Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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WWW i OL I Office of thetChesapeakc and Ohio Canal Co 1 Washington eb 12 1830 I on the Ugemcul a flee Uwjid I 1 directs ji 31 w5t jte Henry pe inatiuc fycapable burg rre tend about LGeorge teycryatr LAND CERTIICATES jUIE subscriber has for site certificates issuefl by the United States receivable in payment as cash at any and all of the Land Offices in the United States for the public lands Those having payments to mate at the 4and Offices may save something worth attending to by applying to the subscriber VM JilCtiJJfLS Jan eu3w i Georgetown they wilLbtf sod "JOHN smith Pennsylvania Avenue toward tl or the relief of Destitute emales in the Cilu i i ri day morning and arriv in Baltine re early nest morn ing and returning leaves Commerce street wharf in that city every Saturday afternoon at o'clock and reaches Washington tin Sunday evening The RANKLIN Jos Nevitt master leaves Wash ington at 5 o'clock and Alexandria at 7 every Sunday mprning and arrives in Baltimore eatly theneat morning and returning leaves Commerce street wharf every Wednesday afternoon at 5 and reaches Washington on 'I hursday evening i Beth going and returning' each will receive and land passengers and goods at all convenient places on the Potomac The freight on goods intended to be landed on the way must be paid At thq time of ship mcit ft "i All goods intended to be shipped at Baltimore" must be delivered 'alongside at or before o'clock on the days of departure A alate roofed warehouse i ipro vidcd there for the reception of' good kt any time dur ing the week and the freight or carriage on thbse from stant places be advanced ft As the Potomac bridge prevents these boats from going ito goods destined to that place will be delivered to their consignees at the kame ex pense of dray age as if discharged st one of tLeiWbarves of that city '4 ft Thesc packets are both in fine order end command ed' by careful obliging and experienced 'masters Every exertion will be used to promote the I comfort of pa sengerat and the safe and regular delivery cf goods1' jj Company having introduced this mode of com munication between the District and Baltimore fur geo eral accommodation tend not with the view of acquiring large profits iand having now purchased and placed on the line another boat in order to afford additional fa cilities it iacunfistenily hoped that such patronage will be extended to the concern as will ensure its perma nency" ft re Passage fi 1 50 of fare or 32 i0 fare in cluded all baggage at the risk' of the owners or freight or passage apply to the masters on board or to the agents X' KENNEDY Waabingloi 1 S't HINN Alexandria Ax A inWM MORGAN Georgetown CHAS WORTHING! ON Baltimore augut eodtf i Jv' errona lejirqus nf taking a trip of pleasure on a Sunday will have an opportunity of doing so by starting io lite ranklin aud returning io tiiej reder icksburg I i ft i 4 Passage going and returning only 50 cents! te GENT for the purchase oi nnguwann roretgn A Books and for the ante of ft 200 DOLLARS A BSCONDED from the 8th sec'teujot the Cheai A pSke and Ohio Canal' about the 20th October last NEGRO MAN who calls AJatn Kuots' Said Adam is a blacksmith by trade is about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high of brown complexion and apt to mile when apuken to "Very stout btnlf 1 do not recollect any mark or scar on him Tlie sbove Reward will begiven if taken out ol the State of Maryland andtVir ini and delivered at Georgetown Cj or secured sothat I get him again One bundled dollars il securedin Maryland and fifty if in Virginia I eb I7 eo7t JAMES Kln "5 Bank of Columbia sL 4 1 eb 19 1830 4 NOVICE is hereby given to the Stockholders in thia Bk that an election for) twelve Direc ors Will be Iv Id al the Office of the Bank of tbe United State in Washington on Saturday the 20th of March next he polls to open ll A and close at 2 o'clock By order of the Board of Directors ft i RD SMITH Cashier feb 19 dt20Mrch Gen 'i ft i I 1 GARDEN SEEDS' pARDiNER street N'm th nei rty 'opposite ths Catnokc Church for sale a grtiera! us rrm nt of GarJen and lower SEEDS raised by Me Lan dreths of Penn ij Iva ua the Shakrs of NevY rk and'Meatrr Sinclair Baltimore He has for rent a neat BRICK HOUSE with 6 oms an 1 a kitchen a garden and oath house furtsned or unfurnished Alan a Cottage adjoining said house for rent if Itehss for sale a twn starj HOUSEon 1 street establish I as a Bskrry many years past