The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

BUFFALO EVENING NEWS METROPOLITAN PAGE Tuesday, May 26, 1970 Page 37 Four Men Killed By Poison Fumes In Remote Cabin Special to Buffalo Evening News BOLIVAR, May 26-Four men were found asphyxiated Monday morning in the remote Town of Clarksville cabin where they had gone for the week-end. Authorities said that a defective water heater filled the threeroom cottage with deadly fumes. The victims were: Richard Szulgit, 33, of 108 Glendale Hamburg, owner of the hunting cabin. John Yeager, 67, of 171 Linwood Buffalo. Jose R.

Puente, 21, of 25 Northumberland Rochester. Steven Puente, 16, his brother, same address. Dr. Edwin F. Comstock an Allegany County coroner, certified death was accidental and caused by carbon monoxide poisoning.

He estimated the victims had been dead at least 24 hours. discovery was made by State Trooper Paul J. Gonska of Wellsville after a phone call from Mr. Szulgit's family expressed concern that the group had not returned home by Sunnight as they had planned. They reportedly had gone to the cabin Saturday to repair a leaking hot water line under the cabin on an oil lease site about 6 miles northwest of here.

Trooper Gonska forced his way in and found Yeager's body on the kitchen floor and the other three in beds. preliminary investigation indicated that the leak caused the heater- tank flame to burn continuously, causing the burned gas fumes to enter the cabin through a vent that ended in the attic of the one-story frame structure. Mr. Szulgit managed several Buffalo properties, including the Elliott where Mr. Yeager lived and was employed as superintendent.

The were Mr. Szulgit's nephews. Mr. Yeager is survived by his wife, the former Elizabeth Whichard, and two brothers, James and Thomas, also of Buffalo. A private funeral was conducte today in the Lombardo Funeral Home.

Requiem Mass for Mr. Szulgit will be offered Thursday at 11 AM in St. Mary of the Lake Church, Mt. Vernon, after prayers at 10:15 in the Colonial Memorial Chapels 3003 South Park Lackawanna. His survivors are his wife, the former Marcia E.

Edwards; two daughters, Karen and Laura, also at home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Szulgit, Hamburg: a sister, Mrs. Jose Puente, Rochester, and two brothers, Francis and John, both of Albany. Music Distracts Thugs in Holdup Of Restaurant A pair of would-be stickup artists got too involved in the songs on a juke box today and failed in a a holdup try in a restaurant at 590 Genesee St.

Gary Slay, the restaurant owner, told Michigan Station police the two men strolled into the place about 4:30 AM and ordered chicken. Then one flashed a and ordered: "Give me all the money." At this point, Mr. Slay reported, he removed the cash from the register, but noticed that, both juke men box had and moved were chat- over ting while scanning the box. Taking advantage of the bandits' pre-occupation, the owner raced to the rear of the restaurant. The gunman fired a shot and then fled with his companion.

Suspect Absolved In 2 Bar Deaths A Lackawanna bar manager has been absolved of charges stemming from the shooting death of two men on Oct. 3, 1967. Thomas Wall, convicted of criminal negligence sentenced in to Supreme four and years in prison, was absolved by the Appeals Court in Rochester. He was originally indicted on four counts of manslaughter in the slayings in his bar of Fred Perry, in his 209, and Roberto Perez, 16. While awaiting the court's ruling, Wall was free on a certificate of reasonable doubt.

Lancaster Picks Depew's Man As Youth Bureau Members The Lancaster Village Board Monday night appointed three persons to the newly created Lancaster Youth Bureau, one of whom was named to the same organiation last week by Depew. The board appointed Robert Giza, unit director of the Lancaster Boys Club; the Rev. Donald Becker, assistant pastor of St. Mary's Church, Lancaster, and the Rev. Gary Miller, assistant pastor of St.

John's Lutheran Church, Lancaster. But Mr. Giza, a Lancaster resident and gym teacher at, St. Mary's Elementary School, Lancaster, was appointed to the same bureau last week in Giza said today he considers himself Depew's representative because that village appointed him first. The Youth Bureau, operated by the Town of Lancaster, will serve the two villages by contract.

