The Fairbury Blade from Fairbury, Illinois (2024)

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The Fairbury Bladei

Fairbury, Illinois

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rubwr 1 tfiijfr ilfultb JULY 4 fi Dentist 7idj Tpwuwii's pfedl it 4 2 1 ''fl' 1 iuvncr jwr JH ZXW CATIUM (Jood (hull nt MrDoiv that Eltsov Ioeai orrcepoiidcritc by LIOUUJ IllWU Kx Mull No 2 1 61pm Efir 1 Ltithtalnt Kx 1 4 41 am lliiliUdua Ex of PONT! AC CARDS on tbo W1 GOIiN6HTIJ iX ipOlUU23TCAHD3o i UtG9 jutt 4:0 tu NEW AJYXiTISEM ENTS arni Mahliinfiry Jy al the Job" I I JA! KSADfcWDa PAINTING a 'J 4JU 41TKWASIUX(A fiC ANNOUNOKMuhTS Priced Kt) xrorcru xor 4A3 LAXOACKKB NEW AUVEUrisem*nTS WCSWxe a riCViLDKtuix re Ihefutara Chatsworth' Art GUlery Turt'KY naet vlm ui tua I 0 UJjsvr Tbs 88 pans was divided inSAVS sad SI prizes Ataka took Art lo ni am UU am uu Sl'J TjUlftlO were 13 entixa XT Habba broke 8 of tbs tO IsJXsad look Ont asoney wU ak good lack has been ftvns Ibe Tt divided Mans 85 nj 3 A It Witeou klBed 5 doable sriabtht bird tak scrtikMi 1 ia ata ai Qua wj rereAr far JMeeats fafo ntort reneek afceu tw lot pet a step Tte Enn al King Gregg having basis dissolved itb ixjxmlnlyi accessary Ital 1U buries should chued 851 those knowing themselves isafoteeii to Chlcs so via Clfika Ptlnwa Htnaiar raised arx dupused of giving th beat of aatisCKttaeu Tire work ef sinking fewer left DvWulCa vwsn i Arv iafc TacMlay: July aHrd lSlS' 1T C(cr QiMtaam far 19:10 pm 11:15 AUi 1 'A' 'M atftM () xca tba birds that didal getaway At TwiOduru TTr' Coirectjiijir iind" Loop Also pju fur thu IfcCwmtek cofablned llvaper amiMuwur The Kew Coal Shaft The proprietors of the new coal aSaffaro delighted witatheiraucrass in fiudnrg tba One rein of coal which they are now working The coal is san! tv be of excellent quality and is perfectly dry The vein unlike most others is withoat a parude of water i sweuk In vunr 0n tuwiu1 33 uattt Nt rt ftewfar If you want I vw'erv wnauat ytrruat etfWC Uub item Bevs vH Pattdat watbonmlwree fee appear dOee at court charged with wait and tUntk ak tape" Since then setae besy bodies hare intuaated UtM the ltJtoe MSataaned was IX A rattan' Abont Newspnner'i The Dwight Cowmen ial Ims Iwen en larged and It now a culuun pmru a per Thia la mure than we had uuticiia 1 ted of the Commercial while we had 1 recognised it nt lieing live and rpicy lo cal paper we did not look for this nipid growth but we are pleased to ecu it all the tame and hope lire publisher may realtae largely oa the IneestmenL Th Pootlao ree Trader began Its aiath year of existence last week The pebliahen amke no special nuiaa about tl hot signify a desire tu have old scores Killed up by subscrlliers and a delonuin al ion to go on in the old truck of politics Tbe ree Trader is a uimd paper uni have always found its edt'ora and pub Ushers tu bo gcnlleincu We hope the ree Trader may lire very much longer than its present politic may be useful Wc are In receipt of the first nuiubek of ord' Livingston County leniocrat the new paper Just started at Tontiac It I an 8 oolutun folio the same size of the iNDKrutoKitTUxAun all of hwue print and of neat typographical appearance It is intensely democratic and starts off with a dmiioeition to it warm" for the ree Trader There a good deal of plain home spun vigor in the ed itorials which though on the other side of the political fence wc rather like We hoe the Col may not find it neecs sary to emigrate to other climes lor want 1 patronage or any misunderstaeding he may hare with Sam' cr ary dy else fttifHerirllon XhSAT TtnfS 8 4TK gVXT W3t To All Who Wish 10 Own it arm A cotiLd iviintio i is fiive i to abtem tu niist picnic lit aicCom it Mom tjiiiii iv Indi11 Giove township oh b'luduy the nth July 1678 tor Nnrnmn Colt 8bow Agreeable to previous announcement the show of Norman colt from Virgin' horse foaled this spring came off it hi stables on last Hat unlay There were 1'vculy uita entries aud as due a lot slicking colts as ever assembled in thh town were ready for the contest by two At that Lour the owner ofcoils for es' hlbitiou al thu suggestion of chose a committeu uf five toawuidthe prizesns follows Joel Strawn Henry Demuss 1 Knight Jew mid 0 SJuhmou This cumiulttoe after close examination awardpd the first prize a large and very handsome double walled tilting silver Ice urn to'Samue! McCord for bis colt only 27 days old The second pure duuhlo walled silver ice pitcher tu Tlios Smith for his colt 49 days ohl These awards gave very general satisfaclou though in collection of so many good colts it was a difficult task to determine which was best The following is a full list of those who bail colts on exhibition Arthur btuckey Kiclia'd Barley John Kamheart Hugh Itobrcson Dau Potter Leban John