a id now rented at i 20J per ayivito: i4ii AIs for sal Lot 4 in pure 19) fronting on' Street or part of said Lot 5J feet front 4 I Also Lot 1 in square 181 fronting John's Churph containing about 7iJ9 square feel with a Cottage ot it? March 6t 100 DWELARS reward 'jr RANA WAV from the subscriber hvir in Benedict Chai It CountyMd snout the hat April1829 negro man Sato who calls himself Thou at This negro is about S6 or 37 )aarsxf agr fiveleet tan or eleven inches high and wrtl made be is a datk mu latto he has rs'herbs1 pleasant cdualrcapca larly when spoken to clothing not rscoltested walks with his toes turned a little out ft bavi some raaaon lo think that this fellow lus gone or near Bsltioaorr He has a sister by the name of Brckftof a bl ight mulatto color wh i lives about trn niles above Baluiaore bitei woman Beck was sold about tbirty 'years ago io 3alti more for a eeruin term of art by Jr: orte Esq formerly of this place' will give fifty doliarrff take a in tbe State of Miyladd or the District of Columbia 'or i one hundreU if taken out of the Sate of Maryland or District of Culumbiaftand cur in jait 'so that 1 himtegaiij AUGUSTAN BURCH Oftj" The Baltimore Patriot will please insert tbe above three times a week for four successive weeks and sand their account to tbe Office Na'ionarintelligencvr vi 4t ft or such an WARRINGTON 4 1 PUBLISHED BY gales seatqN? 1 SOB TA TXW teoixaas OR PXTADXS i Anvxxg ft? 1 12 subscribing for year who io not vlier at the cf ordering the paper or rtibseqnyitlj give no of their wish to have the paperdiscBtiti)dcdt the ation of their yer will bepresunrtds desiring Continuance until counturinatKlfedjihit will borA ertwdimrlv fct tho ojition if tPfc Editors conunx Dxctliing House fur fafy Si 00 4 I It UKAiVAY frm thesuteriber'nrar MsgrudeVs Tavern Psiice George's county Msrylapdg ebruary the44th 1S30 a negro mar Bill by trade a Blacksmith stout well made man 30 35 ears ibid about: five feet six inches high ytltew complexion wlutistiieyes high clothes brown cot country1 cloth i'ntaEu'nsuIdyitite fur bat nailed stipes When teat heard of he was making Jowsrdi Washing ton city wlirrelie nny now be but more likely attempt to get employment on the Canal and then make hisju ay to Pennsyly snir will eive the above reward it taken nut of the State" SJSO If tri the district'uf or auycuunty within the State atJ pay all charges ib brought Lome and secuied in jail so I jCan get him again I eb eotf GEO DUVALL a VIEW 01 i GW CAHH'OL OJf DESIGNED by inistrivnrespeclfuIlydedicated to General Andresv Jackson President of tbe tin ted States is placed al the Bouk Store of sMr Thomnsou i oer ttcolteclubscribers for th? en of it! soon a sufficient pumber of sub scribers tian be ribtsined to defray the expense 1 9 Pinistri respectfully informs the public that be continues to tesch drawing its various branches and tn i ive instruction in the luitan and Spanish Languages lie is engaged teaching in Georgetown College in Alexandria Mrrtorter's at Mr Hughes Capitol 'and some tbe most respectable Isaulies in inHv I Apply at I'en'usy Ivania Avenue jati eotf ft' THIS IS 10 GIVE NO 1 ICE rriiiiT if the Book" Trunk and Wearing Apparel in hv Mr Bucliell at the house of the subscriber e1 rv and bis bill for boarding BfC pi id arc iiu ihv wi Lbrf rVirtMIH inSS teaASW utriiin uiic sojisfyAbef same Janll5 fmplby ment aAVE constantly for Sate nt the Howard House at the Centre Market enns I vamar Avenue Panta looru Vests Roundabouts Drawers and Shirt assort cd in patterns ami qualities Qom tine to loir priced The Shirts ot cotton aul hociQ'j Also Cloaks Shirts or other work madetegrcwble tu orders from materials furniahed or wtiLbe procurcd bj tli Super intendent different publishers of pipi ri in Vt'sxhmgton J) will confer a Lyqr rn Cm'L'tLton' by jivirtw tbe tbove a A CARD 17t A AGLER'hss just received a loud nd very lull tuned PIANO from New York knd duly ex pects another which With hi own impurlatioif ut last October of Berlin Grand and small Pianos made by Son ffur which manufactory he the sole agent in theUhted State and would be grateful tor orders in the same line) will constitute a handsome as sortment Second hand Pianos or any saleable proper ty taken in exchange li Also three very old Violins in tbe best condition for sale and the whole at tbe lowest possible rates Ama teur arc requested to csll Piano ware jroom 11 street North lot the war office' (CTOrgans and Pianos tuned and repaired in the bes maimer by JHILBUS next door to the Piano ware room jan 4 law6w 