexander Julian, 4 pst qn sz bed, dresser, uiyhtslarid $lti00 OBO. 404-401-4557. BEDROOM SUITE Beaut 8po Knpsz Ashley Millennium $1200 Irar alone tbla 770-613-9616 678-401-020 BEDROOM SUITE Lane 8 no. Good ennd $1 300OBO 770-355-4492 BEDROOM SUITEtON bed, dresser wmirropnightstand ww pina; $650 404-354-8000 BEDROOM 2 twin caerry veneer sleigh beds Sera Per feof Sleeper nioht staac.
G-eat conditon. S775. 404-373-5322 BEDROOM A Set Contemp Mir, Chst. Nchstnd. In boxes.
$950 Can del 404-824-4896 BELLI Nl Italian Youlll Furniture White finish, 7 pieces, ike new. SI .400. l404t 944-744 BOOKS for Yci.r SnalvesV Starting at S1.00! Book Outlet in Snellville 770-735-0403 BROYHILL OAK DINING TABLE. 6 CHAIRS, CHINA HITCH. SIDEBOAnD $950 CALL: 770420-7369 CHAIRS (2) AND OTTOMAN Norwak Port and; Green.
$1400OBO. 404101-4567. CHANDELIER Gorg 8 lita arsr-thes leal crystal. Never htinc. 38Hk36W, S485 404-822-8399.
CRIB Child Cra't, natural wood color. Paid $1900 for both. Like new will sell $800 set OBO. Other smal Items. 770 235 2427.
DESK CREDENZA-flame mahogany wretuai. lalera les, locks $550 770-44' -2255 DESK Large solid mancgany executive des-r with glass Lop. $750. Call 404-634-7247. DESK I eathar inlay top $495 email com' for pic.
404-434-036 DINING ROOM Absolutely Gorgeous, Cherry Ball Claw, Sou ale Pedeslal Table wr' leaves 8 Ch ppendale Cherry Ball a Claw Chars Large ft iff artH. itch. Chna Cabinet $1350 Retail ove- $50O0t So ic Wood Real Ctier-y Nor-Glossy. Never Used 770 772 5037 DININGROOM ALL CHEnRY. BALL CLAW, 12pe.
w4 double pcdistal table, 2 leaves, lightad hutch A buffet. 6 Chippendale onai-s, unused, SI 500, retail S-tppo. 404-349-1973 DINING HOOM ALL MAHOGANY. High-end, hand-carved, dbe. pedestal table w8 chars, lighted hutch Si buffet.
Unused. Sacnfcc: $2100. retails: $5000 770-457-322' DINING ROOM BAKER double pedesta maaagony table $1400. 770 033 5912 DINING ROOM Estate cuaily. Stunnirg 110" double pedestal table, wTBurlc Walnut sherry woon neli.das hi.tch buflat Schairs, extraordinary detail, compares w.Henredon or Tho-nasville.
Saerafice $2300. Retail $'2K. 770-457-5880 DINING ROOM rLrnilure ay Henrsdon, dining table w6 caai's a matching buffet china cabinet, exc cend. $1 500. Key 770-95- -2003.
DINING ROOM- HENREDON beau- ful mahagony -able and 8 ball Claw chairs $2900 770-631 -0795 DININGROOM Sal. naai.tili.l drexel heritage ning table w9 onai-s, ful brake Front, curio leafier top Servian, table on wheels, ask ng $5000. Call Bar ron 770-714-5454 DINING ROOM SET BROYHILL OAK, 6 CHAIRS BUFFET CHINA CABINET EX COND 770-028-986' $1000 OHO DINING ROOM SET double pedasta cherry wood table with hvn laavan, pads 6 chairs, and china autch, $2000. 404-643-0163 DINING ROOM SET Jrexel Hertage. Taavera Collection.