Bennett (3 Strowimder (2) Geo Townsend (J) McDowell (2 A Easton Samuel Himna 1 Higgins Bullard I A Robinson Thomas dmltb Nr John Kennedy Mrs A Claudon Althme John Althose John Zdler The prize colts with tbeir dams as well a Umi piuee were exhibited on Maia St after the awards went made ANOTUKK suow At the tune the above exhibition was going oa there was another of the sort" just outside of the lot This was a show of colts from the vulebraled half blood Nomau horse beioogirg to Bpray There were seven con testauU Ttie lirst premium io cash was avrarded to Dan Stuckey and the second $4 was given to John Mullen The cults exhibited were indeed excellent am! were fair representative of the no tie stock front which they sprang Mr Spray is to be congratulated upon the ex hihiuun th rvpurVaad say that owe wkum niMcaar la be KMMnaa' llu aamh CLASS BALL A glass ball match came next in order Two purses oa of 815 sod thaether of Ad Att 1 4 VVUW Mw" Money order at orrest for the vim cniluig JiPie Ki 11178 Amount of i filers dnwn 10 1 194'j nniount of orders paid lrl2 11 Tber was a pleasant party at the resi dcuc ol 3 A Hoyt Exq riday night uf last week given In honor of Mr and Mrs Gmfiuu nuwly mairied There was a good utu ndauco mi uvery one was lippy railroad express and tele graph eoropooies go beet on thoMex CM tsrvwr oaiaraBd tale then only mbIC We linarot thorn being penfedfetdror Kw Yurt for au VOO hjL CJUaia vrtiQ urn pp pm 4: is ntiU Lovington fB 1 I iu i'J be attujilfJ (Snxt'ttur Eamlhttft Smith) DSMhl' IK CLTOiwniim At the subleeof Mr Wade there were three very fine apechneaa of Cljrdesdok colu from Nonuan'a imported bene whfch Ihoech rot apcciaDy oa ex hitethm would hate done eredil to the coolest had they bees ered Alto gether there was cvosMemb'e iatcraj maftiTuted ia the Jsrreniles ou day MefendefitBlaiie iWiirn kl? a tons am 7 UHOa wtsv't Rnaa dally ftriDi dally except Sanlajrf ArrungcuiCmt of Tlirpuglt Car AH train run through horn hidtaaa aUltf Hu to tho Mlavlulppl rlvor No rwllui fan ir car from Indlanapoll and Lnihyotra to Peoria nnd HnrHnctvn uod tbrooli cuauh from Tolvdo aud bt Wajnu Pvitrui No a ha day coach through from lu I'ooila and HurHogion No 7 iuh pslacu aiuuplug car from Chicago and Uilinim to Puorla or Tictv'tp Hud farther information apply to i) intern Auuut airbury 7 Hi'f A ilOKtNM 'Townnsno luo0r Gtmual Jgcaf llymcropaiflic to al nt McCoru i TUB GLORIOUS OURTH xt ifti 5ly qonpl of week ago it seemed bretty certain thrt sirbury would not provMa for the proper celebration of tb ourth of July 1I wu more sjinar rently certain because of the gnat effort our neighboring town Pontiac wm making Bat the member Pfe air bury bra baud determined to fcl'ro the Ikuvcr Kx ftj'pui Dlmiiui niiuLti IS pm Khu reight ufllS ptn bttKnr axr grus Tram a on JAS KING JS 38tf Samara to Kins: QrK rrrsyTWTT rrrxT TII riftKXKX BALL TIie tml I at airbury ttrJ! having been largely advertised was one of the most cpcsiful ever In the hall Dancing was kept up till atalehuur A dance at McDowell's Hall by tlite Catholics had been advertised' but owing to heavy exercise of thaf tribe! at the grove during the day juu! the fact that the firemen had worked pp an Interest In their ball in advance of thia it did not flgura very largely and the crowd dispersed early Thus doees the lOJnd anniversary of onr nation's birth Tbe best of feeling prevailed and but little drunk enness and disorderly conduct was ro portal Everybody was happy aud the eagle soared high A large number of ourcitlzcns went to routine on the trains and tn bug gies to see the races and military show at Vermillion park They re turned home late in theoveninq Xormau vs Virgin's Challenge Ma Editok Some time early Imi 1 circiilir prcpcclr coll show'' My object was to give the farmnn a chance to Judge for themselves Which wu the moat profitable breed of horses to rake nud I offered to show Norman colls against any breed of draft horses In ilia county and for fear they would not show against me I olfer ed a premium to owners of colts fpm my horses and as you are aware the time forliow canio as advertised aud my propo sition was not accepted and oil the show we hail was Norman show and leave those that were there to say whether it was a good one or not My object as I said before wu that the irmers may sec the colt ot the different breeds of horses together and that they might better Judge I thought best to have colts from different horse But I understand that the owner of une of our nuled Clydesdale homes say he did not want to show Ins horse slock agnlnst half dozen Nonunua and that he proposed to ma to show agnlnst any one horse and that I would not show Now Mr Clyde man I have no recollec tion of such a proposition haying been made to me But that you