'Jhi'tilinx House for Kent fti he new 2 story Brick House wlh back building stable coach house and a targe Jot well enclosed to Abe same situate in the liit ward at the intersiction of street north and 18fh street west at present occupied' by Mr Montoya charge des affair from Mexico and a Jew yard north of lite reai dedccofthe Ilofl Richard Rush Possession may be had immediately or terms apply to feb 11 dtf JAMES WALKER 77T () R1C it 1 a GENT for "the purchase ot Englishmans oreign No 12 Red Lion Square London Oct 22 w6m' XVIII i 4 PROPOSALS IKILLbe received at1 this office until the 4th dsv tv of March next fur supplying this Company with twenty thousand bushels of New York water Lime to te delivered at Georgetown in the District of Colum bia in the months of March ami April next 1 The Lime is pass 1 the inspection of Bmjsmin Wright Eq the Chief Engineer of the Company al Georgetown and will be paid for on his approval Persons oHrnng wpt please state the name of the Manufactory from which it is proposed to furnish tbe Lime By order JOHN INGLE'' CterkChcapeheaDdOhioCtulCo eb 3laut4M "ft Office of the Cltei (Ihio Canal Company Iaihiugtoi eb 12f 1830 PROPOSALS will be received till the'4ih day of March 1830at tliia Office fur cona'ructing a PASSAGE BOAT of dirfiensians'suited to tbe'Ctesa peakt Ohio Canal ami having an elevation ruffi cient to admit of two floor tyith a flat roof 1 heiEn gine to be of high presstire and of not leas than! ten horse power the paddle wheel to be in the stern of the boat and of such eter a tt give full effect to the engine rt ft 'ft( ft ft The locks of the Canal (are in the clear 100 feet by 15' al milting of Lost' 99 by feet 8 inlhe but! tbe const uctio i of the bout is designed to be such as to ad mit ot the least possible drift of water ft 1 A specificatitm cr'drawing and description of the plan of the boat should accompany each proposal I The Boat will be on the margin'ofi the Canal imm istely above the Lock" pesr George town I) and is to bccotrlptete by tbe 10th day iff June next 'Is 'ft 1 The propossls to include the Steam Engine and all necessary thaierlls ft 4: JOHN INGLE ft eodt4M ft Clerjr Che A Ohio CnICo NEW ARRANGEM EN I NEWSLINE In addition to the Line which haretorcre advertised runs ffsiiv £3 between Baltimore Washington and Georgetown starting from tne two rorner pyue at half part eight A Another Line is Ifiow established to leave the same phees every dy at one The fare in both ot these lunes wi I B8 fixed when the first was established at 50 a st is hoped notwithstanding the reduction ol the fares in the old Lincs when the motive ol it which can but be apparent to ail connected With the tact thl the New i tee was the first to reduce and fix he fare at a price which every use mtist acknowledge is butajusi for the conveyance ofpasjengers over this route is considered that the more respectable part Of the travelling public Mt'least will still continue to besf'tw dnit a share of its patronage It carriage ol the highest finish and most suodern Style horses sale snd fleet and drivenractominodatingand skilful can entitle the NewLine to favor then may it claim that reward of the public ft5' Passenger inbese Lines taken up and pul down where they direct8 'ft 't i Boots kept at Cforil ountain Inn at No 2 Snuth Calveit Street Baltimore at Bernard' Mansion Hotel amlat Refectory ami Tavern Wash ington and Bt Mr Tavern Georgetown jan 2 1 eodlyfty' Ky ft WASHINGTON' jSaVrUUDAY MAUCH 6 1880 4 1 4 PROPOSALS ftr tuppljing Emigrant Jmiiantf inth ratin Wtit I the Mittistippi SEALED proposal" and to be endorsed Proposal" tor will received by i the Secretary ol War until thr 20th day cf March 1830 fir supplying ration tn such Indians at may emigra to their land West of ArKnntss and Misnuri said rations to of one pound and a quarter of fresh Beef or one pound of fresh Pork with two imart of Ball to every hun dred of thtse or if salted meat is issued one pound iff Beef ami three quarter of a pound of Pork with a quart of Corn or Corn Meal to each ration of meat hether fresh or salt or eighteen oancea uf lour The right to be reserved to She? Secretary of War to enlarge onaltcr the quantity of the ration to be il ud and the ricl*t of continuing1 the contract to any period of time be may think proper and to determine 4tbh i ar IL de Hammer it at pleasure wnen any ot he conditions snail oe Bro ken The points of delivery not" to I exceed three In the country of either of the tribes to be designated by the Secretary of War ft Tbe entire expense