The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)

Eleven THE TAMPA MORNING TRIBUNE, SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 1914 SOCIAL DOINGS IN SOUTH FLORIDA FLORIDA'S FAMOUS HOTELS and RESTAURANTS These Resorts Are Catering to the Public, and Can Be Depended Upon to Give The Best Service Obtainable Slood Troubles Vanish As If By Magic MiiBllllllKMailHBHMMMM ftcmarkablo Remedy That Drives Evory Partich of Poison Ceissplsfcly Out of Your Entire System. GOOD MUSIC GOOD FOOD TAMPA BAY HOTEL'S RATHSKE LLER Under New Management Meals from 12 M. to 12 F. M. Music by Tampa Bay Full Orchestra from 10 to 12 P.

M. W. F. ADAMS. Mgr.

OCALA OCALA. March 28. (Special )--LoUig fQ h0me 'r0m a onW. trip i 'w1? ls to have another very de- the Con-SSSTi Reunln in Jacksonville in May In the person of Miss Betty Mc-VOZZJZ ha? aPPinted to re-SET. John Martin Camp.

w7tt6rana of this Miss Janet Weathers- was appointed some time ago as brigade sponsor, and both wiU "Psent Ocala mcst charmingly. iJJr' ald Mr8' Charl' Rheinauer noon train Tuesday for Baltimore. where Mr. Rheinauer wUl enter Johns Hopkins for an When he has sufficiently re-covered Mr. and Mrs.

Rheinauer will then go to New York, and early in June they will sail for Europe, and will apend several months touring numerous European countries. Mrs. B. N. Looney and Mrs.

C. E. Nelson returned home Monday night Columbia, S. where they went to attend the funeral of th former's sister and the tetter's sister-in-law, Mrs. Edward Poat.

On Monday little Miss Doothy Schneider reached the charming age of five years, ajvd In commemoration of this event her fond grandmother Invited over twenty little boys and girls out to the beautiful "Golden 'ocas daFSiinidl Fipnalla Strength, Power. Accomplishment are all Typified In S. S. S. Golf, Tennis.

Most prolific Tarpon Ashing ground in ell the world. Expert snides, boats and fishing tackle to be had at reasonable prices on the (rounds. Sort bathing every month la the year, GASPARILLA INN Pnrler the management of Mr. Frank H. Abbott opene fo necead eeeaoe January 1.

1914. Suite with bath. AU modern convenience. Between Tampa and Boca Grando Lavs Tampa Union Station, A. C.

L. Train No. 84, 6:10 A. M. dally.

Arrive Arcadia :55 A. M. arrive Boca Grande 12 :00 Noon. Returning, leave Boca Graade 3 :03 P. M.

arrive Tampa 10 :15 P. M. Write for Booklet te C. B. McCALL, General Pasaenger Agent Charlotte Harbor Northern Railway Beea Grande.

Fla. ANNA MARIA ANNA MARIA, March 28. (Special) Among th recent arrivals at th Gulf Hotel was Dr. and Mrsv Allison, of Fort Worth, Texas, who were among the enthusiastic fishing party that made such a big catch on-the grouper banks a few days ago. Uncle Sam has commenced his spring moving by taking up new quarters in th store on Spring, Street owned and operated by Hugh Whitehead.

The little postoffic is a-credit to the place-and one is now able-to get his mail 1 without waiting in line as th box system has been installed. Th Lucerne cottage has been occupied Mr. and Mrs. Jojin S. Porter, of Saginaw, who are spending the winter in Bradentown, and making the nearby side trips.

The Coyne cottage is again opened by Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Coyn and daughter, Miss Florence, of Tampa. They arrived Tuesday and brought with them a party of friends consisting of T.

W. Taylor and wife and daughter, Miss Margaret, and Miss Benson and Miss Gibson, of Indianapolis. Mr. Taylor Is a member of the Provincial Parliament of Winnipeg. Mr.

and Mrs. H. R. of Mar-quett, leave for their home Tuesday, much to the regret of theb many newly mad friends. They are delightful people and many dinner parties and "other social affairs have been given in their honorduring their stay.

Walter S. McNeer, of Birmingham, who has spent the entire winter at th Gnlf Hotel leaves for the above city today. A few of Mr. McNeer's many friends gathered at the hotel on the ev of his departure spent a very pleasant evening. Mrs.

Ida Wells entertained at dinner Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris.

