The Weekly San Diegan-Sun from San Diego, California (2024)

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The Weekly San Diegan-Suni

San Diego, California

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MS WEEKLY SAN DIEGAN SUN 5 Li JOLLA CALIORNIA 1 By PORTERIELD CONSTRUCTIVE Development LEAGUE 3 i 1 a CAKE OR THE STREETS PRESBYTERIANS for the 'i ment is contraryjo fact No govern KALOON LICENSES REUSED Trlb cures bruises and sprains INDEPENDENCE OICES I OUND NOT GUILTY WASHINGTON WHEAT CROP Ml 4 which to us 0 4 Tourists and Other Visitors Continue to Personal and News Notes Tacoma Wash April Reports from eastern Washington state that the season Is very backward for the wheat i Washington April The president has sent the following nominations to the senate: John Densmore receiver of public moneys at Independence California Stafford Austin register of the land office at Independence Cal ifornia Mount Holly April 3 The jury in the case of Mrs Mabel Haines accused of beating her three year old step child to death returned a verdict of not guilty this morning She claimed the child died of natural causes 1 Troposed By William Smythe i WEEKLY SAN DIEGAN SUN Oberlin Carter ex captain Is ill of typhoid fever at ort Leavenworth military prison Make all remittances payable to POB TERIELD All communications intended for the edi torial department should be addressed plainly to the editor 1 To vitalize the politics of the state and compel It to deal with living measures of constructive character 2 To reform the water laws and build public works of Irriga constructed by the nation when public lands are to be watered and by the state when private lands are to be watered 3 To adopt the New method of purchasing improv ing and leasing the great estates as a means of giving the masses of tlie men easy access to the soil 4 To ado the New Zealand system of compulsory arbitration for the settlement of all dlsputosbetween capital and labor 5 To encourage the extension of ro operatlve methods throughout the industrial life of the state for the purpose of widening the California market at home and abroad and of ef fecting the utmost economy In sale of products and purchase of supplies CALIORNIA AND NEVADA' A Program for I The members of the council In the course of committee work are now giving some attention to those needed improvements which might be pro vided and which it has been Infor proposed should be provided by 41 bond issue and it Is easily seen that if all wants are satisfied the city will be bonded for all the property will bear and all the law will allow There are demands for streets and boulevards parks sewers water pipes fire houses and many other om provements and the worst of it Is thatall demands are supported by good and reasonable arguments The city really needs everything asked for andought to have It all but of course that is not within tho limit of our buying capacity The line must be drawnsomewhere? A moment's consideration of the subject will disclose sufficient reason for these accumulated demands reason Is that the city has done noth ing in the way of general Improve ment during the past dozen years Itsefforts have been concentrated on one sole object the purchase of the city water system Tills was task enough for the times as those who engagedIn It will readily admit It was byfar themostimportant business theclty "had to take up and it has been ac compllshed successfully There are other cities oi greater size In Callfor nla which have not yet accomplished 4 the feat of purchasing their water sys and to that extent are behind San Diego JBut the water plant has been pur and It is now In order to look after other matters and to take care of city interests which have time been neglected And of all tlie city Interests have been neglected It seems tiiat the streets deserve first attention fact is that property ow ners have been shamefully imposed upon by thecity collectively In the matter of street care and street property owners as individuals have paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars for grading streets and put ting them In order and then those streets have been neglected by the city and allowed to go back to trail condl tions This lias not been right Those streets should have been cared for 1 nnd kept In the condition they were placed in when they were turned over to the city 1 Now If taxes are to be levied the plan of procedure should contemplate without failure a system of perfect 0 care of the streets we have and the future care of such new streets or boulevards as may be made 4 sThls means of course a permanent enlargement of the city street force rand the purchase of such road making machinery as may be required to make new roads am? to keep all streets and roads in order This should be the first Item In anycontemplated improvements THE TRAINER DEW DROP Trll Company During several seasons I have used your lini ment Trlb successfully In tlie treat ment of sprains bruises etc on Oul liould Iron Heart Lady Bath Dew Drop Our Dick and other horses un der my care I ain thoroughly satis fied with It HUGH WILLIS Willis himself one of the most suc cessful drivers of the day' confirms the testimony of many other practical men His present home address