whether of transportation or issuing or of building houses fdr'Xlie preservation of the supplies or any other to be borne by tbe con tractor 1 ft Honda with approved security will be required for the faithful fulfilment of the contract No advances will be made ftLft By the Secretarybf Wtr ft ft 4 THOMAS McKENNEYft Department of Wr Office of Indian Affair eb2ll 3tawtl5Mrch ft I ft REMOVAL ft JEWETT has retnoved his stock rf Drugs and Medicines Ac to the opposite sifle hekve aue between Barnard's and Dec 16 eo3w John Tb ft iBne irn 111 oper and verycunverienily krrangfl: it a good kitchen tehff a large led garden mater gud rrrtnsqr Jmmedte Tteerent will be 6'sde object pfJy to! 7 GRAMMER Av dee 5 ff LJlrg ft IOUSES TO REb AXEoflhc ne llu belonging to the Estate of 15 Corktecra! lely oceurib) Wi Item Gnrdpn dour Mr ilnrv arrcsl Alsrch the ftPnssessum to Rd mm vX Also the house now in fut years of Mrs El Custia bemgU ft the Six mllX This house will be Vacant in April Stn be viewed on application to MrGt ur to Jn "ft 1 Es llTEbsvt thisdry receded rTtlf Gob! Watches a suptrtw MWieeofieredfbr sale on reumnbteAtrnmaV y(Sre on 6th greet four dooes from we 'bnbe bppy to receive order exe Bated immediately) foe rilvee a ml tjeAftSeHs 1 a Me and Tea Spoon Table and DescetftkPtlc Arerietjo pattern may be sen sture a 1 JHBAULT 4j BlrtkTftEKS 1 frlnn ilh'bte KK Old Silver Uken at tbe 1 Jan 11 dtf 4 ft 1 SAMUEL UElNECKftW Merchant Tailor enn west of kiehard right's ejhulore ft INORMS hl friend ami pufte tSat i ha just received a fresh of upply of Cloths KucM as black blue of different quality light unfl rtwn and rreen of a beautiful shade and steel Wuf rfo wbie i invite them to call and examim tfe? gbofemention td Cloths with a variety of otheMwitehyie has on fcni ft' 7 ColhiCiof Hiithinglon IN CHANCERY Cft John Musand John IRST UTE GARDENER NY person ur persons wantingtbeir Gardens doaoX in good order hkewise Ptentnvr Pruning and Grafling jnay be supjillcfl with a maa or men en tlie most reaaonabte terms' by applying to Mr LASKtiY Tavern Keeper at the Jtsreh Mterket n8 er 3 OR SALE ft A TERT beautiful 1 gbtft sorrel full blooded moves finely under the sed lle only fire years dft 'Any gentleman wishing to pm chea wcu do well to eali and sec forltir lves st livery stable near the centre market The term will 'be made known hy the gentleman keeping the stable ftebSZ ilw 4 SLE'1 BY virtue of a decree of of Chancer ef Washington County iri a cue in which SftP WethereUand other conipteinan's nd the' heirs Snd representative of North are' defendants'! aball offer lor sale' at pubfic auction la the highest bidder on the 2Uth day of March Lot No 22 in Square 490 together with aH the privilegea snd appurteoancM 6 longing to Sale to take place on the premises at 12 and to be upon the following terms One fourth of the pu rebase money to be at the time of ssla one fourth in three one fourth fix bne fourth in nine month Tbe purchaser to give three last pay bond with rarely to be approved by the True tee bearing interest from tlie day of sate ft JOS BRADLEY Trustee MAURO A SON Auctioneer? feb eX i ft SELLING I 1 1 Morocco' Kidf Ttts ting and Denmark Sutin only 124 per pair rfHE advertiser being about to decline In establish JL ment offers tn stuck ot at tie above tew price and Miase arid Children's Shots iq (jropor lion Thc baigains 'offered be trurts will meet' tire approbation jof the Lucites of this city and vicinity lit solicit an ariy anspectiun loanable Inin tuictose Ina concern in few week xThe good are jupat hi establishment in Philadelphia twd warranted ip IbefiM rate article ft OilARLES feb next door to ft audum store vft Charles ft' ON application to me the subscriber iri tbe Recess ol Charles County Court Chief Judge 01 the Court ot Charles County hy' petition in writing ot Shorter of said County praying for the benefit of the Act lot the reliefiof sundry lnu vent Debtors and the several auppfenienls thereto schedtifc bl his property arid Klist of his creditors bn oath fleing an nexed to his petition ami having satisfied me that he has resided in the Slate of Maryland two yesra iinme diately previous to his application having also Stated st his petition that be is in confinement for debt having prayed to be discharged therefrom 1 dufhereby order and that the person of Thomas (shorter be discharged froiaconlinctnent and that by causing a copy of this order to be publishcdtn the Nations! Intelligencer once a week iorthree months successive lyftbetette tile third Monday in