Covers were laid for ten and a most enjoyable time was had by those present. A goodly number of mackerel are being caught at the dock again and with the settled warm weather which now seems to be in store for us, the season of gait at th dock will soon begin. Large picnic parties from Braden-town have arrived every day the past week as th surf bathing is now a pleasure and the water warm enough to. make, it most enjoyable. Wednesday Mr.

and Mrs. Will Van-deripe entertained a party of twelve at their cottage here and a shore dinner at the Gulf Hotel was enjoyed by them. B. Steel of Paris, has taken th Anderson cottage for th spring season and is having very much benefit by his stay at Anna Maria. Miss Weidley, a trained nurse, is looking after Mr.

Steele's comforts and wi4J v. ara. will snnn hft himseft friends, who wish for her a life of Joy and happiness. Th groom Is a young man of fine characteristics, and is popular among a large circl of friends, all of whom are showering him with congratulations on winning so fair a bride. On account of th ill health of th tride's mother, th happy couple will not take a wedding trip at this time, "but will go away for a trip in th summer.

After Sunday Mr. ani Mrs, Bdmond son will he at home to their friends at the home iof Mrs. Clayton, Sr on South Tennessee Avenue. Those who witnessed th wedding were Mr. and Mrs.

C. M. Clayton, Mrs. Clayton, Mrs. Galloway, Rev.

and Mrs. J. B. Ley, Mrs. T.

I. Woods. Miss Aileen Misses Katherin and Evelyn Cowdery, Messrs. Mills, Lee, Clayton. W.

D. McRae and Cecil Pil-lans. Miller-Weeks Nuptial Last night two hearts were made to beat as one when Mr. Claud Miller and Miss Lillian Weeks were united In marriage by Dr. W.

D. Nowlin at the latter's home. This wedding is the culmination pt a long courtship and that their married life may foe on long period of bliss an4 happiness is the wish of their host of friends. Th bride is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

O. M. Weeks and having been reared in this city has endeared herself to a large circle of friends, who. while rejoicing In her new happiness, regret to learn that her marriage takes her away from Lakeland, the happy oouple having left at 1:30 this afternoon for Montgomery, their future home, where the groom holds a responsible position with the railroad at that placed They carry with them the wishes of a ihost of friends. Mrs.

John S. Edwards and sweet little daughter, arrived in tJie city last night and Cor the present are the guests of Mrs. A. J. Holworthy.

Their friends are giving them a most cordial welcome everyone being delighted to see Mrs. Edwards again and to have the double pleasure of becoming acquainted with her charming little daughter. A. D. Leonard, superintendent of the Peninsular Telephone Comipany at this place, is attending the meeting of telephone (operators in -Ocala today.

He carried with him a cordial invitation to that body to hold their next meeting in Lakeland. G. T. Fleming left Tuesday for Buffalo, N. TV where i he goes to' resume his duties as passenger conductor on the Lake Shore Limited.

Mr. Fleming declares each winter that will not return North again, but when April drews near he hears the call fit th road and returns to his first love. are glad he always hears another call in the fall, which brings him back to Lakeland. Acre grove, south of th city, to enjoy the. afternoon with Miss rorothy.

"elpinsr Mrs. Schneider In narlnar -for Ymmmi hotel little granddaughter's guests F. I Blalock. and Mrs. R.

T. Ad- una. Miss Moilie Burns, of Selingsgrove, "An hotel of distinction with moderate charges" Within five minutes of principal railway terminal. Situation ideal. TARIFFi Single rooms pgr day eS, 4.

Double rooms a $3, $6, 7. Double bedrooms, boudoir dressing-room and bsth 110. tit Suites Psrloir, bedroom and bath tie, aia, $15 Each room irith bmth remains a medical influence, it keeps steadily at work preserving the natural function of the blood to give healthy material for that which has broken down. Known by Results. This is not a theoretical essay.

It Is a simple statement of physiological laws and known results. There ig scarcely a community in the entire United States but what has its staunch supporter of S. 8. 8. There is a host of men and women- who struggled for years with som form of skin trouble such as eczema psoriasis, or acne; there is a legion of people who cured themselves of some chronic sore or ulcer.

And the numbei who have overcome catarrh, poisoned blood from various causes, malaria, conditions and all forms of rheumatism, is sufficient to convince anyone that 8. S. S. is' a natural blood remedy and bound to drive out all impurities, i There isn 't a well stocked drug or department store anywhere in America but what has sold S. 8.

8. continuously year after year. It is the most generally recommended remedy known. Not a drop of minerals is used in this famous preparation and it is thus a remedy that anyone can safely use and can honestly and conscientiously urge his best friend to use it. For this reason when you ask for a bottle of 8.