Is Bodies California and he declares af ter four years continuous use that as a liniment for horse and man Trlb is as near perfection as he ever expects to see BEET SUGAR BUSINESS etc all bringing the total expenditures for tlie year up to $467143 The bal ance of tlie receipts was applied on the payment of the church debt After the reports came brief speech es by various members Including the pastor Rev Taylor to whose earnest and untiring efforts the splen did results of the past year are very largely due 'I The following officers were then elected for the ensuing year: Trustees Herbert Nat II Titus Gearn Nelles CoulthurstElders Naylor Newkirk Mc rKenzie Dr Rupp Deacons Dr Harbison Ijruner AC King Deinn As soon as the church mortgage la finally paid off and all debts cleared away the churcli edifice win be for mally dedicated with Imposing cere monies The irst Presbyterian church now has 488 lAembers in gooff standing and is an of which any city might weir be Itr membership represents tho Lest citizenship the town knows anything about whether in business or civic circles The Presbyterians do not as a rule elect women to high places In their corinclls but there 1st at least one woman who deserves a pretty high plakie the irst church of this city Slie is a widow and lives in a very beautiful house on upper ifth street and the Sun learns In very rounda bout way that it was lady who has given $2000 to the church to make final payment on the debt How the New Law Operates in Los Angeles Young county superintendent of the anti saloon league has received a letter from Dr Chapman state superintendent stating that tlie Los AJigeles board of supervisors had re fused to renew the licenses of twenty two county saloon keepers and had the cases of fiften others under advise ment some of which would be jre fused It seems that all licenses for saloons In the rural part of Los Angeles coun ty expire March 31st of each year The ordinance Is such that if twenty five voters protest against a renewal or new application tlKf saloon keeper must get the endorsem*nt of fifty per cent of the votehrs in the precinct The league andlts friends worked up protests against 47 of the established saloons and secured evidence against'' a number showing that they had been violating the provisions of the ordi nance The result of the first hearing was tlie granting of only twelve renewals and treating the others as mentioned above Dr Chapman says: was a glori otfs victory a result worth life struggle There nre others to follow and tlie good work ill go on Washington dispatch: The Ameri can Beet Sugar company of which Henry Oxnard Is president had Its annual meeting in the Cbrporatloln Trust office in Jersey City April 1 Stockholders received the re port of the progress during 1901 nnd re elected the eld directors The report submitted shows the to tal production of sugar by the com pany for the year was' 77932500 pounds as compared with last production of 33351560 pounds The reported gross earnings wefo 04760 as compared with $1981707 last year Cost of operating was $2 66702918 maintenance $36271001 and surplus $49130737 rom this amount $225000 Is deducted for gen eral expenses and Interest leaving available for dividends 826030737 The surplus for 1900 was $425636 and cost of maintenance $242530 The sum of $26630737 permits a dividend of 6 per cent on $4000000 of pre ferred stock outstanding and leaves a balance of about $26000 The best idea of the real progress of the company is shown by the differ ence between the gross earnings for 1900 and 1901 The net profits and surplus do not show the actual pro gress of the business for 1901 because of the large sum charged off under the head of operating expenses This item of $2667024 is two and a half times that of last year A Splendid inancial Showing for tb Past Year Largely Due fo ree Pew System Tlie annual meeting of the irst Presbyterian church which wfis held in tho church parlors at Eighth and I last evening Was one of the most delightful gatherings in the long his tory of that prominent and prosper ous organization The evening opened with an elabor ate and toothsome supper In the ha gu dining rooms served by the ladles oi the church to which all present male and female did ample justice i After supper came the annual reports of the various departments of the church work the most important pos sibly iieing that of tlie board of tins tees of which red Nelles Is treas urer and Coulthurst This report lays special stress upon the wonderful success which has at tended the decision to abandba the pew selling system for that of envel ope and voluntary giving The report wers the year which closed March 31 and stalls off ns follows: sub mitting their annual report tlie board desires to thftnk God for His manifest blessing upon our congregation in the prosperity He has vouchsafed for the past year and In tbe heartiness with wJch tlie largely Increased contribu tions have been made 'it being a very noticeable fact thht these have come 'without any urging 'whatever after the of the new system unless the yearly statements Sent out in the latter part of March can be so considered And in July no special collections were taken nor pledges asked to meet the cfiurch note and the money was