Each municipality has been asked to name its repreI sentatives the 13-member Youth Bureau. In other action the board: -Filed VISE (Voice vil- In Stadium Expenditures) protesting a lage ordinance requiring anyone who canvasses door to door to identify himself to village police for a permit. -Set a meeting for 8 PM June 11 In the Municipal Building to establish the proposed joint Narcotics Addiction Guidance Council that will serve the and Village of Lancaster as well as Depew. -Asked village clerk Linus Eck to reDepew to install sidewalks on the south side of Broadway between Brunswick Rd. and Conway Depew, to village link Depew-Lancaster Plaza.

The has been asking Depew for three years to build the sidewalks, -Voted to paint "Lancaster Village" on the new village water tower rather than of Lancaster." The painting may be done next month. Cooler Weather Forecast On Heels of Vigorous Storm A dip in the thermometer was predicted today on the heels of a storm that, despite, its savage sound, caused damage and a few temporary power failures as it roared past, Monday night. The Weather Bureau expects a high near 65 degrees today, with continued cool weather under sunny skies tomorrow. The temperature was expected to drop into the 40s tonight, then climb into the 60s tomorrow accompanied by a 10 per cent chance of rain. than 3000 Niagara Mohawk Power Co.

customers suffered power losses up to three hours in various parts of Western New York Monday evening. Lightning caused almost the power failures, but winds clocked at 50 miles an hour triggered the three-hour blackout for 900 customers in Niagara Falls, a Niagara Mohawk spokesman reported. Tree limbs were snapped, windows smashed and power lines felled in Niagara County, the hardest hit portion of Western New York. Power also reported Buffalo's were, Side and in the Towns of Tonawanda, Clymer and Findley Lake in Chautauqua County, with minor flooding reported in Cheektowaga. Lightning struck a barn in Orleans County, sparking an $80,000 fire that destroyed the structure.

Bond Issue Holds Key to Size Of Grand Island Tax Increase The Grand Island school budget of $5,967,209 formally approved by the Board of Education Monday could mean a tax rise of $6.58 or $18.92 per $1000 of assessed valuation, depending upon acceptance or rejection of a bond-issue proposition to finance part of the 1970-71 expenditures. The proposed budget, to be voted on June 10, is $1,035,439 more than the current one. Proposition 1 calls for a $275,528 bond issue for capital expenditures which the board says have been withheld from several previous budgets to keep the tax rate in line. This amount is also shown in total budget apbe propriations deducted if the proposition is from which it will approved. Seek 2 New Buses The bond issue would allow the school district to take adof long-term financing vantage, improvements needed at four school sites, it was explained.

If the budget alone is accepted the tax rate will rise to $97.24 per $1000. If the bond issue also Grand Island Decides to Build Sewer District 4 The rand Island Town Board at a special meeting Monday approved construction of Sewer District No. 4 at an estimated cost of $1.5 million. only the 1100-acre Oaks The district will not include, project, but will also extend south to Harvey east to the Niagara River and west to meet Ext. 1 of Sewer District No.

1. Originally, the district was planned for an extensive area north of River Oaks at an estimated cost of $2 million but was turned down in a 3-2 vote by the board when the Chamber of Commerce and taxpayers' groups objected. They contended a new district or extension of District No. 4 should, instead, be considered to serve the town's business area on Grand Island Blvd. Youth Gets 21 Stitches After Firecracker Mishap Stanley Pelc, 13, of 13 Sand Lackawanna, suffered a cheek cut Monday afternoon when a firecracker he had thrown exploded prematurely.

Police said the youth received 21 stitches at Our Lady of Victory Hospital. The accident occurred on railroad property at the foot of Warsaw St. Delevan Pilot Dies in Vietnam As Copter Is Shot Down Special to Buffalo Evening News DELEVAN, May 26 Force Warrant Officer Ralph W. Bigelow, 21, died near Chu Lai, Vietnam, Friday, when the helicopter he piloting was shot down as he covered a unit of servicemen clearing an airstrip. His brother, Army Specialist Wayne Bigelow, who was among men clearing the strip, learned of his death within minutes.

The brothers had asked to be stationed near one another. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bigelow, 25 Grove were notified Sunday. He was born in Budget Calls For $1.98 Tax Increase In Orchard Park The Orchard Park Board of Education has approved a budget calling for an estimated tax rate increase of $1.98 per $1000 of assessed valuation in 1970-71.