S. 8. do not be talked into something "just as as you will certainly be fooled and deceived. S. S.

S. is prepared only in the laboratory of the Swift Specific 463 Swift Atlanta, Ga. And anyone who is afflicted with any form of blood trouble, may write for free advice on the best method of using S. 8. 8.

together with helpful advice on other matters. This department has been of incalculable benefit to a host of thankful people during the past half century. Manager Booms with Bath Single and 'En Suite Electric Elevator Lights and Bath Steam Heat Blood troubles often tecom so deeply rooted in the glands and interstices of the tissues, that only a most searching remedy will dislodge them. There are many reasons why 8. S.

8. is this remedy. To begin with the ingredients of which S. S. 8.

is composed are of vegetable extraction. For this reason they are readily passed through th walls of both the stomach and the intestines. Thus it goes directly into the blood circulation and its action is relatively the same as that of the other blood materials. This Is Important. We derive all sustenance from our food whether solids such as meats, grains, fats, salts and sugars or in liquids, as the elements of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen combined, or in the free, or gaseous, state as in the air we breathe.

All of these various food materials are converted into substances which are selected from the blood stream to make up the constructive tissues and frame work of the body. And as fast as they keep building up, just as rapidly do all of these materials turn into body wastes to be excreted. But with a goodly share of humans, these wastes are not properly thrown out and they thus remain A Peril to Health. Here is where S. S.

S. enters to assist the blood stream to more adequately perform the function of supplying pure blood in the arteries' and carrying off the waste material through the veins. Naturally an assimilable S. S. S.

not only has a prompt medicinal effect, but unlike food, it is not changed, it is not convertea Dy tne liver, it is not burned up in the lHngs or tissues by oxidation. On th contrary, it continues to circulate in the myriad of cells in the interstices of the tissues until it gradually works its way out through the skin or the kidneys. And all the time it is an active agent, it twenty-four children of Mr. and Mrs. C.

H. Hardelie, of Thayne. The Hardelle family is one of the most prominent Mormon families of the Star Valley. The household is believed to be the largest in Wyoming. BURGLAR WAS AN APE AKRON.

March 28. When Patrolman Frank McGuire, with drawn revolver, crept into the kitchen of the home of Miss Lelah Simmons early this morning he saw a "burglar" who had been terroriizng the family seated at a table eating a sandwich. The robber turned and McGuire almost fell over when he saw It was an ape. The ape was taken to the police station and was claimed by its owner, Alfred Drownisky, an animal trainer. San Juan Hotel 'harry l.

beemman, prep. ORLANDO, FLA. OPEN UNTIL MAY THE ALTAMONTE who is visiting Mrs. Port Leaven-good, and Alice Ricker of Bu-ford, S. C.

who is a guest of Mrs. E. C. Keuchcler, of Anthony, shared honors at a most delightful six o'clock dinner at which Mrs. Roland Keating entertained at the Harrington Hall hotel Wednesday night.

The table was attractively arranged with crystal candlesticks and lavender shades, and a profusion of violets and pansies scattered over the table with a centerpiece of pansies, carrying out moat artistically and tastefully the lavender motif. Each guest's place was marked with a rutch girl carrying a bunch of violets, tied to the handle of exquisite violet baskets filled with mints and nuts. During the ice course a favor fortune cake, made by the hostess, was cut, and each guest found a favor, telling her fortune. Wednesday afternoon at 'the Ocala Country Club a very enjoyable handicap match was indulged in by the women golfers for 'prizes for golf balls, given by." I R. ChazeL The after- noon was very pleasant, and the match was won by Miss Hope Robinsen.

with a gross score of 49, net score 45, winning the first prize. The second round of the men's handicap for the Ford Birdsey Cup has begun, the players being matched up as follows -1 W. Duval H. T. Lattner; Clarence Camp vs.

R. C. Camp; J. M. Thomas vs.

I. F. Bennett; I Fishel vs. C. H.

Lloyd; A. E. Gerig vs. Ralph Robinson; Jack Camp vs. Harvey Clark; Fred Hocker vs.

Charlie Fishel. E. F. Fitch of Chicago has presented a very, beautiful cup for the gentlemen players, and this cup and the Gillespie Cup will be both be played for at the conclusion of the present tournaments. The ringer play for the cups presented by Mr.