ready when required The change in the system has lieeti the means of drawing the congrega tion closer together and of making the stranger feel more welcome The sal aries are allpajd in full and since the adoption of the new system have al ways been so paid promptly an im provement that some at least will ap preciate In brief while the trustees have always endeavoed to use the greatest care In disbursem*nts no necessary expenditure has beed put off and the promptness" with which they have been able to meet all de mands has been gratifying indeed During the past year In addition to edrrent demands the church debt wits reduced permanent improvements made and extra Insurance paid to the amount of $148749 and the amount of plate collections and receipts through envelopes during tlie year ex ceeded the pew rents and plate collec tions of the previous year by thirty per cent but not least and beyond anythlngwe could have hoped for the gunerous Easter offering of the congregation coupled with the mog nifleent contribution of $2000 from ouo source: have enabled us to provide in full for the whole balance of the church debt of $3000 $2000 are on hand with the remainder in sight and the mortgage is now on the way here from the east for payment The name be praised" The treasurer's report showed total plate collections for the year of $64712 or about $1250 per Sunday' pew rents for tlie quarter ending July 1 last year' when the system was abandon ed $72032 and Weekly contributions since that date amounting to $297001 and contribution from the Ladles Aid society and all other sources during the year amounting to a total of $5 04868 i The expenditures for the year In cluded the following Items: salary $2000 salary $3(0 choir $240 janitor $370 gas $140 i church hymnals $00 taxes Interest supply Presbyterlal supply water Insurance ($71350) repairs I Several New Cottages Under Constri'ction 4 30 75 150 375 100 Mrs Ann Rickey a well known and highly esteemed lady of Carson Neva 5 do 67 years of age who recovered xfrom a ven' serious sprain through cslffg Trib wrote: on advertls Trib till all the world knows of this great new Chas Bowers trainer Stanford stock farm Palo Alto Calif said: 5 Is the best liniment I ever put on a WAITE EDiTOll BY CARRIER OR AGENTS DAILY Per Month 25 I Edward Tregear secretary for labor of New Zealand writes as follows to the New York Post: My attention has been drawn to an article headed Country Without 1 write a few lines of com ment with I trust an impartial pen since 1 have no personal reasons for wishing to influence the Ideas of the citizens of tlie United States in one direction or another I have however some intei'est in endeavoring to pre vent tlie circulation of errors concern ing New Zealand and I venture to criticise the value of the alleged facts on which your leader was based That bright pictures havebeen drawn by visitors (alluded to as of In their' representations of tlie effect of our labor laws and other progressive legislation Is unde niable Whether such 'pictures pro duced by Intelligent observers from abroad are to be preferred before the more gloomy Illustrations of Mr Grattan Grey Is a moot question A man like Mr Gray may have lived for forty years In a colony and at the end of that time his opinions or reflections are not necessarily either profound op valuable Our politics politicians morals society people economic con ditions industrial position etc may be all that Mr Grey represents but on the other hand they may not 1 re spect fully suggest that Americans should very tearfully abstain from re garding such pictures as photographs but should rather accept them as am ateur sketches tinted by the national ity prejudice and Infirmities of the painter Such a remark of course ap plies equally to the views presented by the of but in a less degree since their private relations! to the colony are unlikely to be over strained Leaving however the personal ques tion as to your' informant allow me to touch upon some of the industrial and! economic matters involved In your ar ticle The assertions generally are: lrst That compulsory arbitration has out a disastrous That the general economic outlook of the colony is far from be ing roseate in That seeking In parliament have strained the relations between employer and em ployee" That the farmers are manding repeal of the laws from which they are To answer even these few points with anything like the fairness they properly require would take up more space than I dare petition the editor for I may say In reference to them: (ast has been nicknamed)ls so far from being a disastrous falllire that it Is here considered a pronounced success Onjy a revolution could displace it Last session an mnending act was passed whereby the boards of concili ation iwhich have no power of enforc ing their recommendations) were practically set aside in favor of the court of arbitration that can enforce Its awards with all the of the supreme nay with even higher powers since against tire dictum of the president of the arbitration court there is no appeal Here then ns an" Swer to calumnies sent abroad by in terested persons we have the spec tacle of a people of a colony after onvor vanro' orriprlAnrft nf arbitration approving and re apprdv