may keep your word good I will show sucklug colts from ono Norman hors against all the Clydesdale horses In the county or stale I don't propose to ask my friends to stop their work and bring in their colts for nothing so now I will do this will put up (95 each exhibitor to pul up like amount and wo will divide it equally between the owners of the six best colts from any ono horse each exhibitor having the privilege of showing ns many colts ns he may wish from one hors I don't think the farmers want lo stop their work to come in here to see ono or two colls nud 1 don't proposa to usk them to and they could not Judge of the breeding of tbo two different breeds with less Hinn six colts and I would rather make it twelve now if this proposition nulls you Set join own lime for show nud pul up the f'25 nnd I am ith von bliow to be in uirbury Respectfully John Vihoin J'ti aug duotJ out buy you Zonuve Cadets? i 1 On Wi'dnesdiiy eveulngat their drill room McDowell's Hull the Zouuve Ciulut elected theii company officers thus coinpetnn their organization Thu followlngjs the result i CaptidmJw7lI Scililnl: 1st tout Tlios Baker" Van whiorii fat gaant 1 inayei 2nd Sergeant Herman Gillett Sd Sergeant red Baker 4th sergeant rank Duell 1st Corporal Grant Mc Dowell 2nd Corporal Georg Dockerfid Corporal Clarence Murdoek Corpoial Eddie Smith fitlt "ddrlrofrtl Tliua 1 aiigtbem nth Corporal HenrySweet 7th Coipoul Ihiico Ainubiiiy bill Corporal Hubby Muck uocl se xujui iiiprr nut JAnrej" JiUey aud atul Cid Caift'? Cora Callrator Kcvtklrlrg Btv IfakoBs Liapotxl autf (jutuj 4rua Ptaw IsHm Cure bhrh Iroi va 1 vJ duM terett 1M ui Cf II aM ch priem torfiara eKkt4 Un amlulivr Muy 1673 train pan fdlow stfrsbaA 8a tkey imaged for ed bfUM Taylor' graft a published La th laoaHumcar BitaDB lut week and is unounoed by large posters and small bills and on the glorious natal day th oriebratlon cme off ju nearly according to programme circ*mstances would permit Whatever ot enjoyment the as sembly experienced and good ba been done should be placed to the credit of the airbury bras band the prime moura THC CBLBIBATIOW The day proved propitious The morn ing WM cloudy and warm "In the after noon it cleared and was very pleasant me' procession lormen st xivingsionq ua i headed by tbe bras band nnd marched Jo the grove the Zouave Ca dets in their bright uniforms bringing up the rear It arrived al the grove at 11 a in where the Zouaves gave a short Rghlbitlon drill The exercises at the Kand were presided over by Dr raley president ot the day There were altoul three hundred people present who were seated on chairs and on the soft green grass beneath tbe beau tiful shade trees surrounding the speak stand The exercises were opened with prayer by Elder Merit after hich erry delivered a brief oration Prof Olney then read the Declaration of Independence Then followed short speech by tbe president of the day Dr raley after which the meeting wax dismissed till oae o'clock In the interval thoae who carried their dluper to the grove (and there were good many who did) sought coo) shady places and piculced in the most agreeabfe style Others diued in town A TKHMOOM BXIKCISC At llio aniiointod hour the afternoon exercises began with an exhibition drill of Scibird's Zouave Cadets which was the chief attraction of the day A aerie uf toasts were then rend and responded to as follows "Young America" responded to Judge McDowell "American citizens and ourth July" responded to by Benjamin Walton "Our free school system may it lie ier fected" responded to by Elder Merit "Our couuty" responded to by Janies McDowell Between cacli speech and toast th brass band discoursed sweet music doing their full share towards keeping up inter est in the exercise Wluteiuoro introduced a telu ohone on the grounds near the close uf the doings which excited a good deal of cariosity as it is the flrat one ever operated publicly In this place Westervelt had a refreshment stand un th ground from which ice cream and lemoned were dispensed lo tbe hot and thirsty crowd Thu ended the celebration al Taylor's grove TBB CATHOLIC AT MCD0WKU' OtlOVC A announced by bug ptMtere tbe Catholtaa at thle place aad vidalty ob I UOlUtf1 NQtlTIf I nm LluhUiiuu Em 3 um Dunvur fix ItMtim reight 7 pm iu io pin Stuck fixH5aw 1 aw Way roighv am i way at McDowell1 grove A stand was erected for the speakers i and a platform laid for the dancers Short speethiH were delivered by Rev A anning Rev ather inch uf onliac aud Templetoa Jam'eon of thia city Tht orator ot the day was Mr O'Brien of Lexington III ather aanlng road from a book a fa cetious address to tbe American flag il lustratlvo of "Hoosier" ourth of July orators which caused a good deal of merriment There were refreshments on the ground la the