Jack Camp to th nen and Mrs. Jac Camp to th ladies will be concluded next Tuesday. Th play for these cups was begun the first of December, and 'Mr. Clarence Camp and Miss Stotesbury are leading in this match. Mrs.

D. M. Smith has presented another very handsome cup, to be played for by the ladies, and this tournament will commence at an early date. Mrs. R.

C. Muncaster and children left Wednesday afternoon for Jacksonville to spend a month or six weeks with Mrs. Muncaster parents. Col. and Mrs.

W. E. Kay, before going to Detroit. Mrs. John Blalock and children ol -r-ain Oa who have been spend- Most Delightful, Healthful and Charming Spot In the South.

Cool and comfortable. Every amusem*nt. Cusine and service flrst-clasa. Rates very moderate. Send for booklet, GEO.

E. BATES SON, Props. IN THE HEART HOTEL Florida's leading Family and Tourist heat, elevators, electric lights, room and shower baths. Rats reasonable. hotel worthv of your patronage.

JACKSONVILLE, lit- guvu again. Mr. and Mrs. A. S.

Winkler are entertaining their sister. Miss May Mcintosh, of Reedsburg. who will remain her until the middle of April. Miss Mcintosh is thoroughly enjoying the many out door amusem*nts afforded her while here and is becoming very enthusiastic over the natural beauties of Anna Maria. Mrs.

D. A. Storer of New York, arrived recently on th Mallory Lin and has joined her husband who has the Alta Vista cottage for a few weeks. Dr. Gorsllne, of Battle Creek, who owns one of the prettiest cottages en the Bay beach has left for his northern horn after spending about ten days here entertaining a jolly party of his home people is a most hospitable manner.

There were about fifteen in th party including Mr. ana Mrs. Horace Keys, of St. Petersburg, who with part of the guests occupied "Kamp Keys" and "Robins Nest." Last Sunday was the ninety-ninth anniversary of Mr. Gowenlock's birth.

He having been a resident of the is land for over thirty years, which no doubt added to his longevity. This gentleman often walks a distance ol six miles or mor In such a brisk manner that it would, bother many young men to accompany him. MORMON PARENTS OF 24 AFTON. March 28. Frprf Hardelle, who is dead here at the age of twenty-seven, was the eldest of "ON THE WEST COAST MANAVISTA HOTEL BRADENTOWN, FLA.

Spacious grounds extending to the banks of the beautiful Manatee River. Fine fishing and boating. Steam heat. Open fireplaces. White service.

$3.00 to $5.00 per day. American plan. H. A. HASKELL, Manager STUDY PHARMACY THIS SUMMER cI.rfoVP1?armacy South.

Drug store In the college. Free books. fawilS ook, ense. Large new building and equipment, three labora-k fr our radutles exceeds supply. Next regular course begins April 15th.

Communicate at once with SOUTHERN COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, 86 Luckle Street, Atlanta Ga. ig several weeks in Ocala, the guests Xt Mrs. Blalock's brother-in-law. Dr. O'L.

F. Blalock. and family, left for their horn Tuesday arternoon. A very pleasantly little informal ar-fair of th week was th party at which Miss Annie Davis entertained Thui-oriav niirht. for Miss McClure, who returned to Kentucky Friday, after spending th winter with her sister, Mrs.

Bunyan Stephens. Miss Davis invited the special friends of Miss MARRIED BY MAIL Official Papers of the Union Are Re ceived From Holland SUPERIOR, March Jacobus Kuyk, after a wed ding ceremony of several months, is a married man. His bride was Miss Maria Louise Grotendorst, of Holland. They were married by mall. The bride is expected to arrive from Holland June 13.

Final papers unit ing the couple have arrived from Hoi land. A number of officials took part In the ceremony. When Mrs. Kuyk arrives she will be accompanied by Miss Nellie Rees, of Holland, who is to become the brid of G. Kuyk, of Grand Rapids, a brother of the Superior man.

from his 15-acre grove. And 1 he is only one of the many who will do equally well. Why not take a run over to Wauchula and look over some of these groves You may not care to buy any, but just look around. You'll find it interesting. See the WHY IS WAUCHULA the livest region in Florida? Open tb Tear Round Ftrst-elaae Oarage In Rear of Hotel ALTAMONTE SPRINGS FLORIDA OF THE CITY WINDLE Hotel.

All modern conveniences. Steam telephones, rooms single or en suite, tub Popular price cafe In connection. FLORIDA THE LEON HOTEL Leading European Hotel FORT MYERS, FLA. Commercial $1 Per Day With Bath T. L.