March nexh for thepur pose of recommendicgw Trustee for their benefit arid to shew cause if any they have said Thoma Shorter should not have the benefit of aid act I "Given under my band this filth dy of December Anno Domini 1329 J'U ERGUSON A true copy from tbe original hlcdfttn my office In testimony whereof 1 have subscribed my name nd affixed the seal of Uhtertes County thisfilUtday of De cembcr 1829 JO IfARjdES 8 Cbarle County Court Xthis day RECEIVED rpHE AMERICAN QUARTERLY REVIEW No 113JL fasM mh 4 I a Art I Ths Ls stt tf ths Lovesof tire Pueta by ulh jr sf the "Diary of a Enmq6 1 4 IL iiussiu anil list cry of pie from us etabliiment till the year 12H bt Uptiam Eq MRAS author of tue "History of liud ft ft' jt I dilatory of lira and of Petor tha Gra' by GenerJl Cuuut Pnilip Da8 gar uthzr lire toryofNip Expedi ion to reais int1812 if ft III If ihsnme dan rttrponse a la guel'ldo quelle Mi pendj lesttrois premi'r socles Pse gire nee du Mkom lis ne aur Peapril 1 et le government de people cliea teequali ftil ies LI ti 1 a I i 1 3 of tbe principilkvnte in Mahommedao liv tory from tbe alb of the Arabian L'giatetor to tie accvsien pf the Emperor Akbar and the establish a cut of the Mugal rpjre de Arabt tcui Is roverteiiantdeiCaHiC pr Marignyft ft ft ft I IV 'J Considerations on the propriety iteod pw cesaity of annexing tbe Province of Texas gUtes by a Revolutionary Officer ft' 'fi ft Supreme Csurt sf the United Cnndeosd Report of cases io the Supreme Couit of the Uiniiig a series of the decii'ir of the Court fromfit" organixtion to the comrnencement of Peter' portt at January Term 1327 with piou notes ftof parallel eaies In the Supreme and Circuit Co irts of lhe Untd States edited by ch I Peters Eq VI 'Thj Jlurmeee Journal of an tmhaasy from tbe Governor General of India to be Court' of Avr in tbe year 1827 by hn Crawford Esq lateftEnvriyVII inti A Narrative of the Anti Excitement in th' we tern part ftbe ofN Yterk during tbe year 1826 SJ 127 H'28 and 1829 by Heojy Bmwn counsellor st law 5 ft 1 VIII Transactions of the Literary and Hite torical Society of Quebec ninded Jan 6th 1824 ft IX Matte and Sfuticians Europe A' Ratable a tnong tire Musicians of Germany giving same ac'BOoat of the eras uf Munich Dr ten Brrbn Ac jyitbi mtrks upon tbe C'kircb Mu Singer Performer and Composers and a sample of the pleasure and iov nience that await tbe terec of art on a similar exeur oinn bv a Musical Professor I The Life sf Mireoir of thelftfa swi Ministry of trite Ker Jotl'i nmetleld AftM latn a Preacher in connexion with the tnodut Episcopal Church in Ainrnea by John Holland ubliabed quarterly at $5 per Subscriptions received by I i I aj march 5 I THOMPSON ft "I'gj ytiia laiii a ltj 'aluablc' arin and Tavern for Sale BY virtue of a deed of executed by! Dafiid Runner nd fiis wife on the 23J October 1829 thfe subscriber will expose at public auctiQq Semme tavernin Georgetown onWedrieidtey the day of March 1830 at half past four a valuable Prm and Tavern bindiiigon the turnpike road leading from Grurgetuwn to tedericktcw ilitl aboul tear mile from Georgetown containing about two hundred and eleven acre of land said to be in good order on which ace 'erected a Tavern hich rent for two hun dred dollar per annilm and a stone barn cost above twq thousand doBarai The farm rent fot three hundred dollvts pvr annum ts tine fifth part of tbe purchase money will be required tn be paid in hand and the residue in one two three ami fuur year The purchsaer to give note satisfac tnrilv endorsed bearing interest from day of date and on the payment of the wholenf the purchase' mopey the subscriber as trustee! will convey to tue purenaser ft 11 the riarht and title of the reid Daniel Renner and his March co3t Pnnylvauia Avenue 1 wjfe qiCh re believed 'to be indisputable jiTewCubiiret Chair and iifa 'Maitufdctoryd 4 ft ft 'j SMITH Trustee I AMES PLANT who recently bad charge of Mr eb dtf 1cggrp I Green's establishment in jhi City ha now opened I ft SALE one of the' same description on his own' account on I re ft Penny Irani Avenue near Rtegad Auction authorty two writs of fieri Lcite issued from Store snd trust 'by elegance of design excellence of I the Cerk Office of the Circuit Court of this l)i workmanship aud materitte to cqmmnd a share of pub trict for tbtf County of Washington to me drectcd 1 lie patronage He will be punctual to his promises and shall expose at pubbe sale for csb on Wednesday mmterereif his charges ft I tbe24th of ebruary mt fthe follow mg tescrbe unerals undertaken at the