ing its principle Our nearest colonlai neighbor New South Wales sent one of Its leading judges across to us to in vestigate the working of the act? on the spot As a resalt that colony has just passed a compulsory arbitration act of a more drastic character than cairs for there sire no boards of con ciliation provided for New South Wales South Australia and Western Australia have similar legislation on our model Strange that as we have failed our near neighlors are so blind as to follow us into the pit into which we floundered in 1894! Sccond The general economic out look of the colony' We were told years ago that the effect of labor legis lation would be to capital out of the yet after ten years of labor legislation capital has not yet spread its wings for flight Indeed capital has extended Its operations so much that our factories which In 1894 employed 25851 hands now em plov over 53000 that is the work has more than doubled The total trade of New Zealand has advanced from I a Jolla April La Julia is assuming quite a lively appearance in the way of building and other im provements which are now In prog ress There are three new houses go ing up two for Mr Davis on the blufls overlooking the ocean and one for Mr Hobbs on Grand avenue These are all to be handsome substan tial houses Mr A Nialls is adding the finishing touches In the way of paint ta his house Prof house is receiving a coat of paint and Chase building Is fast nearing completion The ground around the Scripps place are being laid but anew and beautified under the superintend ence of Miss Sessions At Utowana cottage last Saturday afternoon Mrs Hebbard gave de lightful party to her Utile granddaughter Eight or ten llttlg girls spent a happy afternoon with va rious games at the close of which the daintiest of refreshments were serv ed 1 Easter sen ices in the union church were well attended The church was beautifully decorated with lilies The morning service was conducted by Mr Daniel' Cleveland In the after noon Rev Johnson preached and spe cial music was rendered by Mrs See ley and Mrs Woodworth The Wednesday club had as their subject this week A Mrs Thorpe and Miss Yeckley con tributing sketches of his life The fine weather and low tides ot this week have brought many tourists each day Mrs Robertson and family are spen ding a week in San Diego Mr and Mrs Pinkerton and Air and Mrs Goddard of Pittsburg Pa were guests of Mrs Scott last Saturday Mr Barris and Mrs ilalUday of Colorado Springs Col spent a few days here last week Miss Helen Delange of Denver Col accompanied by her mother and sis ter arrived here Thursday and are oc cupying one of the Chase cottages Miss Delangs Is well known in La Jolla having been here many times before She is something of an artist and anticipates crtrylng away with her many beautiful sketches of round ing scenery Mr George ishburn and family of San Diego are occupying Neptune cot tage for a few days and have as their guest Miss Helen Hodge Miss Brewer with a party of San Diego teachers is occupying the Brew er cottage Mr And Mrs Brackenbrough and Miss Eleanor Brackenbrough of La fayette Ind and Sir Bracken brough of San rancisco are for the time being domiciled In Alar Vista cottage Mr Howe a prominent resi dent of Mellette South Dakota who has been on this coast since Decem ber was among visitors Mr and Mrs ed Stevens and Mrs Arch Stevens ot San Diego are stay ing here for a few days Mr and Mrs George Hannahs with a party of friends were out here for the day rom Infancy To Age and made entirely of harmless ingredients BESTbecaiiBO it is non irrltatlng and never grlpeaor causes yain Irritation BEST because it la sure andnever fh BEB1 sjR if because Children like it and atkforit BESTbecauBo I 5S its tonic properties are so good and eo strengthen it keeps tho little ones in fine hearty condition It is a dangerous thing to give little babies cathartics that rack and rend their little bodies DON DO give them Laxakola or constipation coated tongue simple colds and fevers it is invaluable Laxakola for CHrli on the threshold of womanhood has been found invaluable When P10 and the eye" ttdr sS hands cold arpcUte eone or terns ccncrally run down they need building up and tneir (Bull bowel action to cleanse and its tonic ProrUes to btUldui the8ystemwm8howimmedlateandmoatbeneficlalresulte xkla for Mother It Is particularly valuable and useful to women especially mothers Sth aafe remedy to use during all concHUons of health vriienover their peculiar and delicate constitutions ree a Bild and efficient laxative and tonic while to mothers worn out with the care of tem therefore are particularly susceptible to disease A I Laxakola particularly appeals 1 it clears the complexion brightens the eye sharpens the rernovesmuddyandhlotclMdcondiUonomerti Mdcuresslckheadachetoacertatotyhyrennglw MU To women suffering from chronic tenstlpation head aches biliousness dizziness sallowness of the skin and Oyspepela Laxakola will Invariably briny relief Lxakla list OH olk In the Winter of Life when the various organs through 1 ong years ot action have become more or less sluggish itbe Lmesnecessary to stimulate them by some remedy best adapted to that purpose That Laxakola is such has been proved beyond all question Its gentle warming wooing action on the bowels liver and kidneys to WSULffSZ increased activity cleanses the blood quickens clrcu latlon and puts the whole system in a condition of health and enables it to ward off disease while its tonic properties tone up the system and keep it healthy Laxakola Does It Laxakol i not only the mort remedy five the money AU 77oXT CO IJZ tarn St or 356 rbon St Chicago SMALL ORTUNE IN AREWELL GITS Bank Which 13 Going Out of Exist ence Gave Its Employes from $50 to' $11? 