C0STELL0. PROPS. SUMMER RATES Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 for transients. Summer rates for rooms alone, $3.50 and $5.00. Also rooms for light housekeeping.

HOTEL ORANGE PHONE 2339 N0RMANDIE HOUSE 111154 Lafayette St Room. 1 or 2, $1.00 per day, $4.00 to $5.00 per week. Absolutely Clean and Retpeetable. PHONE 1766. JrtACHINfcfct Atk JOMQS.jBAVljS,' 1 WE CAM CVPPLV 6tlAftAT PHONE sag SUMMER RATES Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 per day; $2.50 to $5.00 per week.

All outside rooms; screened throughout. No better beds in State 52 rooms. ARLINGTON HOTEL 12192 Franklin SEVILLA Restaurant MANUEL FERNANDEZ, Prop. Everything up-to-date. We serve the Best.

Dining room and private rooms upstairs. 7th Ave. and 15th St. PHONE 884. Entrance also on Fifteenth St.

I f- VtooOYfoWllta IMMEDIATE SMMEIU; CLEARWATER CLEARWATER, March 28. J. C. Bond and daughter, Miss Elizabeth Bond, left Wednesday morning for their hm in Revere, Mass. Mr.

Bond who came down for "his health, improved wonderfully during his stay here. They were guests at the Verona Inn. Mr. and Mrs. S.VE.

Mrs. N. A. Hamman MrsN- P. Simpson.

Mrs. B. James E1t liott, Mrs. Mildred Browning and 1 Jewell Hooks and James Couch were a party visit- ing tot. Petersburg Tuesday, and taking in the carnival.

A pleasant party enjoyed a boat ride to Indian Rooks Friday morning. in in party were: Mr. and Mrs. iiarry Constantine, Mesdames C. M.

Phillips, and Henry Constantine, and Misses Bessie Constantine, Annie Ingram, Louise Conn, and Margaret Phillips and Master Henry Phillips Constantine. C. B. aravmina hv Misses Lucilftf nnrJ Louise Shajitow- tne season in St. Petersburg came up vnjr rnaay ana spent a very pleasant day.

The Misses Shantow and J.ones are frons Milford, 111. Mrs. Marilla Lemaux leaves this week for Sanford, where she will make a visit before returning to her home in Rideevill TnA. Mrs ttk. aux spent the past two months in arwaier, vismng ner sister, Mrs.

J. J. Allen. Mr. and Mrs.

D. M. Hollins. Mr. and Mrs.

F. B. Davis and Mr. -and Mrs. George D.

Frost enjoyed a pleasant outing at Pass-a-Grill Tuesday. Warren Eigenmaun, of Atlanta, arrived last Thursday to spend some time with his mother and sisiter. Mrs. F. A.

Eigermann and Miss Bertha Eigenmann who are wintering here. Messrs. R. B. Kyi and Edgar Com-mings went to Ocklawaha Tuesday for a short stay.

Mrs. Virgil Dillard, of Lakeland, is a guest at th home of Mr. and Mrs S. N. Dillard.

Miss Pearl Nicholson spent Tuesday enjoying the carnival in St. Petersburg. W. C. Black and son, George, of Tampa, were visitors here Friday.

D. D. McMullen, of Largo, was a visitor to Clearwater last Saturday W. O. Town spent Tuesday in Dune-din.

Mrs. B. C. 'Stearns went to St. Petersburg Tuesday.

W. H. Weldon, of Tampa, is spending several weeks in th city. Mr. Weldon is engaged In auditing the books for the Mendenhall Mills.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Connor have returned to their home in Ocala after a pleasant visit with Mr.

and Mrs. N. A. Hammon. Will Shaffer, of Hartford, is a guest at th Aunspaugh House Mr.

a-hd Mrs. John Strickmaker are spending the week in St. Petersburg -Dr. Ben Parrish, of is a guest at the-home of Mr. and Mrs Ike Parrish.

Mrs. S. Hayden and daughter Miss Ruth, of St. Louis, arrived this week and will spend some time as guests at he Phoenix. Miss Annie Laurie Caldwell, of Union City, arrived Monday from Gainesville, where she has been visiting friends and is a guest of her cousin, Mrs.

Elizabeth Lowrey Miss Marie Bridell, of Tampa" Is a guest of Miss Janie Scranton this week. MANGO MANGO. March 28. (Special) Rev. H.

H. Newman was a pleasant vf'. itor at Mango Saturday and Sunday He came to fill his regular appointment ai me rresoyienan unurcn. Rev. S.