China labe 6 6 unal chairs 6 mills old. Asking $3,800. New tb i ro 4uij s8-u DINING ROOM SET High end caerry Chippendale lor 12 10 dining 2 ami S50PU(40i) 31 3 0708 -nore pies avail DININGROOM Sal. Like new! 8 caai-s. Pad $2300! Steal it $1390! 404 441 1020 DINING ROOM SETTs.ble and 6 oaairs, oak wi'grccn accents, exc.
cond. $750neq. 404-315-2420 DINING ROOM SUITE-Ash with inlays, Tabc, 2 loafs, Bu-tct with mirrors, serving butlcl. 10 chairs Oriental style, excel-lent $3800 770-393-3042 DINING ROOM SUITE Blonde nine, 10 pieces, must sell. $500.
Call 770-737-2430 DINING ROOM SUITE Glass ten match ng leather chairs, $1300. 770-49ri-7751 DINING ROOM TABLE ANTIQUE ARMOIRE S500. 404-644-1 932 DINING ROOM TABLE I CHAIRS oak wrn leave, double pedesta 2 arm chairs St 4 sides. $bbO 673-460-2274 DINING SET Glass Table 6 leather back caai-s S1200- 578-505-8256 DINING SET matiugny 1940s tabl.sidsOrd.chinacab 8 chrs great cor $2 1 0O 404 386 03B7 Garage Sales 605 DEKALB 1000's of items! Bri'13 ruck! Lke new n-mg living apel. New designer clolhirg, cr'sta.
Mikasa Dishes boxes, jewelry, Sept, 4-5, 9A-5P. 1394 Merry oil N. Druid lis. DULUTH 3S28 Centenn al Surday a3 9''-1 darr-Oprn. Furriture, clothes, computer terns and more.
DUNWOODY GARAGE SALE Sat. orly, 7AM-1 PM. 863j Hope Mews CcLrtHighlands of inwoody Subdv Housewares. mere. DUNWOODY Moviio Sala Sat a 3 Sarn--pri, Sun 94 10am-2pn Bedroo sofa TV, Beac-tilul Custom Teat FLmrturcCarc TBCH.
Sec tional Mjch More. 1 7fjG La-yyrverLn PH EAST ATLANTA Garage Salcl Evaryth ng must go) Refrigerators washers, d'yers. Turn Lure, tools, cblhes, elc. Every Saturday from San-bp ti. MiUU Flalshoals Rc.
Atlanta. 30316 404-905-0O91 EAST COBB Bies, elecvon-ics, scwirg machine, fjrntu-c. cothes, books, kitcher items, lionecffice TONS! 2071 Ct. Folkslone 3D. 773 565-9178: Fri 2, Sat 12 EAST COBB Mult Family Sale in Spencers Mil Sub On Trickum, South of Marietta-Kids, home.
collectibes. tools. Fr Sal Gain 2pm Ticket Mart 801-804 Garage Sales 805 Flea Markets BOB Articles LostFound BD7 Miscellaneous 80S Medical 809 FurnilureFurnishings 810 Beds i Mattresses 811 Appliances 812 LawnGanleivNiirsery 814 Antiques 816 Collectibles 818 Clothing 819 JewelryGemMetal 820 Pianos Organs 821 Photography 822 HDlTuDsSpasPools 823 Musical Instruments 824 Fitness Equipment 825 StereoRadio 826 TVVCIWiderj 828 ComputersSoftware 830 PhonesPhone Systems 832 Olfice Furniture 834 BusinessOlc. Equip. 836 Portable Buildings 838 Building Materials 840 ToolsShop Machines 842 Heavy Equipment 344 Farm EquipSupplies 846 Auctions 848 Merchandise Services Ui Visit us at: PIANO Digita -Roland KR 577-Like new- polished fruit-wood S2998.
670 304 9550 PIANO Erhord Baby Grand and matching bencn. $600 obo. 770-27S-91 85 PIANO EVERETT 4(1" UP HIGH I MAHOGANY FINISH EXCEL COND. $600 770-427-7205 PIANO Gorgeous KAWAI console exc. cone, like new S2735 770 912 7984 PIANO KAWAI GRAND 5'9" satin ebony, exc oond E-mail photo avail.