000 Each tScrlpps McRae Chicago MarcK29 Tbe Merchants "National bank presented Its clerks with farewell gifts yesterday after fioon The gifts were In cash and ag gregated between $70000 and $80000 The presents were handed out with 1 'put ceremony and before the rtclpi ents knew what the envelopes con talned the chief officers of the Inslltu stlon put on their hats and departed This will be the last day of tlie old existence and on Monday It will be merged into the Corn Exchange is relational an inlnrA nf thP llfink WHO 11RU Bteld his position for over 37 years re reived a check for $12000 while the night watchman received one for Another employe found a check In his envelope for $3000 and the' lowest amount of money given to a any clerk was $50 That was award bed to a messenger boy who Had serv r1 tto Institution only a few months The gifts came as a complete surpriseto all $64000000 In 1886 to IliTOOO 000 in WOO Statistics show that tlie private property In the colony was in 1891 of the valueof $728000000 lnl890 it had grown to the value of $11 14 W0 000 To the latter add 5220000000 value ot public property and the assets are worth consideration The revenue of the colony in 1W1 was $29500000 and showed an increase of $1361000 over the return of the preceding year I do not wish to weary the reader with figures but I cannot see iu what way the colony is decadent In regard to the relations between employer and employee being strained may 1 ask whether good feeling is promoted by strikes lock outs piketing detectives etc? Compulsory arbitration certainly has not strained this feeling Last session of parliament the Right Hon Mr Seadon who Is minister for 'labor as well as premier declared to the house of representatives has never been a better feeling between employers and employed than at the present Surely the pre mier addressing the represen tatives would know as well what wak the condition of the citizens as Mr Grattan Grey then in Europe So far as my power of observation goes class bitterness is almost unknown in New1 Zealand and most kindly feel ings exist between employer and em ployed There are no beggars In the colony and poverty of the kind com mon in the big cities of Europe and America is almost unknown No where in the world can "so many well clad rosy faced jieople be seen togther as in a New Zealand crowd If they are dissatisfied' and fretting against their working conditions they must have the art of concealment in high degree That farmers are de manding the repeal of the laws fromwhich they are 'is probable' If allusion to the of is meant They suffer from thunder storms caterpillars sparrows etc as furners do elsewhere and they are about as easily satisfied as farmers elsewhere but if by is meant the legislation of late years the state ment ever did so much for the fann Kus as that of New Zealand The crown has bought up large private es fates and cut them up Into farms for the sons It has borrowed millions in Europe at low interest to lend to the farmers in order to clear off mortgages at heavy Interest The crown lands have been thrown open far selection among those who could only pay as rent the interest on the capital value and not pay down the capital Itself any money on hand be ing thus available for stock fencing ete Village settlements homestead settlements co operative roads and railway works all have iielped strug gling settlers The agricultural de partment has been instituted has ex amined blights distributed seeds and roots graded butter and cheese for ex lort arranged markets abroad and otherwise protected farming interests Large sums Which would have helped swell the revenues have been remitted by the government railways fares lowered freights lowered (freights free iu some cases such as llnie for manuring land) and considerable local concessions made I cannot under stand under what laws the farmers suffer Not under the" ordinary labor which generally affect manufac tories shops etc Canlt be an allusion to compulsory arbitration? In the last session of parliament member after member representing conntry districts spoke against an amendment to the arbitration bill in which it was proposed to exempt the agricultural and pastoral: occupations from Its operations they Indignantly asked' should the benefits be stowed on the indus tries by compulsory arbitration lie denied to settlers tn the country dis Almost unanimously they passed the new stringent and compul sory clauses of that arbitration bill No stronger answer could be made than was made by them on that oc casion and If such a law causes them suffering their heroic self martyrdom is beyond praise BY MAIL (STBICTtV is advancs One Month Three Months Six Months One Year One Year '7 Li a 4 A 6 I 10 jf lllfc Kxr i 4 I.