way of meals aud potatoes cooked la large iron kcttlca aa well a the more delicate viands at the ice cream and cake stand Dancing was indulged in by many lads and lasacswho delight to shake the fantastic toe There were two to three hundred persons present aad all had a glorious good time i SHOOTIKU TOVlUtAllKKT AT THK A1B OBOIMIM The shputing drew a crowd of two to stc! I of destroying pigeons and glass balls The 15 puree was first shot for being divided tn prixas of 7 5 and £3 each and as wuu as follows A Wilson idled ten straight pig eons and took first money Hanna killed nine straight pigeons sad took see owd avoaey Marti Berry Jr of Sull van Center and Altana tied fur third mousy killing eight birds each and divided the prize out lei try Wetcrcd'jl V'itcLcs ware good stock Mua It'ajewehy to Anujue attery ladies' dta tbe tosl lUUoduued iu tota tu irtiut for ttceu a Jug purposes at jil IkuJix fiutticaabl dress maker solicits lue he Lalies oi rai Jours i'Jiuoo TVdSt The fi stivul at the Church ml riiluv eve wtui ivn ivJumlnl undoi stand lii nut icceipts vi eboui 1 1 Sumo of our npfo pri! i ho 4th ar I'oiitiir some nt ifoiiini' nnd otliur al Cluilaworih The Hubbub this fi to united nod Inal a pieiuc in rancis awDtrsTAxKs riTK suolk mu Tea dollar rarsa divided ia turns IXtAaadgX for5 eingtetarda A WUsra abut five straight birds firs prise Jssms Gibb second and Culver third if You Goin WEST Urge br mull purlitjA'tu CeixinADb Tuxaf before bnytns your ticket apply pwruort aflyprby klfar liy 408 I'aM'ur Att'L Chlcajcx A You cuhalwav ikpunH upon (hu aud pood tellable kMcj dm to the dut ttUIHB in ba IT Allen and family returned from visit to Genesed Tuesday i Duel! has built a neat ono story cottage on Ins lots directly west of the Baptist Church Tbo heart" seems to be the best early cabbage Tbe beads are solid and of good else Deacon Shepherd ha everal thoiuand ot them beat and ebnapeatin th world Dr Cough 8yrup eoot you only cent and if it does not cur your cotigfi yon ean get your money task Wednesday Capt Sacrist with thirty two of the airbury Guanla tn uniform started for Pontiac to take bsmd in that three drill and camp duty Theboys looked well Thoro Bill bo a Union Sunday School picnic at Taylort Grove Thurs day 8tli day of August The schools of this city and surrounding town will participate wo understand it Joseph Burger six miles south west of town sent us a bunch of wheat lust Saturday measuring five feet nine Inches in length The heads are fiUlna nicely In the field from which tlidBAhi ple was taken i will be remembered that Mrs Rogers got a verdict against the Town of uirbury nt the last term ot Circuit Court In a suit for damages Hie town trustees have 'taken an appeal in the case It will uow go tc the Ap)iel)iite Court Patent weather strips and patent end gate agents have plyed their busi ness in town tlini week Iltyl there been a few well educated lightning rod men liero also the old tinw lively ap peaiitnce uf business would have been apparent combined reaper and mow er for short shingling the Imir has been Introduced Into the barber shops of Chris Keck and Darrn Sterling which may account lor the ninny shav ed heads tliat appear on the street of our otherwise beautiful city supply the increiwliijpteniuiid for the Biaie and partirnlarlv anticipating the demand which there will lie this week extra copies have been printed sinllcient to meet the wants of Single copies live cents each Cull at tliis office A family left this place for Decorah Iowa Wednesday ol lust week where Mr Markle is fili ing a professorship in the college They will make that place their home in the luture Mr Norris an employe uf tie new coal shaft is occupying Ins residence "We" hut means and family aie indebted lo some kind friends for a short vocal serenade lust Saturday night The rapidity with which tlie singers" decamped af or "vo lining'' barely gave us a chance to scream a "thunk you kind friends will again alter them I ue "Dutch Recruit'' wits playisl again at airbury Hall last Sat tirdny night being a benefit for A raley There was a large audience present ami the play was excellent The Zou ave Cadets gave an exhibition drill in connection witli tlie entertainment Tlie proceeds amounted to about 45 There was a picnic of Miss Richev's i school at the grove on the river north of Dr Ostrander place last Saturday There was a good attendance though it would hava been larger but for tbe threatened nun Mr Schenck ot thia city aeut a couple of good looking young men to the pienic grounds with ice cream confectiuiicry etc and they did a good business tm the occasion All had an enjoyable time stalk of corn feet high is not so iwd for this year of but that is the height of a stalk brought to this office bv Jeff Donolio