The proposed budget of $6,603,130 will be explained at a 7:30 PM meeting June 9 in the high school auditorium on Lincoln Ave. Voting on the budget and candidates for the two open seats on the Board oto Education will be held from 2 PM June 10. The budget increase of approximately $610,000 will pay for a new teachers' salary schedule of an increase of $500 at starting pay. Competition For Seats In a separate proposal, another 19 cents would be added to the proposed new rate of $62.47 for the purchase of three buses and a station wagon. In the school board race, Chester G.

Haibel of 17 Metzger a building contractor, and a critic of the present board will oppose Richard C. Higgins of 146 Hillside Dr. Mr. Higgins has been a member of the Board for five years. Mason H.

Holmwood of 4497 S. Freeman Rd. is unopposed for the second seat. He is an engineer. Mr.

Higgins has been with William Higgins Sons a large rigging, hauling and contracting company since 1937 and is currently its executive vice president. He is also president of the Gottry Corp. in Rochester. Eight New Teachers Mr. Haibel has voiced concern over a breakdown in communication between school boards and their publics and has said that Orchard Park's failure to approve building bond issues is an example of the condition.

In addition to salary increases, the budget contains these major items: salaries for eight new teachers, funds for an expanded driver education and summer corrective reading program, the reinstatement of bowling, golf and rifle teams and more teacher aides. Man Pleads Guilty To Lesser Charge In Beating Death Special to Buffalo Evening News LOCKPORT, May 26 Sentencing was scheduled June 3 Monday after Harry L. Sanney, 23, formerly of 14 Columbia pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of first-degree assault as he was scheduled to go on trial for first-degree manslaughter. had been accused in connection with the Dec. 14, 1965, bludgeoning death of Charles E.

Reynolds, also of Lockport, whose body was found in an abandoned coal shed near the Barge Canal. He had been indicted twice on the charge but both indictments had been dismissed by Niagara County Judge John V. Hogan because of legal technicalities. However, the second was reinstated by the Division on an appeal Appellate. Dist.

Atty. John P. Mansour. Sanney was also allowed to plead guilty Monday to a reduced charge of second-degree assault in connection with a knife attack last August on John Barrett, 11, of 58 VanBuren while the boy was fishing a with a companion in Eighteen Mile Creek, near Clinton St. Hearing Is Set For Rezoning of Pembroke Tract Special to Buffalo Evening News PEMBROKE, May 26-A public hearing has been set for 8 PM June 10 on a proposal to rezone a tract near the new Pembroke interchange on Route 5 for use as a mobile home park for retired persons.

The application was made by Mr. and Mrs. John Visone, owners of the property on Route 5, who asked the classification be changed from agricultural to trailer camp and park district. Under earlier plans, the Visones would form a corporation to operate a trailer park with space for about 125 mobile homes ranging in price from $8000 to $20,000. Among restrictions set up in the initial proposal were that residents in the mobile homes must be elderly or retired with no children allowed.

Boosters Sponsor W. Seneca Concert West Seneca Band Boosters will sponsor a free band concert June 3 at 8 PM in the new East Seneca High School, 4760 Seneca St. Bands from East and West Seneca High Schools will be directed by David Earl and John Landers. Bumper stickers reading "I'm a Buck-A-Year Band Booster" will be available in East and West school colors. The Boosters are seeking $400 to supplement school funds so that East Seneca can purchase 60 band uniforms.

To Discuss Dome Stadium Representatives of Dome Stadium Inc. will show a film and answer questions concerning the Lancaster project at the East Aurora Chamber of Commerce dinner meeting tomcrrow at the Roycroft Inn. Dinner is at 6:30 PM, with the special meeting starting at 8. WHITE BRISTOL FROLAND SPECIAL 357 THE BRITISH ARE COMING the driver of this double-decker bus lish students, checks directions police to make sure it doesn't get duct. Patrolman Stanley Fenske, Lis supply the information while Hamburg Voters Face School Tax $1.40 Over 1969 Hamburg Central School District's residents will vote June 9 on a budget that will bring an increase of only $1.40 per $1000 assessed valuation, trustees said Monday als they passed the $7,499,164 spending plan.

One trustee will be elected to replace senior member Karl W. Sipson who retiring. A $24,500 land purchase will also be on the voting machines. The new rate will be $63.31. $826,535 increase is mostly balanced by restored state aid and by an expected increase in county sales tax revenues, leaving more to come from property taxes.