shortest notice' fu future varnished tend dressed elegantly eb eo TO RENT THE three story brick Home near the western Market formerly occupied by Squire Msui Apply to 1 Mr DRURY i eo6t Opposite the Building 7 ft 1 NOTICE WAS committed to the jail ot Prince George conn ty Maryland on the 10 instant as a runaway slave a "negro woman who calls beraell Eliza' Payne She is about 24 years uf age feel 3 niches high cl brown comptexioti long bushy 4iair lull mnuth'and ha lost the end ot her rignt thumb by a felon Says she wai born in airfax county Va seried an appren ticeship with or Mr Taylor in Al xaridna and has lately lived it Washington City Ha 1 on when committed a factory cotton frock snd coarse shoe and stockings Thfr owner of the above described negro is requested to come forward tend reeae her clisere wise she will be discharged to lw 1 EI)W! BELT Sheriff Pripee county eb 15 1830 i 4 ftbft TO LET ft Sjb A nest ami convenient jtwfi: fraire Hoove situated between Secofl Arid Third ttreei aesr Pennsylvania Ayenue dt lars inquire next door or of the Atu a large room fronting on nest over my store 1 tfc ft Th25 w2x iJyCRNY2! Boarding and Day $chool fdrjl'iti Ladies ar iv a a a a L' VS ttiT a 1 LInV llACteuients being desirous of proifiptig i Jion af youth btaiiied of teaching from the Sisierhood neirTterpit derick County proposes opening a fti st her residence neir Matta woman: Ch(kltwo aile and a half from Pricstawiyq Ppmc Cfwiniv Mart land' She will eneage tention to the improvement arid intrust ed to her care and hopes to meet WjltJi iigC 'Ugemcul from her neighbor and the public io genftgrall Should she be favored with the defied Galfopsge she: will have moreai tani in? leaching ftij ft ft or ard Washing BriW3ldmg 'and Tuition including Reading Writing BvslaJEr ni mar Arithmetic Composition Geography? amiancy Needlework per annum payjisje Lx ggionth iri advance Drawing and'Paintng Sec extrs clrgGf 1 or Day Scholars learning the abp'ge dies psyable also in advance 20' 00 or Day Scholars learning' Iteadingft iri ii'ig Arithmetic English Grsinioar add ft" Necdfewuik per annum iftftft Ik When quarter has been commerfeeftSgt parents become subiect to tile full expense of tluft quarter IS ewf Li' WANTED 'T PLAIN dook a female would be preferred Shex must be cleanly perfectly honest and teaber and Wrra aarall LzW a kuirw rastf A fl I rSfltl I st tsar vw wan v' vswvj vv one Roo wages will be iven I A r1v feb 4t ft I WAS OUND 4 REMNANT cf Broad Which the owner can Ta bave by proving property apd paying the cost of this advertisem*nt Apply to GLENN A Co feb 20 eoot Pennsylvania Avenue A ELEGANCE AlXEASE I HAVE just recciv direct from the manufactory at Bosto anaasurtment of Patent Spring Seat Rock ing Chair ft combining in a pecul ar manner Ele gance and Ease' Also aisurtment of and Pier Glasses Toilet Glaaaca Plated Castors' Candtesiicks IvoryKnives a qusntiiy flf See to with continual supplies of almost every article useful and neceaa ry in bouse keeping ibe attention af persons furnrehii i quc atcd ft at any time wishing to dispose of article of urniture orftuf ap entire household establishment at private sale or by auction will find iri the subscriber either purchaser cr vender as may be desired and every eltert vill be ds to give ftiuction l' KILIIAKU VV 1 Auction and Commission Merchant ico3t Pennsylvania Avenue OULARD PRINTS U5T received "a case new pattern oulard Chintlejf entire new sty le ft fft 1 case new style Gmghsm 'l'' p''i ft 1 do super Irish Linen ft'f 8 4 9 4 10 4 Irish DamasE 8 4 and 10 4 Diaper' "I 1 5 iper Dmak Ciotha Nqikimi to match ft i ft Black and white Bobbinet 1 Embroidered and plain Cotton JIosb i Mfcp fc I'ft 'do bilk deft With many other seasonable ar iclea feb d3t c3t I WILLIAM ROVT Jiu Ifu st Union Bank of Georgctownf ebilh 1830 1 "Election for Twelve Director in this Bank trill Xi be held at the Banking Houscjm Monday tbe 5th April ncii' Polls to vpen at 10 A aa close st 3 lJy order eb 26 eotd NGflStf" Cashier EBft GOODS ft TBIHE subscribers have just received part of tbeip supply of Staple and ancy Goods 'The latter are tire latest importations and consiat in pert 'of fc Muslins anentirely new and beautiful Gro de London various figures i Prills new and VirioU palters ft ft Gentlemen's ancy Cravats very ft V'JZse ft cases Gentlemen's Bools very good and aheap ssfl have constantly on Land a Urge ami general asawrt meot of Shses of every descriptum The wflole ef the above are offered wholesale arid tail at the lowest market prices