who say he has a field of cotn nearly as good as that all over Mr bough also reports 111 acres of corn as good as Donolio's sample which lias liecn "laid by" This is eiieouragiug indxd illey from Beatrice Neb art rived tn tins city via Chicago where he has been delivering several car loads of eattle and liogs from the plains of the West At hicago he was joined the family of his brother Elijah and Mrs Bud the mother of Mrs illey who had been visiting at Ilohnh Minnesota They are all vis iting iu this citv among relati ves and it rolids uns week i neighloriood gathering aud si liool pieme was held on riday the tilt near the Crouch sehocl house two Hides south of town where the teacher Bradbury and his httlo tlisk elli many of ue parents and xouug people of the neighborhood pleasantly spent the day Select rea i lug declamations singing dinner and playing croquet were the entertain ment airbun Guards ordered sup piive flutn a military furnishing stare at Chicago ibis week and among oth er artielee they ordered a lot of bugle oruanents for the hat Tbe Chicago man misimderatandine tta order nt a lot of cavalry great brass horns with yCllow cord attached long enough to make clothes lines Of couisOi the boys were disgusted par bculaily as the oa bugle were 81JO each The were scat back to headquarter bet" hear ooaxpLxieLa of piece of uxeaaaess which we hardly belmedaay eat in Uns city wosdd be guilty uf jaad that rs stenting dowers freer tbe grave in the cecaetery In many instances rare flowers hate tanu planted on the groves by friends uf the dtxeased when Sonia miaenddy aieaa sneak thief would steal eu uxstdeof twen ty four hours efer txiu oisi who xs dyhouM byv wait for these deBpcuters and tl! them full uf bxrd NW If tNa ekss i should be Rowers or many way mar ur deface the grave cr its sunoindiuga Cl'i anti finw has been selling baggies e'Av cheap nx thia ulv the rad we We hear of the saJe of cee to Judgr McDowell another to 8 8 nows vm rauwsry ttet aasn riHC fa UiCK'j ft! Way rol ght an I ktti riM wlih train for Wouftrloctour Siirleylrtd fM titf Louin and with i)Cdvor fitprui wMct runiT MoMulux Uvu'I Sept Jab Ciuulton Ueu I Tlfkut AO A 11 Ticket Th TU actory Rafas Straight proprietor of the new tale factory at this place received the machinery for making tile this week and on Tuesday made a small lot to test the machinery which works off all right and is capable of turuiiijf out from SO to 500 pieces daily Tbe budding recently erected for uses of manufacturing tile is fret wide aad feet long AR the tee sjjn awluinces for making fi ilrol: tile will be used Mr cdraight has about sevea acre of tough elay ad mirably adapted fur making taeu Put chasers ca raly ou getting the bust whan they buy of him Sues will range from three to six inches for the Aa liuJrtiLilileTrufll Yon desurvs to suffer snd if you lead miserable envUufitctn fifo in tills bctfl tiful world il is entirely yonr own fitull ord there i oplyjdu rescues fw you you'f unreasonable prejudice anixkptl clsm which bn killed lliouxani! unal knowledge rtn common cnse re Busing will oon tbow you (list Green's An juxt low vr will cure you uf liver uhu plaint or djnpepxlit will sll It miserable effects sueh ns sick hesilnche palpitation pf 41 bssrt sour stomach brxjxitoal cos tirenes dizziness of th bead nervous prostration low spirit olc Il sale now reach every town ot) th Wectern Continent ond not a Druggist but will toll you oflts wonderful cuius You can buv a sninpi hottie for 10 ccut Three dose will relieve von Livingston Cuanty Noiuiai School! oi yooi goceiivu go to ret Ik ur iu the tni kit at Went ervull's 2Gtf (oisulios plaiu uni! fancy at 11 Alleu 4b(f A giral variety of lluwui pota am) tiellises al 11 Alien 't Tiu1 aud fancy par'oi vaes nutc wall pockut etc at Allen lull sc'ver pipe aud twsl biliM tog butt at iviuifs lumber ml 45lf Bvau'iful gold fit! mid acrpiariiuiu still on i ni xt It loiu if Ailkad ol plain finy rtd rustic hanging basket at II AlL a 4Ctf prist of 10 7 ual There were 11 curies Martin Berry Jr killed 10 straight bird and took first money A Wilson and Hanna killed bird each aad divided Um secund prize Junes Gibb killed 3 birds and took thud mon ey IVUHTIXU HYK POCHLK BIBS iiuigenietila for oci'ing farms for tlioie who tin iiin cl ml those who wish lo be their own litmllords attend Try anil lioon Uhi in iiunl at 1 in Eveiy olio i i ieatoil to bciq bantu Is of pi o' i for the ficini nilgo Knox of Ti III finffillai with thu country will it lit resat lie niidli'tico BltVCIl (Vt'Trr I'KKMAYEll Um ft ji tri jUpia llurr Duai SiR'jk'rt OLhruu mu pui UIucuro pm pn i UilMuii pm Maiwhukl I X) pm MonUccHo I pin Bi menl 511U piU JlatilUMHHl Ji iu Li' mis Mss)tui pill Winumjr toMritn pUI thewurdf JClbutimu pm AlCan mt u'cOMKLINTbspc 