Building permits suggest an insufficient increase in tax base to counter that sum. Gerald G. Gerbracht, deputy superintendent, noted that the trustees "held the line" in all areas in which they have a free hand. Teachers' salaries two-thirds of the increase; represent seventh other employes and for employe benefits. Debt service, and transportation make up the rest.

Pupils will increase by 245 to 5920. Residents of Boston will pay $1.88 more because of their lower equalization rate. Candidates for the five year post are: Raymond Dworskowski, Robert E. Edie, Alvah D. Ehrman, Paul Herold, Theodore R.

Howes and Ralph Williams. Polls June 9 will be opened from noon to 9 PM. Outdoor Classes Are Suggested For All Students Buffalo Evening News Bureau WASHINGTON, May 26 Children from first grade through high school would spending part of their school time sitting under giant oaks, watching squirrels frolicking, birds nesting and deer grazing, under a proposal advanced here Monday by Stanley Elma, chairman of the Environmental Committee of the York State Conservation Council. He was one of 20 persons from the United States and abroad who met here for a symposium on environmental education sponsored by the Institute for the Development of Educational Activities funded by the Kettering Foundation. All ways the teaching of environmental subjects could be improved and expanded.

Mr. Spisiak's specific recommendation was the establishment of "parks of Pupils would leave their classrooms to attend school in the parks, to learn about and appreciate nature, Mr. Spisiak explained. They might go only once or twice a year or more often. Depew Volunteers Start 15th Annual Fund Drive Members of the Depew Volunteer Fire Department will begin their 15th annual fund drive at 6:30 PM Monday when they distribute coin cards throughout the village.

Residents will be asked to return the cards with a donation. The campaign, headed by Harry Szulczewski, runs through Aug. 10. They'll March in Lockport Special to Buffalo Evening News LOCKPORT, May 26 The Memorial Day parade, will begin at 9:30 AM Saturday Elm St. and East Ave.

pause at the Soldier's Monument, East then proceed to the ans plot at Cold Spring Cemetery for ceremonies, including speech by Maj. Robert K. Garwood, professor of aerospace studies, State University of Buffalo. David McLaughlin, Robert Poole, listens in. with touring Eng- Cheektowaga Police Chief with Cheektowaga quizzes another student stuck under a via- are from Bristol and their left, and Lt.

Robert of London, raised eyebrows another student, up to Cheektowaga Police Aurora Board Sidelines Agenda for Kemp Talk The Town of Aurora Board was thrown for a loss Monday night by Jack Kemp, Buffalo Bills quarterback-turned-politician. Ordinarily, the board meets from 7:30 PM until well past 11, but Monday night the Republican-oriented group gave up the ball at 9 PM, and moved across the street to the Roycroft Inn where Mr. Kemp was addressing area Republicans in his bid for the 39th congressional seat. Prior to this, the town board passed a series of resolutions transferring the joint East Aurora recreation program to a full-time' town department of recreation. In recent years, the recreation program had been operated by a joint commission a with the village and town sharing, the cost.

Starting June town takes over complete direction of Dateline: NIAGARA FRONTIER Super-Mall Started "The largest planned development in New York State" got way today. It's Summit martiand $12-million shopping trial project near the Niagara Falls- Town of Wheatfield Line. The developer, Forest City Enterprises of Cleveland, built Amherst's Boulevard Mall. $23 Million Sewer Planned Officials of five southwestern crossed a possible Niagara County townships plans for a $2 million joint sewer district. Little opposition was raised by 250 persons who attended a public sewer hearMonday night in St.

Johnsburg Fire Hall. Men, Woman Jailed Two men and a woman, all from St. Catharines, are in Livingston County Jail today. They were arrested Monday night and pleaded guilty to charging $21 in gasoline on a stolen credit card. Plumbers Probed Charging that plumbers seem to operate "like a closed corporation," the Batavia City Council Monday night ordered an investigation of the city's board of plumbing examiners.