GIBBS CUYL rnsrch 2 St i 1 ft te PUBLIC SALE I IN puftS'iancT'of a 'decr tf County" Court sitting as a Court of Equity "the subscriber will frr for sale on Tuerdsy the March inst sr lirt Tobacco in ssil eounlya of land esllefl Clflun cortalni'ig sb ut tear hundred adre lying 'on the Potomac nver abouf two miles above er ty ten miles front Tobacco and four irom Allen'e resh "ft rv sjr rt '1 he i rproveonent consist of a cbrnfoable dwelling house with the necesary out houses "I here is on the land a Urge qusntiiy of wood sn i timber with a vsrie ty of soi' a coireiterabte psrt cf which iar fertile anti proJu tive apd well to tlie groutn of tubscco wheat and corn 1 It is the opinion of some person conversant Tn three matters that a good landing nugit be made there at a' small tX ense suitable tor a ttad and herring fihe A liberal credit will be gv on part of the money on giving bund wtite ppr vd security bear ing iuteresl'fiom the dsy of ft tch 2vt HUGH LHfrry Trvatite I the 24th of ebruary mat the tollowing described Old Isnda and tenements vil Lpt Nd2 in Square num bered 1 wo nunureu ma Avincjr iuic vijrw I Washington with the improvement thereon beipgn i r' 7 I two Story unci Iioubr na viucr icuvicuisa rince George's County Court sitting as a I and taken in execution llje estate tandr arid tene Court of Enuitu' merite of Hexekiah wil be sold to aatisly debts due by bm to ther Washington Canal Company a ft ftl 54t) be in front of Hie prtmiit to commence 1 1st 12 i i Taxonotete HiLtssnr nd Orman b2 dts TENCH RINGGOLD MarshsH ORDERED by the Court that the report oCThomas A Pratt the Trustee this case be and the I 11C autlVC SiyC VI postponed Ulltll Slt same is hereby ratified and confirmed unless cause to I uriy heat tbe 27th imdjant reams hour an place tbe contrary be shown on orbelbre the first Monday in reb 25 HINGGOLO Marsh! April next provided copy of this Order be published above sale is ftlflltei' postponed to once week for three successive wceksinthe Ntiuil lhe IJth'of lrct instant same Iwur and Intelligencer 'bcfore id first Monday "I he Trustee ft I TENCH RINGGOLD reports the priiteeds 01 sale to amount to eleven hun jft ft tei Miretal tired ft Is I ftu ft 4 EDMUND KEY Q2rtuii (jouri of the l)litricrtf sv a nLa i Ph tvlu I Si A I AHUI I A ft NOTIC WAS committed to the prison of Wat lnbn Coun ty on the Sth instant a Knaray itevef negro nun by the name of Thomtre Hwsitfnd say his name is Berry lie is five feet aboutyears iff age lias gup in hi tifettea scar on hts neck and a scrba hi right wristp lwfipoA when committed eid bat light kersey jsckel pjriroy trow sers old white vest cotton shirt white junistockkig snd coarse sticb down shoe he bafotJs to John son Coleman living in Louduri county ia' ftThe I owner of tbe above described mfl'vretj'Ield to come and prove him and take nuri avisynr he will be sold for bis prison fees and otrserrexpekAr as the law direct RftU BUltlKlr'of the Prison of Washington jan w3t or I''cncA tnyyaf to REM JR Thitlaige arid hsnusome diotAeil Capitol lIjHill known' tbe residence sif lite date Robert Sewell Esq This Hou6e t4eiaJ finrenedrootrs tbe back building is exteiiv6 U1 tiiainaaiu pie room for the servants of a large family isfebrick sta ble carritge house and large garden velUi acd1to the premises or terror apply to colOb JttHN QBBroker 'otice to Merchants undOtzied THE subscriber respectfully informs qub iends an the public generally that he intencti future to devote bt time and attention to the cttltmn of counts notes dec Charles and Calvert Counties Mary Jos jtfiose who nay favor him with their patronage Merchants who have unsettled accounts ttjthc above Counties will find it to their advan5agt4or him with the above kind of business as 11 jrifjitesk but a Jastcompensationfor bis trouble Heit also appointed an: Officer srr teqf district snd he would receive 11 small debts for which would be attended to with promptitucJltnd exacl i tetts ft AU communication post paid adflresieilto tbe sub Kriber Nottiagham Prmce CurjtyMd will te immediately attended to ft hjjAoORE 4 DEERENCE1' A Phil Chew Esq Nottingham County Dr Wootton do ft dray' tV Briscoe" do I SetnmesPiacfctasrsy Dorsey t'pirer Mirlborviigh i Dr'O nn Jo tov 2G 2 2rAls2 4 UOARDING HOUSE ft our doors csl cf the Union Hotel Bridge 4 SZftl ri Mrs ECHTIG havirJg taken that laige and com Caroline CoxenWm Cnzeis Mary Cosens Maria Co' ita! House on Bndgtreet reecthrily mJ sens Etea orge publicthat she has rjade every preparation tteevilland UarrtCti wt LU ficcetsry to render