'i fchiiblur ML TLEWIS GT A 1H iAttoraeys Iteplyto tbe Ya ID Eprron IxDxntDnT Wo of fer thl replication to the solhor of the article publlxbed ovcr ths name of Mrs VsIL Any prvtaslpu ti com ppssd Ui UtiwwS'iawson tlis communi ty without donbh Mfe wilj psy her tlie compliment to gy article wss too masculine Id tone to bv been com posed by aliped lady Ilk hcnelf Tn little blonde gentleman who tu ear epiaiM wrote th ertHs locltcatvs fra bayf taksti a rvkpss" In mor ala rino obr remarks ia tbe UhreL for hl better faformstlon and guidance In the future cite him to book extenilvelr read In tbli country of which be probably may hate beard Wu refer to tbe Bible If he will trouble liinuieir to procure copy nd fiunllMiizr himself a little with ita pages he wy perceive that tbe teaching of person called the Christ are st times full uf the of charity peace and good will to mon" and on other occasion are replete 4 itb such expression as "Ye hypocrites ye serpents ye generation of vtpdrs ho can ye escape the damnation of There la "blackguard volubility foddactajrdlaKto Llsc'lxfoz Ue should forthwith publlrli stdcUtrcs ou Iba Bible showing the "fearful relapse" of its author It is unfortunate for Pi late's reputation in history this man was not at the trial of Jesus lor in Hutt even' a clear cose of "blackguard volubility of epithet" would have been made out against the bavior and Pilate probably would not have washed Ins bauds ou hut occasion Again ho accuses us of abuse ol an ohl man" Ordinarily gray nrs and faltering footsteps couimaud iesx But when gray Inilrs come prematurely through Intense mental activity In discov ering every possible dishonest scheme 4y which the weak the poor and the unfor tunate can be wronged when footsteps falter because of assiduous running ui crooked ways then ohl sgu becomes eou leuiptlble end tbe bearer of ita burdens should be photographed down to the mi nutcat details of his meanness As our remarks in the Church breathing "peace and good will to num" passed old John and lila son unheeded Just as niauy other exhortations to repent and reform nothing was left us but to obey the scriptural injunction ist not your pearls bulbre swiuu" Whether Mery Willhotu was removed ut her own request and was subsequent! kindly cured for by old whether she wrote her own sentiments in that four page letter or the substance was du uud by him are questions ol veracity butwuen himself nnd Mary There may bo a deep hidden vein of truthlulness in tlie old mn which on being unearthed would cause some to doubt which ol the two de serves buhef but until such inlruciiloiu discovery Mary has the advantage MrB if wc arc wrong in suppo ong' you to lie the author of the Mrs Vni I nr tide wo beg your pnrdon In thnt event lei Jlrs change nouns piunouns me to suit Bio gender and take the so remarks to herself Mrs console yourself niter nays get none of the nward" If rou "hope tor poor Mary's sake" for her luanchil welfare go to Mr with teais in your eyes If need be supplioatinglv it necessary nnd Implore him to pay limy the ifoe eighteen months ngo TV ids per gently in his onr to pay her interest Hu may be so intent ou looking afu i "liussibiffties for Mary in society'1 us to forget it Mr Editor this Is our last We thank you for ace in your paper ATToaaais row Maiiv I ot rest Ifoit iu friend from Ilia East visiting ln'i tliis week A good snowcr un uint Monday winch rev'ves vegetation very mueh The Wiianii Bros have nleroil a new' Nil In Is At Shepard threshing machine James tbiibrnilh hm bou ht tbe Phil lips property winch joins him cast Jiimimn han been uwnv visltlnf fimm's Liu lutuiieu ui hist Munday night On nn Mv 11 win outa Tl BP) arsrU'V I No7s Cv Vlrb'lryL tfr g'ni ArGnmftn fa io Vr OlJfKV Co 4 LI vhiwtDti daUnty Hlld Jtenl EfllaCexAencjV MontyiLouMd an lUal EttaU AtwtrMH TlUo to Ijindft in thi Cuuu(yY i ccnalnta nhow ihoexi6)ndtiluA ViTucl*tU Tltkire miiMhg CHhcUonf mIu inrrhatJoof HuaI KbIbuj drawing couvoytnciM1'1 GPIog in IIu'vGp HulMMfidYet Dnfty fi Dim yO' mlnlr Min hi Pavnf Iran HI fijt Jiiazi TKr '1 yj Kent bstnttt anu Uojlect Agt p'h'Tq MuktUsr Abstract slu*t Paring Taxes 4ie I cUity onkM ovor v'ttlvur'a Itatik ISMittae tW ji ii i it xawaAsM 'Sa m'u luV W5 tel kespe t)lit at this grows cf rstwr in a are awauv aenwsx ro take Oa th Hh of April of Last rear Cattisg Grain Too Early rom experieuecd ltiii men we learn that farmcre in this vKiiiuy somewhat given locutting small graris while too green It Is c'niined a large percentage of bulk and qualltv is lost to the farmer By the great mis take of cutting too early hi lla old days of harvesting with a cral'c it was necessary to lcgin cutting whcft etc while yet in the early 'tigo of rp ealag so that the chving up of harvest might not im! the