Hutton, of Atlanta, fia was a visitor at Mango last week In the interest of the church work. succeeded in placing the church paper me f-resDyierian or tne south. Also the "Missionary Survey" in several homes. He preached two fine sermons which were well attended. Rev.

Mrs. Belk has been conducting a series or meetings here this week assisted by Dr. Brunner of Lakeland. Dr. and Mrs.

Douglas of Tampa were pleasant visitors to Mango Thursday. Mr. Suggs, the blacksmith, is having a five-room cottage built on the lot adjoining his shop. Everyone who intends to really see Florida manages to visit Wauchula. It's a good place to go, even if only to look around and see the activity.

It's the REAL wonder of the State. Here is a district unlike any other. The tration, one man wiJl make no less than $1,000 per acre from Jour acres of grapefruit and orange trees this year! This man is Steve Griffin, five miles east of Wauchula. He expects to make an easy job of cleaning up not less than McClure and the visiting girls to come over and enjoy this last evening with Miss McClure and there was no set amusem*nt provided, the guests enjoyed themselves talking and with ww, nnn bv the different guests and during the evening the hostess served a salad course ana an ite, Mrs. Henry Keidel and Miss Daisy Keidel of Baltimore, who have been spending the winter- in Ocala with Mr.

and Mrs. Christian Ax, leave on Sunday for a visit at St. Awjtine and Jacksonville, and from the latter place will proceed to their home in vi- and Mrs. Ax will na.ii.un"' leave for Baltimore early in April, k. covontli of June, accom- panied by their daughter.

Miss Adela Ax will sail for Europe for several months, spending the greater part of the summer in tnai Miss Victoria Raysor of this ltj vesterday received a letter from Div-Cammander J. H. Burroughs U. S. maid of honor to repre- the Sons of Florida at the May reunion In Jacksonville.

This makes hre of Ocala's charming girls who will take part in ma I AKF.I.AND LAKELAND, March 28. One of the nrettlest ninw nossed in me ij -----tag when Mr. Harry Edmondson and Mr Tay Weeks were united in Mrs. lay at the home of th bride's brother. C.

M. Clayton. In Dixieland. The Clayton numc, commodious in the city, was a- bower of beauty, the lower floor under the oeAuu. rffirator.

having wonderful combination soil in this region is ex citing enthusiasm every where. Not only among the Northerner who have settled and made money here, but among natives as well. Wauchula has the fruit land that starts paying for itself the first year, growing vegetables Bankers Guarantee Combination Soil Healthful Climate Plentiful Rainfall Good Drainage Mr. Housebmlder, Think It Over between rows of growing fruit trees. Lively optimism, prosperity, permeates the whole" district.

Just as an illus- town that has sprung up from 1,500 inhabitants to 2,000 in less than 12 months. It has reason to be lively. Come you'll to WAUCHULA and find reasons aplenty bten transformed into a scene of rare lovliness. the color" scheme tptak The most vital piece of furniture in your new home will be your Refrigerator. Carpenter-built-ln refrigerators are things of the past.

Your architect will specify a Refrigerator made by experts, with positive circulation and absolute insulation. The Baldwin has positive circulation, on account of patented air flues. The Baldwin is absolutely insulated on account of air space in walls, rubber lips, and the "squeeze" lock. The Baldwin is made by experts who know refrigeration. We supply any size with ice door where required.

1209 FRANKLIN ST. You have not seen the REAL wonders of Florida unless you have visited Wauchula. Spend a few days here. It will be time well spent. Wauchula land as an investment is above question.

Our offer to buyers is that they have one year to decide wheth er they are satisfied. If they are not, we return their money with 6 per cent, interest. This practically precludes any failures in Wauchula. When you arrive, we will be pleased to have you call at our office. Ask for literature, addresses and directions as to what groves and gardens to see.

and whit preoomiu6-was gracefully entwined over the th moms, and the arcnes wiw1" Kful. ning ivy and gray forming a pretty decoration. Pink and whit roses a nations used in lovely profusion were Dlacea in on the various tables about the rooms. As the tnae ana oarlors. Lohengrin's Uedding March Was beautifully rendered by Mrs.

S. Fletcher, who played soft music during me "'-s After the wedding a five course luncheon, complete in very appoint merit was eer" The -bride is on of Lakeland lovliest young women and has lived in this citv since early girlhood, draw- ta about her a Iarg aumber of warm WAUCHULA DEVELOPMENT CO. WAUCHULA FLORIDA BOX 90.

The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.