$7500. 770-424-271 9 or 404-483-B236 PIANO Kawai studio. Fxoellent condition wbench S2995. 4 04-542-7373 PIANO Kawai uprighl. Pe can finish wbonch.
Beaut ful cond S1900. 4Q4-249-8878 PIANO Kohler Campbell console, prelly case, rich tone, sac. $B50obo. 770 920 B951 PIANO liquidation panes S095 New $1705 404-329-0026 HURRY! PIANO Schumann G-82 Baby Grand White, 1 985, Excellent Cond $3995 678-M1 -0033 PIANO Sohmer Spinet Good condition. $750 or besl offer.
Cal 404-669-9908. PIANO Spinel Sloray a Clark S750 or best offer SW Atlanta 404-349-27B7 PIANO Steirwav Baby Grand Superb instrument, warm 'lea tones, elegant case, secrif 770-926-8951 PIANOSTEINWAY MODEL 1976. Walru-. 19,000. I owner.
885-603-2901 865-776-1 025 PIANO STEINWAY Model 510" Mahogary Excellent condition Built 1920 S20.500. Call 404-4Q8-0970 PIANO WEBER BABY GRAND RITZ CARLTON DEMO Light use-' 2 yrs-S9k OBO 770-426-4669 PIANO Wurlipter Spinel S900 or negotiable. 770 923 703B. PIANO Yarrflha Baby Grand 10yrs old, excellent condition, S7993. 770-977-9167 PIANO YAMAHA 3 0 High gloss ebony, great cond Sacrifice.
$6950 -2927 PIANO Yamana Grard Approximately 6 loae. Exec lent condi-- on S1 2,995 404-52-7373 PIANO Yamaha Grand C-2 Ebory, rarely used, like rew, 1 2,000. Call 673 393 B593. PIANO YAMAHA STUDIO Excellent Condi: on! $2995 770-977-0326 Photography 822 ARKAY Camera stand wnraicstic gearnead $200 404-H58-2519. SpasTubsPools 823 GAZEBO Redwood.
Never used. 10x14. $3500OUO; Orig HOT TUB by Leisure Bay. barely used, II se I tor $2500 Paid $5000. 673 376 U5U0 HOT TUB Gorgeous Coeman.
Used once. Bltt marble. Owrer relcc. 770-873-8005 5-1000. HOT TUB, HUGE! 34 jots, 5 ap syst.
lounecr, ligh-, ceda' caninet, cover, ozonato' i ncluded S300C.OO Cal 864-218-3065 War'anty HOT TUB Leisure Bay 6-Prsn 91x91x37). ghtS'Wlrtall, Exc Cond. $3900 676.933.9919 HOT TUB Rraod new atill in plastic Ful warranty, loaded, cost $7400 sellS3950. 404-J14-0516 HOT TUB 2001 Solana TX, 2 parson Purcn S3K Sell 81500. 770-567-5556 Mrs.
Lee 305 SMYRNA MABLETON Vinings Estate Garage Sale 40 FAMILIES Saturday. September 3rd. 6 30-1 30pm EaslWest Ccnnectcr Ccoper Lake. SNELLVILLE HUGE GARAGE SALE Fri. Sat.
3 3. 383 Sun Sparkle Ct Brioht Wflte- Sub Water-shine "Vay lo Sun Sparkle Treadmill, clothe, kids terns, furn. boks, bousenolo. videos SNELLVILLE Moving Sale Sept. 3rd, flsm-2pnn.
8ft pool tacle like new, Schcmacker pi-anc, adies ewery anrj otber assorted ilems. 291 Bankston Circle. 770 935 G560 SOUTH FULTQN Vlov ng sala, Thur, Fri, Sat Sun, Sept 01-0-1, 9-3pm. WD, 24'TV, qn bed vbox spgs natt, kt tbl chairs, misc ilcms. ktchen wares inol microwave, blencer, more, Must sell.
Apt, 2C4. 6200 Baker's Ferry RdAtl 30331 SUWANEE Garage Sale. Sept. 3rd. 3am 4pm.