grain too ripe But In these days of rapid work with the improved reaptt'q nutchinerv grain ny safely be allowed to get rip before cutting th securing greater yield and better quality then by the system of Lax vesting Ufc lertko grain is fairly out of tbe We mention this for the benefit of these i interested 'lNlrl'v IvuJttiitJk'lliy rokik nora MhJtarf ind tw LititatMic 4 ta' i' a TT is Kil MVra CTO AO aA JI ik: JVaM HT LiS pi tiAlMf th 4Rr tn 'fiiWftuj a ru ra 1 a ixi in ra CllpM 7 hi ftiwtr aad good pyi UHuiaUr UOINGHOriH Vo Vo £5 am llWati faflOpm Ufipiu tnlUaiu put 1 JM pin Hit tJ'lVj pil put pm 5:1 A am 7:0 mu bnM am Rin ltf14 WA Aia 1XMTAI BUBVlTIKl otdick it Chatsworth was fa fawn Tuesday Henry Remington has been In Chicago on buslnaa thi week The new addition to mlU 1 ha been treated to aooakof pntaL 1 Lattimer ha bi new ban painted red with the strip painted white which look very neat Hornbeck residing three miles south west Is very fl! with con sumption and is not expected to live long Monday Spenc sold to Hanna Uro 50 head of very line hogs which ware brought to town in ntno wagon Walter Gamer for seme montta employed nt Potitiscetting brick at a kiln returned to his borne at Ihlsploce Wednesday Sid Herzberg is editor ot the chess and game column of the new demo cratic paper at Ho is well jiosted in that line A Mahannah for some weeks in attendance at United States Court Chicago a Juryman returned home Monday looking well Tlie track at th air Grounds is 1 being put in the best possible condition for use and the gates will lie mien so mat me track may be used fry all who desire a good drive ami He riven have gone into the stock dealing business They pro pose to handle horses bogs or cattle Tuesday night they shipped a car load of hogs to Chicago Garner trailed nW of Kan sas land for a tai near Pekin Taze well county this State to which place he will remove in a few weeks having given up his Nebraska intentions Gregg appeared on tlie streets on last Tuesday supported by crutches for the first time since tlie accident by which his right leg was broken His mnnv friends hope for a speedy recovery for iiiut Wliiteinore returned luiniu Tuesday luid hu been employing Inni self tn telephonic experiments since A lino of communication has been opened up between his residence and that of Henry Morgan's across tbe a treet afternoon and Monday this section of country was treated to tine showers of rain which were very much needed These timely ruins will make thousands of dollars for tbe farmers as all kinds of crops were suf fering for water young man borrowed Jolm Vir gin's mare last Saturday and going lo Weston bitched her out some time in tlie evening she got loose from ihe fastening and out" When found she was about ten miles north of Wes ton She was brought to this city on Sunday evening of our exchanges taking hol iday Uns week on account of the 4th of July did uot issue a paper but the Indkekniunt Bladk came ont all the saneaaU there were no 4th of July nnd itaenployee celebrated the anni versary aa welt aa the most patriotic of our ootetnporarieii and Mrs Allen riiillijsi for merly ot Uiis place but now of Tojmka Kansas were both killed by lightning ixn dunoay air aud Mr rhillijH are the parents of Mrs A Iligbeetof this place and Mr Pliillipe is a brother of Joseph Phillips well knowu here Mr and Mrs Higbee went to Topeka Monday funeral sermon of Mr John Thompson was preached last Sun day at the Union Church at the bead of Indian Grove by Elder Thompson of Ottawa There wm a large con course of people present The bouse was tilled and as many more could not gain atlint ttanee The exercises were very interesting lartiee contemplating purchase of lands in Kansas should consult the editor of this iuer io is agent for the sale of lands of the Atchison pri i a MUlHgui EveutMons to Klusley Kausna and return on the 17th and 31st Of this month All in formation relative to terms prices etc given at this office are receipt of a copy of the premium list of tlie Illinois State air hich is to be held at reeport login ning Septemlier 16tli In addition to the premium list there is a complete list of county and district fairs of the State names of ssanufaeturers of drain tile and statistics coneeswing wnuaagev ait or waieh are rateable for reference SoL Baker began last week moving the school building ou the west side of town to the school lot on the southide This week the building was lo cated ia its place oa the east side of the large building and forms an ell to it and will be fitted for use when school begins this fall Tbe plastering of the building was left intact although the bnikling traveled over a mile in getting to its new location This speaks well for Bakert manxysamt Moberly the popular restau