Two councilmen city attorney will make up an investigating committee. Crash Kills Four Two teen-aged Niagara Falls, sisters and two male companions, also from Niagara Falls, died Monday when their station wagon hit a tree on the Niagara Pkwy. about two miles Ft. Erie. Another, youth from Chippawa hospitalized.

the program with the village taxpayers assuming their share of the cost under the regular town tax system. The town board appointed Cal Potwin as director of recreation and John A. Glenn as groundskeeper. The board also created at about 50 part positions summer help to be hired for recreation purposes. The recreation department will operate Hamlin Park, the swimming pool and playgrounds at West Falls, South Wales, Parkdale, Warren Dr.

and Castle Hill. The board also: -Discussed the master plan for the development of a town park at West Falls. -Received an invitation from the Greater, East hear a Aurora representative Chamber of of Com- the Kenford Co. at 8 PM tomorrow. -Received a request to appropriate $130 to replace a hot water tank at the town library.

-Discussed the advisability of adopting the Board of Underwriters' specifications for an electric inspection code. -Applied to state for $2068 in youth laid part of the recreation program. Marilla Town Hall To Be Dedicated Saturday Morning Marilla will dedicate its new $112,000 town hall Saturday at 11:30 AM. Town officers, former Marilla supervisors and guests, including Erie County Executive Tutuska, are expected to be present. An open house from 12:30 to 2:30 PM will close out the ceremonies.

Councilman Joseph R. Green Jr. is chairman of the dedication program committee. Others on the committee were: Mrs. Katherine Hidges, Stephen H.

Gorski and Richard Gilbert. Steel City Vets Honor Gl Dead The Lackawanna Veterans Memorial Day Committee will decorate the graves of 3214 veterans in Holy Cross tomorrow. The committee is composed of South Buffalo Post 721; Lackawanna Post 63 and Matthew Glab Post 1477 of the American Legion; the Col. John B. Weber Post 898; VFW; Bett-Toomey Detachment of the U.

S. Marine Corps League and the Lackawanna Chapter No. 135, Disabled American Veterans. A Mass in honor of all the War Dead will be celebrated on Saturday, at 9:30 AM in the Holy, Cross (OLD) of Cemetery by the Rev. Paul Lillis St.

Patrick Church of Buffalo. Immediately following the Mass, a brief memorial service will be presented by each organization. Summa Cum Laude Graduate Mrs. Annette J. A.

Motak of 66 Grant Lackawanna, was graduated summa cum laude from Buffalo State University College with a Master of Science in Education degree. Her name was inadvertently omitted from the I college's honors list. Wellsville Company Bids Low On New Madison St. Bridge Special to Buffalo Evening News WELLSVILLE, May 26-The L. C.

Whitford Co. Inc. of 126 N. Main St. was apparent low bidder in the construction of a new Madison St.

bridge, said Public Works Director Donald MacFarquhar. A $308,885 contract will be awarded by the state within two weeks. The state will pay 70 per cent, the Town of Wellsville 15 per cent, the Erie-Lackawanna Railroad per cent and the Village of Wellsville cent. per, addition to the contract cost, there will be the additional expense of acquiring rights-ofway. On the other side of the bus, Benedict L.

Kostrzewski about the trip. The students bus, common on the streets Monday when it pulled Headquarters. Hamburg Creates New Office of Planning Director is approved, taxpayers in 1971 will be assessed $84.90 per $1000. The current rate is $78.32 A second proposition calls for the purchase of two school at an amount not to exceed $17,800. The new budget shows increases of $188,216 for high school expenditures; $193,868 for the middle school, and $146,319 for the three elementary schools.

Contracts Approved It also would allow returning student driver education to the summer program and includes funds for a special reading program, field trips and bussing students to sporting events, and language business skills for cluded last year's budget. grade, students, all exIn other action, the board approved 1970-71 salary contracts with administrative, supervisory and civil service personnel including secretarial help, bus drivers, cafeteria workers and custodians. Salary negotiations with teachers have not yet been completed. Orchard Park Tables New Sign Ordinance Action on a proposed sign ordinance was tabled Monday ight by the Orchard Park Village Board after a public hearing in which the beautification chairman charged that the village had been caught by surprise. Mrs.

Marion MacInnes requested immediate passage of he ordinance, stating that recent business ventures were good reason to move with haste. Concern has been expressed for several weeks about the proposed color, design and location of signs for a village super market. Mrs. MacInnes said that if the Board delayed enactment of the sign law, she would charge its members with any problems that may arise. Village Atty.

John R. Bray also spoke for immediate approval of the ordinance. He said the proposal would bring the village's law into harmony with the town sign odrinance and that amendments, could difficulty. be added Philip J. Scheeller, of 78.