4330 River Clan Circle Furniture, clothes, tcys, wedding gown sLe 5, lawn equipment and much more STOVES, REFRIGERATORS WASHERS a DRYERS, WE ADVERTISE THEM ALL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4D4-577-5772 airxlassifieds cron- Miscellaneous Tickets 803 404-TICKETS All Events BuySell Concerts Sports Theatre Local and National or 4C14.4B7 0227. GA Lit: 4405 TICKETS f-alcois Braves layr.tts. Bjyll A I Events. 4rji-444-4444Lic. -C4403 ww.
lionet mall com Sports Tickets Accommodations 804 ALL UGA, FALCONS BRAVES lickots for sac. Cal 77C1-442-R499 Articles LostFound 807 BAG Small bag found at 2Bo swcll Rd. ID carrcnts will -eturr 256-'-12-7693 Miscellaneous 808 ARCADE GAME Sit dewn driv-np, garre 25" monitor, ft-orks great, $HUD. 77U-aai HBUO Garage Sales 805 BUCKHEAD GARAGE SALE 3b7 PEACI ITREE CATTLE AVE IHctwccn P-xc a N'sidrj) SATEPT 3. San-3prr "urnitjre collectibles, trea-sunis, gryal deals.
BUCKHEAD Movirg Oi.t 1 9 Saratoga Place HLfo-d Hwy Lsft or Shacy Vflllsy; on Saratoga PL Seat- 3rd th. Sat. and Sun 1Qan-2pm. Furn. 'lse'ild rams.
Lxz. Cmid. Jnslc items goes lo cha'ity. BUFpRD Multi-tfiriily yard sala. dishes yard terns, anc much rro'e.
Sal. 93 Mori 9b, earn-3urn. G636 Garret -ft Duf-rd Dan Rd. CABBAGE TOWN MOVIE ROP SALE Sailing props used on the movie "Randy and Fri. 20b I loltzclaw Unit off Mernu--ial D'.
CHEROKEE Large Gamge sale NW Alpharetta area, "Lirniture, anliques, baby terns, clothes, piru goll cuus, electronics, bocRs, canoe, 172fi Gwens Stare Rd. Canton, Ga30115. CLARK STON Estate Sale Sept. 4th 3am-3p-Ti. 3434 Cass Ct.
Many bautilul ar iques prices t-ern $1G ga-age 5ale items priced fnonn 10 cents. For mora nifo and call to Garage Sales online, us at Garage Sales 805 MARIETTA 487H Townsh Iraee 30003, 92 93 1-um 9am jpm. PAULDING Dallas Washdrycr sal (new $300, sotacha nay)-S500, queen bed dressr-SOO, kit chrs eompute- desks misc tLrn rem 5, 31 Park Ave 678-353-61 50 ROSWELL A moving sale Fi.r-ni:ure: electron cs, tools, liuusefiulds. toys, dollies. 4301 Dumleigh Chase.
Off Mabry Rd neaH Hwy R2 Sept. 2nc anc 3ro. 8 to 2 No eerlyhiros. 21 ROSWELL Carace Sale. Clar Uikes SD.
2326 Mountain Trace, 3CIU75. Satv Sept 3rc Si.n Sept 4th. nam-4pn. Furriture. kitchen appliances, costume jewery, bedcing, linens, ribbons, baskets lets more.
ROSWELL MOVING SALE Hcfrigcra-or. WD, kitchenware, clothing, living room, dinirg room and bedroom furnit.ire Sat 93 and Sun. 9-1 10A-5P. 1280 Land Lakes Drive. 770 310 5512.
ROSWELL Moving Sale- Sent. Fri Sat Furniture Rugs. Bed Room and Kitchen items, washerdry purling goods, Beds, yard 260 Vickery Way, 770-949-072 ROSWELL 535 Periwirkle Dr Pne Needles SD, off Colma-i Rd. Furniture; 3 piece sec tiona. 2 easy chairs, 2 dressers- one aached mrror.
twin trundle bed, dishes, books. Saturday 9-4. Red Black CNZ020EOI7KK I7E 4 Star.