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The Weekly San Diegan-Sun from San Diego, California (2024)


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If you're wondering why San Diego is considered one of the best places to live, you've come to the right place. America's Finest City boasts of some of the best year-round weather; has easy access to beaches, mountains, and greenspaces; and offers residents jobs in a variety of in-demand industries.

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San Diego is renowned for its idyllic climate, 70 miles of pristine beaches and a dazzling array of world-class family attractions. Popular attractions include the world-famous San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park, SeaWorld San Diego and LEGOLAND California.

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The cost of living in San Diego, CA is 4% higher than the state average and 43% higher than the national average. San Diego, CA housing is 115% more expensive than the U.S average, while utilities are about 12% pricier.

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4,5A baby born in San Diego County in 2022, has a life expectancy of 80.8 years, but within the county, there is currently a 12.5 year gap in life expectancy between some communities.

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With world-class SoCal beaches, a staggering 17 museums in Balboa Park, animal adventures, and a charming Old Town, San Diego's got it all.

What food is San Diego known for? ›

10 Best Local Dishes from San Diego
  • Fish tacos. Don't miss this San Diego favorite. ...
  • California-style pizza. A slice like you've never had before. ...
  • See also. Ocean Beach. ...
  • Oysters. Sample the city's luxurious seafood options. ...
  • California carne asada burrito. ...
  • Clam chowder. ...
  • Sushi burrito. ...
  • Ceviche.

Why is San Diego so healthy? ›

Zoom in: San Diego County's health factors are about the same as the average county in California, but better than the national average. The county's biggest strengths: Adults participating in physical activity and their access to exercise.

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This family-centric city offers affordable living, high income, low crime, access to water sports, an outdoor lifestyle, very good universities, diverse neighborhoods, many road trips, reasonable traffic, good food, and drinks, and great year-round weather makes this a very good city to live.

What are the benefits of living in San Diego? ›

Outdoor fun: San Diego is an outdoor lover's dream come true. Surf and snorkel in the Pacific Ocean, lounge on the beach, hike one of the city's many trails and canyons, or enjoy its beautiful public parks and city centers. Popular outdoor attractions include La Jolla and Balboa Park.

What is the downside of living in San Diego? ›

Con: High cost of living

The cost of living in San Diego is 43% higher than the national average. Housing prices, in particular, pose a challenge for many residents, with median home prices and rents far exceeding those in other parts of the country.

Are people happier in San Diego? ›

The personal finance website recently published a report that ranked the happiest cities in America, and three local cities made the list. San Diego ranked 15th, Chula Vista ranked 27th, and Oceanside ranked 34th, according to WalletHub.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.