Harvard a realtor, asked the Board to table the matter for further study. He said the proposed ordinance was very unspecific in its language and he objected to a requirement that calls for black white' background. Mayor B. Roy Ertell and Trustee Henryk F. Marhulis announced that they had not had sufficient time to study and digest the proposal.

In other action the board: -Granted a building permit to the town for erection of a public library on South Buffalo St. -Heard Trustee Krug announce that complete long awaited and that Youth further Board report discussions was would fallow. -Referred to the public works by for roufe Hamburg-Orchard Park Zonta Club superintendent and police chief a request a bike through the village and erection of 38 bike route signs. Car-Looting Nets 1 Year A one penitentiary sentence year, imposed by City Judge Michael E. Zimmer Monday on Maxie Johnson, 27, of 229 Johnson on a plea of guilty to petit larceny and possession of burglar tools.

Patrolman James J. Kearney of Fillmore Station said he was arrested Sunday after the parked car of Coston L. Harmon, 370 Watson was looted in WatI son St. The Hamburg Town Board Monday established a new Department of Planning and Development and named Norman E. Haas director.

As head of the new department, Mr. Haas will assist buiders and developers in bringing before the Planning Board required data. Some builders claim delays in handling data have been stumbling blocks to successful projects in the town. Mr. Haas will receive $12,150 annually, the same salary he has received as assistant town engineer.

Mr. Haas' duties will also include enforcement of zoning ordinances and issuing permits for building, repairs and demolition. The Town Board set 8:15 PM June 8 for a hearing on a proposed local law which would impose a 15 per cent admissions tax on Buffalo Raceway. Gov. Rockefeller last Tuesday signed a state law empowering the town to impose which would help offset costs of police and fire protection and other services necessitated by raceway operation.

The Board appointed Paul M. Junior assistant Principal. of to the Town Youth Board. He succeeds John Frizzell who has been named to the new townwide Narcotics Guidance Council. Supervisor G.

Benjamin Werner called for participation in Town of Hamburg Family Night at the Buffalo Bisons baseball game, June 11, in War Memorial Stadium. The supervisor, speaking also for the mayors of the villages of Hamburg and Blasdell, issued a proclamation expressing community gratitude to servicemen and their families. The board also: William Scritchfield's residential 8p- plication to rezone from to highway. commercial a Franklin St. parcel, in order to allow expansion of an auto service and repair station.

-Referred to the Planning Board apCo. Inc. to rezone from residence farm to plication of J. B. Land Development residence-2 for single family dwellings the property Cloverbank on and the northwest and corner the ap- of Rogers plication of Robert J.

Monckton to zone property in South Park, for a lawn equipment and recreation vehicle agency. Rejected, a hearing, application of from Atlantic residential Richfield to Co. highway for commercial of property at Milestrip and Harrison, neighborhood noting that business. proper zoning would Groups Will March In Depew Saturday Depew veterans, firemen, village officials, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, school bands and clubs will march Saturday morning to Veterans Park for Memorial Day services. John Michaels, vice commander of the Eighth District American Legion, will speak at the 11 AM ceremonies.

Refreshments will be served to marchers in Twin Village Post 463, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and in Depew Fire Hall, Meridian St. and began flying lessons in Buffalo when he was 14. He was graduated from Bishop Walsh High attended School, Olean, in 1967 and Spartan School of Aeronautics, Tulsa, Okla. In 1968 he enlisted in the Air Force, where he received flight training and was assigned to 198th Unit Headquarters in Vietnam. In addition to his parents and brother, survivors are two other brothers, Pfc.

James at Ft. Sill, and Kenneth, at home; two sisters, Mary and Karen, both at home, and his grandmother, Mrs. W. E. Bigelow of Montreal.

Construction of the bridge will probably be under way within a month. At that time, the present bridge will be closed for approximately one year, Mr. MacFarquhar said. About four years ago village and town officials appeared before the Public Service Commission, claiming that the Madison St. span was unsafe.

The commission ordered replacement of the bridge in 1967. Since that time, the State Department of Transportation designed a new three-span bridge, 114 feet long and 28 feet wide with a 5-foot sidewalk on each side. The design also inI cludes 400 feet of approaches. love is Copyright 1970 LOS ANGELES TIMES Lin keeping your make-up off his collar,.

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