ranteur of the West side has a Texas mocking bird which is a wonderful suissie and keeps its lungs in constant exeresM There is no bird or fowl it cannot mock unless it bo tbs turkey gobbler and we rithcr guess it co*ckjgubbto' with a little proctwe Mr Msberiy has been oJereri Ji' for the bin! by a snah in liens dear hr! a bo tPjunn 'uf Attorney Counsellor at Ufflcti with OUw fi On A prifthjp Btadt tuud clftluT uBtiac 111 dr uruw of PhoenU Jlotel 1 PONTUtb lUe The flrst buuil ju tbu WlHtWo cMsonn on 'Must tnii u4 fifatfH ateth umiroutloH tboroHtfMu A yuul culture Having tina twvehtl yuttfa yiuiioe hi b'flchlnix I how to bft able tujdvft Itatluth l'enn iMnammblu thruft ti blocks nftrlit niitairy III Jaau t87f 7 tavmiu i wmvmt OUlfuOTx Jlrn Niiloniil Itaik WiWtylE lite i Loan an rest aiid scsnrliy to UVInsrion Owt 1iiff oottntleft Mutiuv ilfajv ufthfl jAu rx bu muUqII forma aad fltlLO SlAtlSnALL I I Dray Express Transfer line riolyhU pranqnly dullviM In sll parts onueity itetn nxwlxx i ill) uirbury ill' tr A 1 UUyt lyl 111 I Joint lSifWAjr xrxw "''General Teamster a ttnppega nail frrlirhUrsnrienufl and dulkrortd in uin pin of il cUy fa lou twl wmtHMkhrw Tlmfl hiding Onleri 4 VentraliMU pwmpl fatwHag "tArnCmu Piiinn Org in Harmony' tint? vv bty 1 PlrtfaJHlr? ritfirw aarr rd KITsm' til llouk tdani thl5 Canion lOitOftin Bnelinvllv? JHtftnv pm Biirlltitflou i ui 7iV5 tu Kfokuk 2:10 vpi Giuuri luum pm uiwprn (Lapid 1245ftin ia Air i 1 re iisra 1 Ottumwa JltiO De a Muiuufti a Oniahi tnn Hl JiMupli A4uaUHy ftiwam ir in sesrararai 4 0HEAPE8TSd BEST 'VW s' I b1 WEEKLYiPO lim ATEH I rihtmur Sited trite CditaMal Jtews MS1S 11 Sj vmistn any Ono Oubraxis jesr Poelsits Paid MS coals btaKirreV' A 4' uTTeosUT 'a se OseyesrJlHrasirslAfi i KM' We uxoroto to Knutly ester TUtt OAlLY iUbi dtirtug (Artubffr after wbcb Ihtf prieg will oe fW aunuMk piMUtn imUL Ail fa eb furq ttuLtrgttUicui at 4M ptwiMMft SwUt rocvlr (ha vnhUKtKlMpef tattmtwlul eh iiaie without oxir Sum: UtctAto Aufa MbulhlWtrui4Wei iyauUmjvM AWrue' TUfi thMThum WfiQUuI PWT tear far tt ftafail of 100 sAtan sHshA raJ 5 4 I Toledo Ihno a 7 Clrvclatrd Huffala SUttu NpwYctt TlOiWft ia fonnMAnrt it Ki Me' HW! fc 4 iirfodrte ISi'IUpm IS tlfllU 1 Jl UteJ hix71 Justice 6f th PpACfrf tttKp CuU krmngcm'cnt of XjtUiOjtUslir No lino rocllnlu clultffSnWrlfri'uta'T Wit fcMii lallliftiit or ra gfaN ij 'I A ii a rbiWitawmafWian 'n aitn Tl Ill 1 1 7 7 li wVkb 7 1 31 is 'Jr JI A BlMxIS VfiHk'i'w 2b otfrtuw AVen'c sk mu A' iffl 4 raA BaSuKEEBBI tMtiae ww 1 wrtffa faamw jor wwt of JoLg 41 'tl U'iteo 1 2 unxws ixosutad rsn vriy Hll Collwthnl pwwjrtly 24 xm ft isr Sri A an Pudl ftsritns rssPs rtaJflVr jd tvfew Ud vy jjsi A 4 tori SU a akhr pa fat the tlaM 7 x1 sj LEQAle4 34 n'a ihH MhereaV briSctrC Uo Altai th3 1 uuftatfs iUiMhus lXfaoaJaiwK LsrfoUai MwkoCtff mra 3C tea 7 Iilisro ft HfwiltWilUx! I tbduwwof Wtw 1 So i wvCTni uor i si sjr low of VvfaMg tmawaeU'f 4 1 nt cocMfk tfliMKU niauiU aooh AClAiUdUk IBv ifaVaK I ffMaitrr tMWHiifiinrtelfiaiTil i ic i iffi Un 'kkttilAu' Ifaf vUb Ul dre fafa £hchfa I wnMnuai us i aw mmnratAa mar a 1 NUuX tai 11 nricl wlla a 4 vs wtaga farrmai Ut OgaWaaMr'Ar 1 Jfv ivt ISM mil II iMte rjTS I irato remretn A ww in i trsw msSWBw SM a WeassYi1' mw i initar A1 sTsrilteu I 1 ro to iw SETTLE UP 4 a 4 A egoi Mraa A hr riLa 1 tax wWiEfjWt ore ora sa wwiuMf VI WW at "waif ateftH Mftre to asfal Ifc aMMBbuHn te iwfaf far satga (tat ifaMb otaM thwprtmfacanftBM UtW GT Cfik vO 114 ihtfar 04 KWJ04 5 Muwva as arras KUBM wmm uwv wkbwu i simvt rriyr ro ihftblttlnMufaUl i4m cU JMMNUatav nig st Ura eM Wand and sslUe up their Sff A i rot 'rot? fi serosa 5 taw as Us roJ sstuCEta pHUdlJwetfToaulx' Xu tartar Jladtatenav ltal jsstSesSiSs ten 4 Us lo teroM te ro I SB atul aaowr to a vnunr man namad TwrassSs was wan ran fwrararaR a ran Wsrii wrasrara nora ta: bsjan iu Kro taA a ustoofe todtafi te Jft Ite vaag tw Trirurrs su tara iz Hfouuo a 'CkSfll wro iiiaYwiiwfaQiUWk faM Mg CKaatB VBA WTTO taw tavtW raa ta onfel al MiKIiMi af T'MWS wm rra vbiA ilrwa snrljlM IwUtns SS UsraxntsfobeYoMl thecauauwatan rak Tetera i nn a Urs Shan and grtUnc tbe real ready KsteeitaX 'T an khssaa lAnlv ITT ton os SMehaniaa In thin Issirata tooto tw OAfftai ta taaaa kra ainrt Tf XY fiftJOKA w5i tirj n4ci vJX aa ifi ta i gftsvra enwoMBKamtsa Btaqr miMwmag sa wraev vTwxxyt gnBrn wiei ovv VIM evMt ferlWt JBHkf el ta to Uft uiu i ni uMura pfr WgW bhoft'w MraM ifewnm vtaat ra ran us nAtoffU ZT to 3 to 2T IT i 'j S4SMt3Aro urUk ra I in MaK ns' ex ras sr wa'ntoosx 4W'4V 1 fr WaAteSA tort Nx a ravtann vtan ou JVtl ABV ta UVOL lWf UAl roc Vt tl MM fsMTfttt nUT KCsK Wa IO aS se Cl Zfbt Sataar 4 nab4taJr i irZX' Sfi ro tel 7 rote te tat' iv A i aw.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.