it coiivcnieht uid comfortable for I bill in tbifc feswc ihM tc ltc nt" Co the reception of boarders and stranger who may visit ens mortgaged Lois No insqqsrt No 75 the town i Jan eodltn i1 'f 1 Jj tbe sum pf 8357w th interest from thSlsVDeceni 5LEGANT CURTAIN ORNAMENTStc er 1822 that Cuxcni dead and that the defendant W'lLUAM ADEUILHE hat just received Irvtn rebis heirs at la that the said principal Snifitiierest Paris and offers ter sate st his Upbolsteririgmmd I tlia rumin due and Xti that said: Mhus ha PaoeP Hanging Establishment on 15th trtreet oppCsVte I MSgtgned the same to said John Barcroft And lbs ob llie Treasury Office i 'ft ft icct of the bill is to obtain payment of said principal The largest assortment of e'eganl CURI AIN OR nd interest or foreclosure of said mortgage ahd a NAMENT ti ever brought to tifls country sale of iid lots and it appearing to the sattsfkereon of rpAisEH ft tte Court that bes des the detendaiKS mentioned in a On fiifid Amtertcah and rench Paper Hanging? I fofmer order of publication two other of thtridetendsuta jritti rich velvet border I ft to wit William Cozeqs and Gustavus Cozens have since He expecuto receive by the firstarrival from Pans I lhe gfing of said bill removed out of tbs' District of a further supply of rench Paper Hangings of new snd Columbia and beyond the jurisdiction of the Court It elegant patterns ft 1 I is thereupon tlis lStb day of December ftl82r9 order return hi thanks to the past fa 1 e1 hy the Court that notice of the substance and object rors 'and take leave them that he continues I of the said bilfbe given to the said absent Defendants tu execute aH orders in the Upholstering and Ppe 1 publishing copy of this order a for six Hanging business" Sept 2w4ri guceeive inth Nstionallatelligcficerj ft ft 1 ret ui the said absent defendant to appear in the Circuit Court ft BILLIARD IvADLti I of the "District of Columbia on tbe first dajriof next IRST HATE BILLIARD TABLE for bale with tcrm fcnd to an wrr fcc otherwise that tbe saidr bill ftjk Lampsand appurtenancesft complete rt en' W1R bo takenfor confessed 'against the said absent de ally considered one of the best in the District and will I the first advertisem*nt to be published at rbe sold a great bargain: Apply to VV Auu I eMt four months before said day" 'ft i i iuneer 'Aft By order of the Court I INCORlUU rlBLk TEEtUft KIrt ft MRTLANTOU Surgeon I)enlist from Pana ha Aheionot of offsring his service tolhe Ladies TniSJlSTO GIVE NDTICIT pt and Gentlemen who msy be tn wan is i or I ukcriberfiath obtained from cleaning filling plugging and extracung teein aw Charles county letters oif idmimstralion for placing revived itr even peraonl estate of Werl Herfictjlalb ofuid a complete aet Mr 1 I anti au of PhikI county deceased All perftons having claimr against year iiast a cerlificate of the Medi calSoc uty oi till I deceased are hereby warned to exhibit tbe delphia which atteata the superiority of hi art Hi a itb lhe voucher thereof to the subscriber tor teeth over all others rns Je ot corruptible ubsiaocc audy of August next they may tRberwfae I their never changing color nor nd ha ng I excluded from all benefit of the ai ertSte the great advantage of preserving the sweetness of the by Uw be exett breath JAMES BUtrilOWS ra His residence is at Mrs sshington in the street re 1 AdmiiiitrMor? So 1 Il WVurAll I xr a sv 1 vv a ar re 7 bck ot ivcru 7 1 'd'runiporluliun Line from Baltimore to ft'ash ft install and Georgetown fltllE Steam Packets being Irid up Goods ft Wash I ington'and Georgetown will be rrceivekl during tbe Winter! tfieriMeam Boat Wreho CommerceStreet WhrfiBltimore and forwarded iroro thence by Wagon every Wednesday and Saturday anjb on anyother day when sufficient loading offers I 1 ft The Wagons will be unloaded at the Store 'of Kennedy Washington and Tho 5V right iGeorgp towq ft CHASftWOR rl)N ft ft Commerce Street Whart Baltimore ian 202awlm Columbijin Gaz) STEAM PACKET LINE Twice a week between Baltimore and Washing ton Jllcxandria and TUP PIIPHUiPICSHUItG Be nedict 'J Jenkins master leaves 4 ft 1 ft 1ft I I VW V' 3 ir I T4 re 1 "dtc 1' 'J' ft I ft 1 vl 1 11 ft ft fl ft 'T 4fl fl ft "i ft i ft lh miw L1 XT rl a I I re ftVVVzV 'VAM 4 VV i ft 4 Vb AV WVW 'ft ft ft'ft ft i ru i "ft z't YzS 1 i ft 4 ftT fcl rt ft ft Jre Ire fft re ft Kl ft 1 IKft ft ft ftt ft I ft 1 ft i i i 1 re re 4 I a 4 il rk KJ h' nft vA4a i I J'W TT ik x1! ft: ft I a 1 TTf' 'Tre ftfTMfc ft1 ft Yd 3 1 it I If I I.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.